The three protagonists in Grand Theft Auto 5 are Franklin, Michael, and Trevor, and they each have interesting personality traits, skills they start out with, and special abilities to use. Although skills can be increased over time, each protagonist has a base set of skills that influence how certain aspects of the game are played. The three protagonists also have special abilities that can’t be changed and vary in usefulness.

The story in GTA 5 switches between Franklin, Michael, and Trevor as the three pull off heists, betray each other, and work together to stay alive and out of prison. As the story progresses, the relationships between the three characters grow and change, creating a more immersive, and often tense, atmosphere. Generally, Franklin is the voice of reason, Michael is the hothead, and Trevor is the wild card.


Franklin, Michael, and Trevor all have traits that make them better or worse than each other, but the best GTA 5 protagonist has the most enjoyable character traits, the best story, and the most useful skills. There are some sections of GTA 5 that are more fun to play than others, and they tend to revolve around the same character. However, each protagonist has enjoyable moments throughout GTA 5, and Franklin, Michael, and Trevor all grow in some way by the end of the story.

Franklin Is Rational And Relatable In GTA 5

From the start of GTA 5, Franklin comes across as a person who is just trying to get ahead and find a way to lead an honest and respectable life. At every turn, he seems to fight against a life of crime with his childhood friend, Lamar, but he goes along with a lot of what Michael and Trevor ask him to do. Although he shows some resistance to Michael’s or Trevor’s wilder schemes, he generally follows them and even befriends them, developing somewhat of a mentor-mentee relationship with Michael.

Franklin is inconsistent with what he wants and fights becoming a criminal despite constantly going forward with criminal activities, but his reasoning is understandable. His need for a better life and his drive to rise up beyond his means at the beginning of the game make him a likable and commendable character in GTA 5. Franklin also frequently acts as the voice of reason between the three protagonists. He has a calming effect on Michael and Trevor at times and convinces them to work together even when they’re ready to kill each other.

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Franklin, Michael, and Trevor each contribute to how the story plays out in GTA 5, but it ultimately comes down to Franklin to decide how it will all end. Although there’s only one ending that’s considered canon for GTA 5, there are three possibilities that all involve Franklin’s final decision. Without Franklin, it’s possible Michael or Trevor would have killed the other or ended up dead at the hands of their many enemies. However, Franklin’s involvement in Michael’s and Trevor’s lives gives them all the chance for a happy ending. Franklin also learns to accept himself and his lifestyle by the end of GTA 5.

In terms of gameplay, Franklin has a great special skill that allows him to slow time and move more precisely while driving. This is especially useful during missions with high-speed chases involving gunfights or objectives that involve staying close to a target. What Franklin initially lacks in shooting skills he makes up for with driving and stamina, making him a great getaway artist during heists and while escaping cops in the open world. However, like the other protagonists of GTA 5, all of Franklin’s skills can be increased if enough time and effort are put in.

Michael Is The Main Character Of GTA 5

Although there are three protagonists in GTA 5, the Tarantino-esque Michael is at the heart of the story, and all of the characters involved in the plot connect through him. Franklin and Trevor only meet because of Michael, and he’s also how the other protagonists get involved in FIB affairs. Lester is brought into the main story through Michael as well, and his involvement in setting up heists and getting the protagonists out of trouble are pivotal. Michael’s wife and two kids play a role in the plot throughout GTA 5. For example, Michael is only targeted by Martin Madrazo because he goes after the tennis coach that his wife, Amanda, was cheating on him with.

As is the case with the Martin Madrazo incident in GTA 5, Michael’s uncontrolled rage often gets him into trouble and causes a lot of conflicts. Michael’s anger leads to his inability to communicate with his family, and he nearly loses them. As Michael talks things out in therapy and interacts with Franklin, Trevor, and even Lester, he starts to learn some self-control and eventually calms down enough to reconcile with his wife and children.

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Michael’s story also divulges his true, life-long love for movies and his dream of being a producer. The inclusion of Michael’s love for movies, the pursuit of his dream, and the strained relationship he has with his family make him more approachable despite the fact that he’s a professional criminal. As a criminal, Michael is overall successful. Michael has plans for everything in GTA 5 no matter how dire they get, and he always finds a way to get away with his crimes, even if it means paying off other criminals or working for the FIB.

Michael’s special ability is arguably the worst one in the game, though. When Michael’s special ability is activated, time slows and he can quickly gain the upper hand in a gunfight, allowing him to take out enemies with pinpoint accuracy. While this skill can be helpful, the auto-aim in GTA 5 makes Michael’s bullet-time effect less useful. However, Michael starts out with the highest shooting and stealth skills, making him a great starting character in GTA 5 that doesn’t need much improvement to progress easily in the story.

GTA 5’s Trevor Is Chaotic But Loyal

Trevor is possibly the most unpredictable character in the Grand Theft Auto series, and he’s a great representation of the chaos that players can cause in these games. In Trevor’s introductory scene he stomps a Lost MC member to death after sleeping with his girlfriend, and he proceeds to start wars and leave a trail of bodies wherever he goes. At any moment, Trevor is likely to go off on a rampage killing or screaming at anyone near him – even his so-called friends.

Despite Trevor’s constant ranting and raving, and his violent tendencies, he’s actually very loyal to the people he considers to be close to him. Even after finding out Michael lied about being dead for years in GTA 5, Trevor Phillips puts his vendetta aside to help his old friend rescue his daughter from being embarrassed at the Fame or Shame audition. Trevor also spends a good portion of GTA 5 talking about getting Brad, his and Michael’s old partner, out of prison. Anytime someone betrays Trevor, he is clearly hurt, and although he expresses his pain through rage, it’s clear it comes from a place of loyalty and friendship.

Trevor’s antics and wild behavior can be fun and amusing to experience, but he’s a static character. Not many changes occur from when Trevor is introduced to the end of the story. The biggest differences from the start of the story are how other characters interact with Trevor in GTA 5, but he essentially stays exactly the same while the other protagonists experience a fair amount of growth. However, Trevor is also presented as a character that does and says exactly what he wants at any given time, and he’s accepting of himself and his lifestyle, so there’s not a lot of room for growth anyway.

Trevor’s special ability causes him to go into a fit of uncontrolled rage where he takes less damage and inflicts increased damage. This ability can be great for gaining an advantage in a fight during the story, or it can be used by those that find it fun to rampage around Los Santos causing chaos in their spare time. Trevor also starts out with the highest strength and flying skills, and his shooting is almost as high as Michael’s in GTA 5. Trevor’s skills make him a good character to run around with outside of the story for pretty much any activity, including filling out the map of Los Santos and Blaine County by flying around the city and desert.

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Michael Is The Best GTA 5 Protagonist

Although he may not have the best special ability, Michael shows the most growth as a character and is the most central figure in GTA 5‘s story. Michael molding Franklin into a higher-class criminal and reconciling with his family are some of the most important plot points in the story, topped only by the tense relationship he has with Trevor. GTA 5 begins with Michael in witness protection after faking his death, and everything that occurs after revolves around him and his choices. Michael is also a likable and relatable character that, although irrational at times, offers the best balance between chaos and control, and his schemes drive the story forward in Grand Theft Auto 5.

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