Fans of TV shows where characters break the fourth wall have had plenty to enjoy in 2022. After She-Hulk: Attorney At Law comes, Mike, a Hulu miniseries about the former heavyweight champion, Mike Tyson. In it, the titular character alternates between explaining things to the viewers and talking to his fellow characters.

As such, Mike has many incredible quotes, not just from Mike Tyson himself but from everyone he interacts with. Though the characters all existed in real life, the miniseries exercises creative liberties with the dialogue, and as such, everyone drops remarks that are full of wit, wisdom, and sarcasm. Howevever, some lines stand out more than others.


10 “I Really Have To Get Beat Up For Somebody To Like Me.”

Mike Tyson

Tyson does some self-assessment and comes up with an interesting conclusion about himself. When he is flooring opponents, the media finds ways to look for faults in him. It’s only during his misfortunes that people seem to genuinely show concern for him.

He isn’t exactly wrong since he gets vilified a lot at the height of his career, though none of it seems unjustified. Several controversial stories about him are written in the press. But when he loses to Buster Douglas, everyone starts rooting for him to make a comeback, with some commentators even arguing that he was robbed of a victory. The same happens when he gets a lengthy prison sentence.

9 “He’s Tender-Handed. Never Had A Callus In His Life. Got His Money From His Daddy.”

Don King

King doesn’t have kind words to say about Donald Trump when he spots him at one of Mike Tyson’s fights. He labels him soft before suggesting he’s only rich because of his father.

It’s no surprise for such words to come out of a go-getter like King. Throughout the series, he is depicted as opportunistic and business savvy, hence the reason he gets to represent two of the most talented boxers of all time, Mike Tyson and Muhammad Ali. King loves the spotlight too and part of the reason he hates Trump is that the famous billionaire redirects it all from the promoter to himself.

8 “You’re So Desperate To Be Loved That You’ll Rewrite The Story Just So You’ll Feel Loved.”

Robin Givens

Tyson’s wife, Robin Givens, calls him out for sending too much money to Camille. When he explains to her that Camille means everything to him because raised him after the death of his mother, she disagrees, arguing that that’s the story he desires yet in reality, she is using him.

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Givens is wrong since Camille never asked for any of the money Tyson feels indebted to her since she took very good care of him during his later teenage years. Still, the words highlight Givens’ bold nature. Unlike everyone else, she is never afraid of Tyson and is always quick to give him what she believes are doses of the truth.

7 “I’m The Most Vicious, Ruthless Champion That’s Ever Been.”

Mike Tyson

The miniseries makes a case for itself right in the opening minutes as one of the best shows where characters break the fourth wall. At the start of his autobiographical show in Indiana (based on his “Undisputed Tour”), Tyson introduces himself by reminding everyone how dangerous he is. And the audience applauds him for it.

It’s a statement from someone who is proud of all his accomplishments. Humility isn’t a trait he is identified with either, which explains why he begins the narration with self-praise. But for someone who managed 44 knockouts throughout his career, referring to himself as vicious and ruthless isn’t exactly wrong.

6 “Your Mind Is Not Your Friend, You Have To Fight It.”

Cus D’Amanto

It doesn’t take long for Tyson’s trainer Cus, to notice that he always loses because his attention drifts away from the ring. He, therefore, explains to him the importance of staying focused.

Like trainers from some of the best boxing movies, Cus says all the words necessary to motivate a young and hungry fighter like Tyson. Keen on detail, he notices every little thing that’s preventing the boxer from unlocking his full potential. And despite Tyson being depicted as undisciplined, he listens to Cus, something that helps him become a star boxer.

5 “Racing Pigeons Can Fly A Thousand Miles, But They Always Come Back To The Dirtbox They Call Home.”

Mike Tyson

As soon he gets off the prison bus, Tyson speaks to viewers again via the fourth wall. He figures that ending up in jail was always his destiny.

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Thinking of jail as his home isn’t exactly wrong since earlier in the series, it was shown that the boxer got arrested many times and his mother had to get him out. In as much as he has achieved a lot, he believes this was where he was always destined to be. It’s a mentality that helps him adapt to penitentiary life quite easily.

4 “We Will Bite Them So Hard That When They Scream, The Whole World Is Gonna Hear Them.”

Cus D’Amanto

Years before Tyson becomes famous, Cus explains to him the importance of patience. Using metaphors, he says they ought to be like lions who don’t know when the gazelles will be crossing the water. But when they do, they attack and bite.

It’s an interesting quote both literally and figuratively since Tyson really eventually grabs the opportunity by defeating just about everyone. He also goes on to bite Evander Holyfield so hard that it makes headlines around the world. Cus’ conversation with a teenage Tyson is thus a moment of foreshadowing too.

3 “I’m Used To You Smelling Like Drink And Reefer… Look At You Now.”

Lorna Tyson

Mike Tyson’s mother is thrilled when he tells her that he has been granted his first shot at the heavyweight title. She confesses how glad she is that he is finally doing something meaningful.

No better scenes depict a mother’s pride better than this one. After trying her best to raise him right, Lorna had almost given up on Tyson, thinking he will become a statistic in the many what-could-have-been stories in the neighborhood. But thanks to Cus’ tutelage, Tyson is not only shaped into a better man but also a better boxer.

2 “She Died Before She Could See Any Success I Had.”

Mike Tyson

Tyson’s mother, Lorna, passes away when he is 16, something that greatly devastates him. While breaking the fourth wall, he laments how she wasn’t preset to see his success.

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It’s a heartbreaking line since Lorna is shown to deeply care about her son in his earlier years. A prison warden, she does her best to make sure he doesn’t end up like the people she interacts with every day. Some of Lorna’s punishment methods prevent her from being one of the most likable TV moms but her solid bits of advice also shape Tyson into the man he becomes.

1 “Read Books… Real Ones… Starting With The Constitution.”

Ray Ray

Ray Ray befriends Mike Tyson as soon as he is put in the same cell as him. He then tells him what he needs to do in order to truly become a changed man.

The prison scenes contribute greatly to making Mike one of the best Hulu originals of 2022. Ray Ray’s advice to Tyson is golden because it not only helps him become a wise man but also enlightens him about his rights. As such, the boxer, in combination with his legal team is able to get his sentence reduced slightly. When he gets out of jail, Tyson goes on to become more disciplined.