The BBC’s Merlin is an underrated gem among fantasy television shows, running for five seasons between 2008 to 2012. Merlin is one of the most well-known sorcerers in existence, but there is another wizard who rivals his fame among modern audiences: Harry Potter.

Merlin had an incredibly talented cast of characters, but how would the sorcerer and his friends fare in Harry Potter’s wizarding world? It may seem like the knights should all be Gryffindors and the bad guys all Slytherins, but that isn’t necessarily the case among Merlin’s companions. If the characters had attended Hogwarts, these could be their houses.

10 Uther – Gryffindor

Uther Pendragon was a stereotypical Gryffindor, but not in a good way. While he possessed many Gryffindor traits that made for a good king – bravery, daring, chivalry, and so on – he was never particularly kindhearted or trusting.

He was often hotheaded, self-righteous, and stubborn – especially when it came to magic. These traits caused many issues with his subjects and within his family. Though his son was also a Gryffindor, they thankfully had radically different approaches to being a good king.

9 Gaius – Ravenclaw

As court physician, Gaius was responsible for the wellbeing of the Pendragons and the people of Camelot. Before Merlin arrived, he kept them healthy using potions and herbs. After Merlin became his apprentice, he started to incorporate more magical remedies. Like Merlin, Gaius also was a student of magic in his younger days; he loved incorporating magic and science to be a healer. He gave Merlin the remaining spell books he had and was the first person to train the young wizard.

Gaius was responsible for keeping Merlin out of trouble and for covering for him when he got caught up in magical shenanigans. Gaius was never very good at devising excuses for Merlin, but what he lacked in the creativity Ravenclaws are typically known for, he made up for in intelligence and occasional wisdom.


8 Kilgharrah – Slytherin

For many years, the Great Dragon was Merlin’s friend, confidant, and advisor, but no matter how many times Merlin sought his council, Kilgharrah was never particularly straightforward. Especially in the early seasons, the Dragon always had more information than he gave to Merlin, strategically revealing what Merlin needed to know but also making sure that Merlin would still need him in the future.

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Kilgharrah was cunning and resourceful, but also haughty, selfish, and manipulative. He always knew how to manipulate a situation to try to get what he wanted. It took Merlin becoming a Dragonlord for the two of them to develop a more trusting relationship with a rewarding Slytherin-Ravenclaw dynamic.

7 Lancelot – Hufflepuff

Many of the Knights of the Round Table fall into Gryffindor, but Sir Lancelot was definitely a Hufflepuff. Lancelot was the only knight to know that Merlin had magic. He guarded the secret with his life but always was kind-hearted in encouraging Merlin to be himself.

Lancelot was a true friend to both Merlin and Arthur. Even though he loved Guinevere, he served and protected Arthur faithfully and never purposefully got in the way of their relationship. He ultimately sacrificed himself for Merlin and Arthur, putting his friends before himself in true Hufflepuff fashion.

6 Gwaine – Gryffindor

Gwaine embodied many of the mischievous and impulsive aspects of the Gryffindor house, but he was also an incredibly brave and loyal member of the Knights of the Round Table. He was known for getting into trouble, but also for being very good at fighting his way out of it. He was one of Merlin’s closest friends, always willing to stand by the decisions he made and back Merlin up when he needed help on his adventures.

When he traveled with Merlin and Arthur to retrieve the Fisher King’s trident, the gatekeeper said that Merlin represented magic, Arthur represented courage, and Gwaine represented strength. One of Gwaine’s best Gryffindor-esque quotes, from the episode “The Coming of Arthur,” was “I think we’ve no chance. But I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

5 Mordred – Hufflepuff

As a child, Mordred exhibited many Slytherin traits in his struggle for survival as a Druid, but as he grew up it became apparent that the thing Mordred valued more than anything was loyalty. His bond with Morgana, his attempt at friendship with Merlin, and his service to Arthur as a knight were all marked by his dedication, loyalty, and sense of justice.

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Mordred only left the Knights of the Round Table after he believed that Arthur and Merlin had utterly betrayed him and chosen the wrong side. When he left, Mordred again sided with Morgana – who had always cared for him – and his people – those who had magic. Mordred was always kind and strong; it was tragic that circumstances placed his loyalties on the wrong side of the final battle.

4 Morgana – Slytherin

Morgana Pendragon was a Slytherin in a family full of Gryffindors. In the Arthurinan Legends, Morgana is best known for being an evil sorceress and enemy to Camelot, King Arthur, and Merlin. However, in the BBC’s Merlin, she grew up in Uther’s household and was friends with the other characters for many years before discovering she had magic.

Once she learned who she was and realized Uther would hate her for it, she became very secretive and goal-oriented in destroying Uther. For an entire season, Morgana was cunning enough to fool everyone except Merlin into thinking she was still loyal to Camelot. Her ambition to become a powerfully feared high priestess and queen often blinded her to what was right in front of her, like Merlin’s true identity, and sadly made her cruel. Her arrogance was eventually her downfall.

3 Guinevere – Hufflepuff

Guinevere began the show as a friend and maidservant to Morgana. She was known by many to be trustworthy and hardworking. Throughout the series, she was a strong and loyal friend to Merlin, Morgana, and Arthur, as well as many of the Knights of the Round Table. Arthur admired her for her kindness as well as her boldness.

Hufflepuffs are known for being humble, but by no means are they unclever. Gwen displayed this by being Arthur’s confidant after the two fell in love and his most trusted advisor when they eventually got married. After Gwen’s suspicions about Merlin’s magic were confirmed, she continued to trust Merlin and regard him as the same friend she had always known.

2 Arthur – Gryffindor

Arthur Pendragon was the epitome of a Gryffindor. Unlike his father, he embodied all of the best Gryffindor traits in a way that made him both a fantastic leader and a great friend. He was noble and fair, brave and stubborn, and courageous to a fault. While he could also be arrogant, self-righteous, and occasionally reckless when it came to protecting the people he loved, those weren’t his dominant traits.

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As a knight and a king, he was guided by his conscience, but was almost always wise enough to rely on his knights, Merlin, and Guinevere for advice as friends and teammates. Arthur was the embodiment of courage and a truly loyal friend.

1 Merlin – Ravenclaw

While J.K. Rowling said that Merlin was a Slytherin in the Harry Potter universe, the BBC’s Merlin possessed traits from all four of the houses, making him difficult to sort. Merlin was brave and sometimes reckless like a Gryffindor, loyal and kind like a Hufflepuff, and cunning and goal-oriented like a Slytherin.

However, his natural affinity for sorcery, curiosity about the world, and desire to constantly learn about his power places him in Ravenclaw. His ability to bond with characters of the other houses and purpose to unite the “Old Religion” with new magic was also reminiscent of the inter-house cooperation shown by Ravenclaw characters like Luna Lovegood. His wit and wisdom constantly surprised other characters who did not know what a powerful, experienced, and intuitive sorcerer lay underneath his exterior facade.

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