Ashita No Joe is a boxing manga and anime that is iconic to Japanese shores. Starring the titular Joe Yabuki, he fights his way up to the top while remaining true to himself. The series has become influential and has inspired other manga such as Hajime No Ippo. However, recently for its 50th anniversary, its spiritual successor Megalobox released and currently has a second season. However, while they are both very similar, there are elements that are distinctly different.

These are the various similarities and differences between the respective animes. Viewers are warned of spoilers.

10 Similar – Underdog Feel

The core spirit of the two animes is how they make the audience feel like rooting for the underdogs. Both of the main characters always have that drive to keep going. To gradually go beyond what they are despite the odds being stacked against them.

This is clear regardless of the different settings. How they both feel dirty and the main characters being in a lower class compared to the rest of the world. However, they use their willpower and strive to go beyond what they are perceived to be capable of.

9 Different – Setting

Although both settings are fairly down-to-earth and dirty, they are different enough to stand on their own respectively. The setting of Ashita No Joe is set within contemporary Japan during that era. With dirty slums and the city being fairly realistic overall. Meanwhile, this is contrasted by the setting of Megalobox. While the dirtier and down-to-earth aesthetic still applies, there are elements where the universe is more advanced compared to the original. A notable example is the exoskeletons that are present across the majority of boxers.


8 Similar – Climbs To The Top

Along with the underdog feeling that both shows share, they also have the characters prove themselves to meet an unclimbable odd. For both Joes, the main goal was for them to climb up in order to fight their eternal rival. Reaching higher despite being unknown to the majority of the boxing community. This makes their victory against opponents with higher reputations feel that much more satisfying. But it also makes the weights of their potential defeats also feel more powerful.

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7 Different – Reasons To Fight

Although both Joes have a similar call to action, their respective reasons for going into the boxing sport are a little different. For Joe Yabuki, he joined for a selfish reason and strived for something more through Rikiishi. Meanwhile, Gearless Joe has always been a megalo boxer but he felt unfulfilled and wanted to fight Yuri. However, after their respective fights, their perceptions as a boxer begins to change. Joe Yabuki fights for what he believes in, while Gearless Joe through his Nomad phase attempts to find redemption for himself.

6 Similar – Supporting Cast

Respectively, just as how the two respective main characters are similar to each other, the supporting cast that they share offer a similar role together. Both Joes have a respective coach who has an eye patch, a tragic backstory, and an eye for talent. Both of the main characters also have children who offer support in any way that they can. The show also has several rival characters and a rich woman who believes in what they produce with their respective beliefs in boxing. Nonetheless, they all create a world that is shaped by their characters.

5 Different – Art Style

The art styles between the two shows couldn’t be any more different. Following the art style of the great Tetsuya Chiba, Ashita No Joe has a classic design that is reminiscent of early manga such as Astro Boy and the like. However, it offered brutality and soul that shouldn’t be overlooked. Contrasting that is Megalobox which is a show that is more similar to anime of the 90s such as Cowboy Bebop. Regardless, the kinetic energy and the soul in particular still remain present with the successor.

4 Similar – Fighting With A Disadvantage

Following their fights against their respective rivals, Rikiishi and Yuri underwent a physical turmoil that tested them both physically and mentally. For the former, it was to lose weight and train hard to be roughly Joe Yabuki’s weight. For Yuri, it was the removal of his gear that results in him going through excruciating pain and fighting through his willpower. This makes the fights between the two rivals all the more gratifying and interesting when it occurs for the respective main characters.

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3 Different – The Main Character

Despite the characters both being named Joe, there are some distinct differences that separate the two as being one and the same. Although the differences are often more subtle than directly distinct, both Joe’s reasoning behind becoming a boxer is far different. Joe Yabuki’s reasoning is more directly linked with Rikiishi, while Gearless Joe was a boxer from the start and wanted a worthy fight. The other difference between the two is that, unlike Yabuki, the main character’s real name is unknown in Megalobox.

2 Similar – Fighting For The Thrills

The two respective shows make it clear that the main characters don’t care much for the glory. Instead, they fight only because of the thrill and yearning to fight. With each match, it gives them new satisfaction which brings them closer to their rival.

This is why the characters don’t really talk about the glory of being a champion. Instead, they use it as symbolism for their respective character arcs. That being said, every fight that the respective main characters achieved always results in bruises and blood.

1 Different – The Ending To Their First Arc

After the match of their respectianimeve rivals, the two shows have diverted into drastically different routes. For Ashita No Joe, the climactic Rikiishi fight ended with Joe losing and the former dying. This resulted in Joe’s life being forever changed. Contrasting this, Gearless Joe wins against Yuri and gets a happy ending, at least until season 2 where he is in a deep depression.

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