Several dedicated Minecraft fans have joined together to build a flawless rendition of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time’s Kakariko Village within Majong Studios’ sandbox video game. Part of the charm of Minecraft lies within the incredible amount of freedom that it allows players. While fans can opt to play Minecraft in Survival Mode and thus be subject to dwindling health and angry mobs, the game can equally be played on a purely creative level. Here, rather than facing blocky adversaries while attempting to shape their world, players will instead have access to almost all necessary resources to build up their dream landscape, without the threat of unwelcome enemy attacks.


Thanks to these flexible gameplay options, there have been many jaw-dropping examples of player creativity within Minecraft over the years. Iconic landmarks such as the Taj Mahal and the famous Registan of Samarkand in Uzbekistan have been lovingly recreated with cuboid precision from the ground up by committed fans. It’s not just real-world locales that have inspired players to flex their creative prowess within Minecraft. Homages to other video games, such as a Minecraft build inspired by Cyberpunk’s Night City, have also found their way into the award-winning game.

The spirit of Zelda: Ocarina of Time’s Kakariko Village is something that has been flawlessly captured in Minecraft by Redditor Mergu and others, as can be seen below. From the towering windmill overlooking the village, to the Cucco lady Anju and her pen, the attention to detail exhibited by these creators is truly astounding. Fellow Minecraft fans have been quick to offer up their praise for this impressive Ocarina of Time build. Many have lauded the creators for their accuracy, stating that as soon as they saw it they got the Kakariko Village tune stuck in their heads. Meanwhile, Mergu revealed in the comments section that this build is just a small area of a much larger Ocarina of Time-themed map that they are currently working on.

See the full image gallery on Reddit here.

The safe haven of Zelda‘s Kakariko Village has made several appearances throughout the series since its debut in A Link to the Past. However, its appearance in Ocarina of Time is possibly its most famous. It is here that the game’s Shadow Temple is hidden, as well as the eerie Under the Well portion of Ocarina of Time’s gameplay. When Link is not confronting the forces of evil that lie beneath Kakariko Village, the village itself offers up a tranquil spot full of life and merriment for players to explore.

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It is likely that fans will soon be treated to more impressive Minecraft Zelda builds as progress on this particular map continues. With fan-favorite locations such as Ocarina of Time’s Death Mountain and Kokiri Forest still to be fully realized, there is no doubt that Mergu and co have their work cut out. However, given how impressive this first glimpse at their map is, it is safe to assume that whatever comes next will be up to an equally high caliber.

Source: Mergu/Reddit

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