Many lives were lost during Merlin and Arthur’s adventures in Camelot. These deaths had a powerful impact on the viewers emotionally and the direction of the plot, leading to tears of sadness, outrage, and disbelief. It’s a difficult thing when a character who viewers have come to know and love during the series is suddenly killed off or their death is predicted and destiny finally comes calling.

But deaths don’t have to be sad to have an impact, some characters were thoroughly disliked yet brilliant antagonists who moved the story forward with their memorable moments and their demise. Merlin had a mix of characters with varying intensities, personalities, involvement in the plot, and general likability.

10 Sir Elyan

Elyan’s death was a heroic and noble moment in the series. He was determined to save his sister, Gwen, from the clutches of Morgana. He was in the company of his fellow knights when he decided to go ahead on his own. He found Gwen but was faced with an enchanted sword, a weapon that would never stop defending or attacking. Although Elyan managed to trap the sword, he is mortally wounded. He then died in his sister’s arms moments before his fellow knights arrived.

9 Will

Will died protecting Arthur from Kanen’s final attempt to kill him. This was a huge moment as Will was very wary of those with royal blood and high status, especially as his father was killed during his time fighting for King Cenred.

While Will and Arthur didn’t see eye-to-eye, he did see something worthy in him and managed to save his life. In Will’s final moments, he also protected Merlin when the prince became suspicious of Merlin’s magic. He took credit for being a sorcerer before dying with his friends around him. He was a true friend who loved Merlin.


8 Morgana

For a character as powerful as she was, Morgana’s efforts to find Emrys were always foiled. Emrys was her destiny and her doom. She looked for him from the moment she learned of his existence and died by his hand.

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She found Arthur in his injured state, attacked Merlin, and gloated. But Merlin appeared with the dragon’s breath sword and told her the time for bloodshed was over. He killed her but that didn’t stop him from blaming himself for having a hand in her dark path.

7 Mordred & Kara

It was Kara’s death that led to Mordred’s allegiance with Morgana against Arthur. A death with high plot impact, in the Battle of Camlann, Arthur and Mordred fought each other with swords forged in dragon’s breath, and neither survived. Arthur hesitated, which allowed Mordred to strike the first blow.

When Arthur fell to his knees, Mordred let his guard down which allowed Arthur to retaliate. Mordred died on the battlefield while Arthur’s death came slowly.

6 Sir Lancelot

Lancelot died twice and both times were sorrowful events for the viewers and poor Merlin. Lancelot’s first death was a sacrifice after he made a promise to Gwen to protect Arthur. As soon as everyone learned of his sacrifice, he was deemed the bravest and most noble night of all.

Lancelot’s second death was just as tragic as his previous sacrifice was erased in the minds of Camelot. After Morgana brought Lancelot back as a shade, she made him her puppet and set out to destroy Guinevere and Arthur’s engagement. Merlin freed his soul from Morgana’s hold and said goodbye yet again to his loyal friend, remembering him as he was and knowing the truth of his actions. It was a cruel fate for the beloved knight.

5 Sir Gwaine

Gwaine was loved because he was the friend who always made everyone better. He was the one who instilled confidence in Merlin and courage in the rest of the knights. So when he finally died, Camelot suffered an emotional blow.

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He was the funny, odd, brazen knight, who loved food and going to the pub. He died after he and Percival went looking for Morgana and he was tortured for information. Although Percival tried to save him, he was too late. Gwaine’s last words were that he failed.

4 Freya

Merlin wasn’t lucky in love during the series, but there was one time where he found someone he could be himself around. Freya was cursed, doomed to turn into a creature she had no control over. She was hunted and Merlin freed her. He did everything he could to protect her.

Merlin wanted to go away with her but she thought it an impossibility. She was later killed in her Bastet form and Merlin held her as she died. Freya said she would one day repay his kindness, and she did. She became the Lady of the Lake and was the one who returned Excaliber to Merlin.

3 Uther

Uther’s death was a long time coming. It was only with him gone that Albion would be allowed to prosper and Arthur would be made King. After Morgana betrayed Camelot and her father, Uther’s spirit was broken and it was up to Arthur to make the decisions.

Uther was eventually killed as he defended his son from the assassins. Arthur attempted to heal his father with magic but with Morgana’s interference, Uther died, and Arthur’s faith in magic destroyed. He blamed magic for his father’s death.

2 Balinor

Merlin was in the company of his father for a mere few days, but it was enough for viewers to bond over father and son. Balinor was the last Dragonlord and final hope for Camelot after Kilgharrah, The Great Dragon, targeted the Kingdom. However, before the group reached Camelot, Balinor died protecting Merlin.

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After Balinor’s death, Merlin inherited his father’s powers and became a Dragonlord, adding to his magic and oneness with the land. Balinor appeared to Merlin when Merlin believed his magic to be lost from him, telling his son that he cannot lose what is part of him.

1 Arthur

Arthur Pendragon was a son, a Prince, a King, a friend, a knight, a man of courage, and one side of a coin that was to be his fate. Over the five years, the viewers had seen many people make numerous attempts on his life as many attempted to take over the throne.

After a while, he found himself unable to trust anyone but Merlin. And when he learned of Merlin’s magic, his shock, and feeling of betrayal only lasted a little while before he accepted his friend and thanked him for all he had done. Arthur’s death had viewers in denial as the series found its ending by causing the one thing Merlin had been trying to prevent.

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