Warning! Spoilers for Heroes Reborn #7 by Marvel Comics.

Marvel fans speculated heavily that Marvel’s devil Mephisto was going to appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, especially during WandaVision. To be fair, there were plenty of hints the iconic villain would show up in the Disney+ series, however, he ultimately never showed up. However, a Marvel Comics series might have explained where he was instead.

Mephisto might not be in the MCU at the moment, but he’s got a massive presence in the current Heroes Reborn arc. In that series, he’s worked alongside Agent Coulson to rewrite reality in order to shape it in his image. In the mirage universe, the Squadron Supreme are Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, Coulson is President of the United States, and the devil himself is worshipped like a God. In Heroes Reborn #7, Mephisto made some interesting comments about seeking approval from a previously unmentioned council, which could explain help his absence in the MCU.


In Heroes Reborn #7’s epilogue by Jason Aaron, Ed McGuinness, Mark Morales, Matthew Wilson, Coulson has a conversation with Mephisto about how they didn’t fully erase the Avengers and plan how to deal with the superteam in the false reality. When Coulson suggests the devil said he would have help in growing their numbers, Mephisto mentions “the council won’t commit.” What council is Mephisto referring to? In the previous Avengers’ arc, it was revealed a group of Mephistos from across reality was working together for mysterious reasons.

In Avengers #35 by Jason Aaron and Ed McGuinness, Knoshu literally kills hundreds of different versions of Mephisto as he tries to gain the strongest powers on Earth. Similar to the Council of Ricks which have featured prominently in the T.V. series Rick and Morty, Mephisto might be working with alternate versions of himself. The comic, plus the possibility of a council of Mephisto’s in Heroes Reborn, strongly suggests the devils of different realities are working together in order to conquer Marvel’s multiverse, one universe at a time. If the MCU version of Mephisto was busy with the council overseeing the comic’s version of the character’s attempt at rewriting reality, it would explain why he was preoccupied.

The idea of multiple Mephisto’s existing and working together might seem complicated, but if the different versions of the villain came together to take over all realities, it could have pulled the MCU’s Mephisto’s focus away from the going on’s of their own universe. Perhaps, the 616-universe was first on the council of Mephisto’s list and the Marvel Cinematic Universe is next. It would explain why Mephisto has been absent thus far. Maybe, when the Heroes Reborn universe comes to a close, every version of Mephisto can focus on the MCU.

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