There are times when great shows that obviously have a ton of hard work and effort put into them don’t end up achieving the success they deserve due to a myriad of issues. Mindhunter is a perfect example of such a show. The fact that this amazing series won’t get the third season it deserves is a shame in every sense of the word.

That being said, there are times when the first two seasons of Mindhunter did end up raising its fair share of questions — questions that were ignored by the majority of the fanbase due to their overall infatuation with the brilliance of the show otherwise. However, these queries are still pretty serious, with the following ten flaws being indicative of the fact that Mindhunter was far from being a perfect show.

10 Holden’s Relationship With Debbie Was All Over The Place

While Holden and Debbie’s relationship might’ve started off on a high note, one can’t deny that the scenes involving them ended up being quite tiresome over the course of the first season.

From unresolved issues to a rather muted breakup — one has to admit that Holden’s relationship with Debbie eventually ended up being a major lowlight of the show.

9 It’s Unclear As To Whether Debbie Cheated On Holden Or Not

One of the major rifts that comes up between Holden and Debbie stems from the latter’s insecurities.

At an event, Holden sees Debbie acting quite intimately with Patrick, leading him to storm out of the room, only for it never to be discussed. Why did these guys never talk about what happened… and did anything even happen, to begin with?


8 Smith Should’ve Been In Some Serious Trouble After Leaking Holden’s  Interrogation Tape

Holden’s infamous interview is ultimately what led to the exit of Robert Shepard as the director of the FBI. This interview was leaked by the newcomer Gregg Smith, who was — apparently — affected by the immoral nature of the interview.

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However, Smith himself had lied about the tape being destroyed on record. He should’ve definitely been in heaps of trouble for releasing the tape… yet managed to get off scot-free for the most part.

7 Wasting Time With Small Subplots

While Season 2 was definitely riveting in its own right, there’s no denying the fact that the show sometimes wasted time with uninteresting subplots.

Spending time on stories that don’t seem like they’re meaningful enough for the FBI seems like a mistake… especially when they’re already trying to incarcerate a serial killer!

6 Wendy Carr Ended Up Being Underutilized By The End Of The Second Season

Dr. Wendy Carr was easily one of the more unique and interesting characters on the show, and the scenes when the show allows her character to shine are easily some of the best moments in Mindhunter.

Unfortunately, it’s a shame that Dr. Carr ends up being sidelined for the second half of Season 2, with the bulk of the attention mainly going towards the hunt for Wayne Williams and Bill Tench’s personal issues.

5 Dr. Carr’s Insistence On Her Questionnaires

By the end of the second season, Dr. Carr ended up being too insistent about convicted serial killers filling out questionnaires for “research purposes.”

As a psychologist, Wendy should’ve been well aware of the fact that these killers would not exactly fill a questionnaire honestly, but she chooses to dismiss this fact altogether, which is certainly somewhat out of character for her.

4 There’s No Way Holden Would’ve Been Allowed To Be So Close To Ed Kemper

The Season 2 finale of Mindhunter features a rather intense scene between Holden and Ed Kemper, with the latter almost choking the former to show a twisted connection that had formed between the two.

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However, in a realistic scenario, there’s no way that a defenseless agent like Holden would’ve even been allowed near someone as dangerous as Ed Kemper.

3 The Future Of The BSU Is Now Up In The Air

The interaction between Ed Kemper and Holden Ford at the end of Season 2 actually happened in real life, with the agents of the BSU opting to stop interviewing serial killers post this confrontation.

However, with the cancellation of Season 3, one will never know whether this fictional version of an early BSU would go down the same route. It would have been nice to have a bit more closure.

2 Bill’s Life Post His Wife’s Departure Is Now Totally Up In The Air

Another plot thread that will remain frustratingly incomplete is Bill Tench’s life after his wife ended up moving out without him, leaving behind an empty home and an even emptier Bill.

It would’ve been interesting to see the course of action Bill would’ve taken after the sudden departure of his family… but now, with the cancellation of Season 3, it seems that this plot thread will never really see a proper conclusion. This isn’t exactly the show’s fault, but it is something fans feel as unresolved.

1 The Story Behind The BTK Killer Will Now Forever Remain A Mystery

Season 2 featured a bunch of teasers featuring the infamous BTK Killer, who was inevitably going to serve as a major antagonist in the third season… which is probably never going to be a reality.

It’s a shame since the BTK Killer would’ve definitely been an intriguing serial killer to follow… but, unless a miracle comes to pass, his story will never appear properly in Mindhunter. Again, it’s not exactly a flaw of the show, but it is a disappointment.

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