Midnight Mass is a series that explores themes of faith and humanity with profound depth and nuance. Along the way, the series invites its viewers to examine how they themselves engage with the world, including the media they consume and interpret.

The Bible naturally receives much attention in the series, as many characters live their lives in accordance with its teachings. But there are many other touchstones from popular culture that the series includes, ranging from books to television and film to music, offering additional information about what has shaped the lives of the residents of the doomed Crockett Island.

10 Riley’s Posters

Midnight Mass is a work that is decidedly aware of its genre, something that the show makes known through multiple prop placements. In Riley Flynn’s childhood bedroom, which he hasn’t occupied in at least a decade, multiple posters adorn the walls. Each poster that viewers glimpse belongs to films or television series that relate to the show.

On one wall, Riley has a large poster of Dana Scully from The X-Files, which connects to his own role as the skeptic. On another wall, there is a poster for the 1990s horror film Scream. On a third wall, there is a poster for the thriller Se7en, which notably includes the famous “What’s in the box?” line that here hints at the nefarious contents of Father Paul’s trunk.

9 Omar Sharif

There aren’t many references to individuals from the world of popular culture in Midnight Mass, but one of these references unfortunately occurs in a moment deeply laced with racism. Beverly Keane is one of the most hateful charactersand she is possibly Midnight Mass‘s true villain.

Although she has disdain for many residents of Crockett Island, she has a particularly Islamophobic, racist hatred for Sheriff Hassan el Shabazz. In one rant about his presence on the island, she refers to him as “that new sheriff, Omar Sharif or whatever,” referencing the legendary actor known for Lawrence of ArabiaDoctor Zhivago, and more.


8 Lord Of The Flies

When the residents of Crockett Island awaken after a horrible storm to find wild cats slaughtered en masse along the shore, theories range far and wide as to what could have killed the poor creatures. Wade Scarborough, the island’s mayor, initially suspects that something caused the cats to fight violently and kill one another.

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As he wanders the shore for evidence with Sheriff Hassan, he notes, “The Uppards is like Lord of the Flies for those cats.” By referencing the famed book that finds stranded boys struggling to hold onto their humanity when left to fend for themselves, Wade expertly evokes the kind of horror he imagines the cats endured and also foreshadows how the island will turn against itself.

7 Swiss Family Robinson

Part of what makes Midnight Mass so uniquely terrifying is the setting of Crockett Island, and how disconnected from the real world the remote island is. 30 miles away from the mainland, the residents of Crockett can only travel to the mainland by ferry, and yet hundreds of residents have fled from the island in recent years.

From his childhood, the doubting Riley Flynn has always been critical of the family’s decision to live on an island. He likens the experience to the famous shipwrecked tale Swiss Family Robinson and seems disappointed at the thought that they would not be rescued from so remote and horrid a place. Even in his youth, Riley is an outlier in the world of Crockett, as he has never been satisfied with what the island and its community can provide him.

6 Ed’s Neil Diamond Albums

Midnight Mass has yet another incredible television horror score, thanks to the continued collaboration between Mike Flanagan and the Newton Brothers. But the music in the series is not limited to merely background; it serves a plot purpose, and further highlights key character personalities and traits.

Ed Flynn, the devout head of the Flynn family, has a real love of Neil Diamond’s music. Multiple times throughout the series, Ed takes a break from what he is doing and puts on one of his vinyl Neil Diamond records. Religion-themed songs, including “Soolaimon” and “Holly Holy,” take on real importance in defining sequences in the series, elevating the music to its own character.

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5 The Lasser Glass

There are many references to other Mike Flanagan projects in Midnight Mass, ranging from repeat cast members to similar storylines. But one notable element of Flanagan’s work has appeared in almost all of his projects to date.

The Lasser glass, the mirror at the heart of the horror film Oculus, can be found in many of Flanagan’s films and television series. In Midnight Mass, the mirror appears partially hidden in the background of the rec center during the key scenes between Father Paul and Riley Flynn. As the two mirror one another in their faith discussions, the Lasser glass looms behind them.

4 Aladdin

One of the first pop culture references in Midnight Mass is unfortunately yet another instance of pop culture being weaponized for racist purposes. When Warren and Ooker are getting ready to ride to the Uppards to smoke marijuana, Ooker snarkily quips that he can’t believe that Warren invited Aladdin to come along with them.

He is, of course, referring to Ali, the son of Sheriff Hassan, who is desperate to be accepted in his new home. Ooker is a character with very few redeeming qualities, showing himself to be sexist and ableist on other occasions as well, so this remark quickly establishes his personality.

3 The Picture Of Dorian Gray

Books play a key role throughout Midnight Mass. The most obvious one, of course, is the Holy Bible, and the ways in which it is interpreted and misinterpreted by various characters across the series. But one book that is only briefly glimpsed, but mirrors a key plot reveal, is read by none other than Mildred Gunning.

As further confirmed by Mike Flanagan on Twitter, Mildred can be seen reading The Picture of Dorian Gray in her bedroom when Father Paul, now known to her as John, visits her in the series’ fourth episode. The Oscar Wilde classic deals with themes of de-aging, morality, and corruption, which Midnight Mass includes among its many other central themes.

2 Titanic

Whether this reference is intentional or not, it’s hard to experience the heartbreaking ending of Midnight Mass and not be reminded of Titanic. As the residents of Crockett Island gather together and prepare for their certain death at sunrise, Annie Flynn leads the group in song, tearfully singing “Nearer, My God, To Thee” as all embrace their loved ones.

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Although the historical accuracy of its inclusion is still debated, in the film, as the Titanic began to take on water, violinists aboard the vessel began to play that very same spiritual song. The parallels of accepting fate and embracing both faith and human kindness in times of true crisis are impossible to ignore.

1 Stephen King

Stephen King is one of the biggest influences on works of horror, not just those created by Mike Flanagan. But in watching Midnight Mass, it becomes increasingly clear what works most inspired Flanagan, as some of these books even sneak their way into the props that decorate the sets.

Riley’s bedroom has a shelf containing multiple Stephen King novels, including the obvious Salem’s Lot. Likewise, Riley’s father Ed can later be seen reading King’s Revival while sitting in his chair in the living room.

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