A Minecraft animation recently revealed a terrifying secret about the game’s felines, which possess an overlooked detail that could change the way players think about these in-game creatures. Minecraft players are some of the most creative members of the gaming community that can be found. Every week, intrepid players reveal new designs and builds – many of which are so impressive they appear to exceed Minecraft’s limitations. The game allows players (with enough patience and bountiful creativity) to make anything imaginable, such as a massive build of the Star Wars planet Tattoine – which took 1,000 hours of gameplay, a whole real-life year, to make.


Minecraft garners a huge audience, thanks to the way it rewards dedicated and ingenious players, and managed to remain prominent in the public eye since its release in 2011 because of its basic, approachable premise. There have been major updates and content packs, but the core of the game itself is mostly unchanged. Minecraft’s simplicity provides a nearly unrivaled creative outlet, giving players the motivation to outdo their previous creations and fellow builders. Sometimes though, Minecraft players get a little too clever for their own – or perhaps everyone else’s – good, and end up making everyone uncomfortable. A recent example of this is when someone had the bright idea to adjust the tilt of all their Minecraft items, making the game’s inventory screen look bizarre.

Today, Redditor Hatoblanco posted an animation of one of the game’s friendly felines, which – after watching the full length of the video – no longer appears especially friendly. The animation shows the cat looking out, with its eyes just off to the side of the camera. When the eyes start to move, the dark strip (commonly thought to be the space between the cat’s eyes – perhaps the nose bridge, more specifically) moves, revealing it is actually the pupil of a singular giant eye. This cyclopean monstrosity that previously held the guise of a cat seems to have revealed its true self. In the comments, Hatoblanco revealed that the source of the animation was Twitter user Da Na, whose original post of the video dates back to April 6, 2020.

The response to the image seemed to largely split between the sentiments that the cyclops-like cat is still cute and blatant horror. Although this new revelation may be shocking to some, it does shed some light on why Creepers, Minecraft‘s resident ghosts, are frightened of cats and can actually be repelled by having a cat around. Scary though they may be in their own right now, these feline friends still have their uses in protecting your home base.

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The terrifying reality of cats will either haunt your nightmares or be utterly disregarded in favor of furry cuddles, but now the truth is out there. Whether the newfound creepy-cuteness of these Minecraft creatures encourages or dissuades players from keeping them around, now cat lovers everywhere know to beware: they have their eye on you.

Minecraft is available on all platforms.

Sources: Hatoblanco/Reddit, Da Na/Twitter

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