The Midnight Mass ending brought about a string of revelations, key among which was the fact the Leeza Scarborough could not feel her legs again. Being the sole survivors of the horrific events at Crockett Island, both Leeza and Warren lose their parents and undergo unimaginable trauma, having witnessed the obliteration of their community. The events that take place throughout the course of Midnight Mass delve into the nature of existence, the meaning of guilt and redemption, and the necessity of genuine love to overcome extremist socio-religious structures.

Leeza has been at the nexus of Father Paul’s “miracles” that usher in a religious revival on the island, as she was the first person to be subjected to the healing powers in the creature’s blood. Being one of the handful of residents who go to church every day, Leeza drinks communion wine on a daily basis, allowing the regenerative properties of the vampire blood to heal her body at an accelerated rate. Sensing the completion of her healing process, Father Paul performs the first “miracle” – making Leeza walk after it was deemed medically impossible for her to ever walk again.


This process is explained in greater detail by Dr. Sarah Gunning, who is first exposed to the combustible nature of the blood after she extracts a vial of blood from Erin for a test. Based on her observations, she deduces that the monster’s blood acts a contagion of sorts, being transmuted via the tampered communion wine. Every individual who consistently partook from the wine underwent reversals in terms of bodily processes – Leeza could walk again, Erin lost her child in a way that showed no medical evidence of her ever being pregnant, Anne, Ed, and Mildred Gunning looked and felt more youthful than their stipulated ages. When the blood got purified by the human body, leaving no traces within, the individual reverted back to their previous states.

As Riley was exempt from communion due to his own burden of guilt, he does not undergo any sort of physical transformation like most of the island’s inhabitants. Also, the final “miracle” that takes place during the fateful midnight mass wherein the islanders come back to life as creatures themselves is possible due to the rules of vampirism. As Leeza refuses to ingest the wine laced with poison, she does not die, in turn, transform into the creature even if its blood remains in her system. Towards the end of the great denouement, the “angel” attacks Erin and proceeds to drain her of her blood, but she carries out the ultimate sacrifice while clipping off its wings. As dawn approaches, the creature tries frantically to fly away to the mainland.

However, due to its impeded flight, the creature is unable to reach its destination and dies. With the death of the creature, all of the regenerative abilities of its blood are negated. This is the reason why Leeza is unable to feel her legs again, as it is confirmation of the fact that the creature is dead and the dreaded nightmare has been contained. This is also the reason why Leeza smiles at the end of Midnight Mass, as it heralded the end of evil, even though its defeat comes at a great personal cost.

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