A sequel series to the hit DreamWorks Animation film Megamind is coming to the streaming service Peacock. The original Megamind tells the story of a super-villain who must find his place in the world after finally defeating his superhero arch-nemesis. Megamind was released back in 2010, but in more recent years has become somewhat of an internet sensation and has become a regular feature in memes, which has revived the popularity of the film. Megamind stars Will Ferrel and Jonah Hill.

According to a recent report from Deadline, it has been revealed that Peacock will be producing a full series as a follow-up to DreamWorks’ film. While much is still unknown about the series, it has been revealed that its full title is Megamind’s Guide To Defending Your City. Reportedly, the series will follow Megamind as he learns to become Metro City’s new superhero. Audiences will be brought along on Megamind’s journey as his trusty brainbots will be recording everything. According to Deadline, this makes Megamind “the world’s first superhero influencer.” 


It has also been revealed that Megamind will not be the only DreamWorks property that Peacock will be reviving. Reportedly, the animated film Abominable will also be receiving a sequel series entitled Abominable and the Invisible City. Peacock has not revealed a release date for either of the series as of yet, and they both seem to only be in the early stages of their development. With that said, this does not mean that Megamind fans should wait to get excited about finally having a follow-up to the film.

Source: Deadline

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