As arguably the first and most iconic superhero ever, there have been many different versions and interpretations of Superman throughout the years. However, fans will see a new version of the character brought to life on screen for the first time as Michael B. Jordan is developing a Superman limited series for HBO Max.

Unlike most movie and TV adaptations of Superman, this series will not focus on Kal-El’s Superman and will instead center around Val-Zod’s Superman. The character is not simply another version of Superman but is rather a compelling and nuanced character, with a unique backstory and a drastically different personality. Although some fans may be unfamiliar with the character, he is worth learning about before he makes his on-screen debut.

10 He Is From Earth 2

Like Marvel, DC also has a multiverse (the existence of nearly infinite alternate parallel universes that differ from the prime continuity). This multiverse gives DC the flexibility to have different versions of the same characters at the same time and take bigger storytelling risks.

Val-Zod comes from Earth 2, a universe that is defined by war between earth’s heroes, known as the Wonders, and Apokolips. By setting Val-Zod’s story in a different part of the multiverse, DC is able to have familiar characters and heroes but without the same ties to their history. The names and faces are recognizable, but the story is not just a rehash of Kal-El’s origin.

9 He Was Taken In By Jor-El And Lara

Val-Zod’s biological parents were executed on Krypton, leading him to form a friendship with Kara Zor-El. This friendship eventually led to Val-Zod being taken in by Kara’s relatives, Jor-El and Lara. As a result, Jor-El built an escape pod for Val-Zod and sent him to earth along with Kal-El and Kara.

This origin gives him some of the important familiar aspects of the Superman backstory, such as the escape from Krypton and the wisdom of Jor-El, but with its own unique spin. This beginning sets up the character to have a similar but distinct story from Kal-El’s version of Superman.


8 His Time In Space Shaped His Philosophy

Following the destruction of Krypton, Val-Zod traveled to earth in an escape pod. During his trip, he had access to instruction and teaching from his parents, learning all about his parents’ philosophy and the physiological changes that occur to him when he lived under the earth’s yellow sun.

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Unlike Kal-El, who had to discover this Kryptonian knowledge later in life, Val-Zod received this training before even arriving on earth. Hearing his parents’ strong condemnation of violence led Val-Zod to become a pacifist and shaped his views on life and his responsibility to use his powers carefully.

7 He Has The Same Physical Powers And Weaknesses As Kal-El

As a Kryptonian living under a yellow sun, Val-Zod has all of the same physical strengths and weaknesses, such as the ability to fly, heat vision, super strength, and invulnerability. Also like Kal-El, Val-Zod’s primary weakness is Kryptonite.

While they share the same physical attributes, this only highlights the differences in their mentalities and philosophies. While Kal-El’s relationships, primarily with Lois Lane, are often exploited by his enemies, Val-Zod’s main mental obstacles are the agoraphobia he developed in the escape pod and his hesitancy to fight.

6 He Took Over As Superman After Kal-El’s Death

The Earth 2 version of Superman led the fight against Steppenwolf and the armies of Apokolips. During the war, Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman were all killed. When the Wonders turned to Val-Zod to help them fight Brutaal and the Parademons, Val-Zod took up the mantle of Earth 2’s Superman.

Val-Zod is not a replacement or alternate version of Kal-El, but rather is one of many legacy characters in Earth 2. He is part of the next generation of heroes who puts his own unique spin on what it means to be Superman. With an impressive powerset and a mindfulness about the responsibility that comes with those powers, he is a worthy successor to Kal-El and can make a claim at being the best version of Superman.

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5 He Has A Very Different Relationship With Lois Lane

In most continuities, Kal-El’s Superman and Lois Lane are one of the best DC couples. However, Val-Zod has a very different relationship with Lois Lane. After Lois Lane was killed during the war with Apokolips, her mind was transferred into an android body and she became known as The Red Tornado. In her new form, she helped train Val-Zod to use his powers and encouraged him to live up to his potential as a hero.

Having been married to Kal-El, Lois Lane is the perfect person to help guide a young Kryptonian in his development as a hero. It is a compelling and interesting spin on the relationship between Superman and Lois and helps further differentiate Val-Zod’s Superman from other versions of the character.

4 He Helped The Wonders Stop An Invasion

After the deaths of Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman, the Wonders were in need of more help in order to stop the invasion by the armies of Apokolips. As a result, they recruited Val-Zod to join them and, after some convincing, he stepped up and helped them stave off the invasion.

This aspect of the character’s origin story and the formation of this version of the superhero team is reminiscent of the way that the Justice League came together to fight the first super-villains they faced in the comics, the animated series, and the movie. It instantly gives the character meaningful relationships and establishes him as an essential part of the team.

3 Doctor Fate Showed Him Why He Needs To Fight

Because Val-Zod was heavily influenced by his parents’ nonviolent philosophy, he became a pacifist and was hesitant to use his superpowers out of fear of accidentally harming others. However, Doctor Fate finally convinced him to join the battle against Apokolips by showing him a vision of what would happen if he did not fight.

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Val-Zod’s desire for peace and nonviolence is an admirable quality and his willingness to go against his own instinct in order to save the people around him demonstrates his strength of character. The vision also reveals the world’s need for Superman, giving a compelling reason for Val-Zod to take up the mantle.

2 He Had To Fight An Evil Clone Of Superman

After Kal-El’s Superman was killed, he was cloned and became known as Brutaal, the violent leader of Apokolips’ armies. Brutaal is one of the most evil Superman villains ever and he causes massive destruction. Val-Zod fought against the clone and helped Green Lantern and The Red Tornado destroy him.

The battle against a clone of the previous Superman is a symbolically important moment for Val-Zod. His victory not only demonstrates his ability but also proves that he is more than capable of carrying on Superman’s legacy.

1 He Is A Genius

Val-Zod is more than just physically strong and powered as he also possesses a genius-level intellect. While developing his nonviolent philosophy, Val-Zod also acquired a love for knowledge and devoted himself to learning everything that he could from his Kryptonian resources resulting in his impressive intellect.

This makes him a fascinating character with limited physical and mental weaknesses, putting the focus on his internal struggles and conflicts. There are many versions of Superman that are strong or good-hearted, but Val-Zod’s Superman is uniquely intelligent and thoughtful.

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