Starting a new Minecraftworld can be exciting, yet daunting. With an endless world generated right before the player’s eyes, a world that offers endless possibilities, it can be a little hard to figure out where to start. With a little guidance though, any player can become a pro in a matter of hours.

When Minecraft was first introduced to the public in 2009, it was nothing more than collecting blocks and building small structures. Since then various items and game mechanics have been added to make every player’s experience one of a kind. Minecraft was bought by Microsoft in 2014 and has undergone some of its most game-changing updates since then. Many returning players are unfamiliar with the new mechanics, while new players may feel overwhelmed without first knowing the basics. With 150 different blocks and 361 items in total, where does one start their Minecraft adventure?


Finding Wood Inside Minecraft

Wood is the single most important resource in Minecraft. A vast assortment of items are locked behind the player’s ability to collect wood. Luckily, it is one of the easiest blocks to obtain.

When a player loads into a new world for the first time their inventory will be completely empty unless the player has selected to start with a map before loading in. However, a map won’t get the player very far. A player should seek out the nearest forest and proceed to punch down trees to harvest their Wooden Logs. Wooden Logs aren’t useful as is, but by turning them into Wooden Planks the player can then start fully utilizing the power of wood.

Once the player has collected a Wooden Log they can open up their inventory and craft the Wooden Log into four Wooden Planks. A small 2×2 crafting area can be found above the player’s inventory space in the inventory menu. By dragging a Wooden Log into that space, the player can craft Wooden Planks. Each log is equal to 4 planks. Be wary, once a log is crafted into planks they can not be crafted back into logs.

Once the player has 4 Wooden Planks they can arrange them inside of the crafting space in a 2×2 pattern to craft a Crafting Table. The crafting table can be placed on the ground and then used to craft items using a 3×3 crafting space. This unlocks the ability to make beds, tools, doors, and other very useful items.

The Stone Age in Minecraft

Now that the player knows how to effectively collect wood, it’s time to learn how to collect wood better. Minecraft offers the player five basic tools to craft using a Crafting Table: a sword, a shovel, a hoe, an ax, and a pickaxe. Each tool can be made from one of five different materials each having its own strength, durability, and efficiency: wood, gold, stone, iron, and diamond. Wood has the lowest of the stats and diamond has the highest. Each tool then has the opportunity to become even stronger through enchantments… but that is for another guide.

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After collecting wood and crafting a Crafting Table it is time to craft an ax. To craft an ax the player will need three Wooden Planks and two sticks. Sticks can be crafted by placing two Wooden Planks in the shape of a stick. Alternatively, if the player completely punches down a tree collecting all of the logs that make up that tree, the leaves of that tree will start to deteriorate with a chance to drop either sticks, apples, or saplings (all three of which are important items.)

Once all of the components of an item are collected they can be instantly crafted by using the green book icon in the Crafting Table Menu. All the player has to do is find the item they are wanting to craft and select it. If the player does not have all of the components necessary the menu should tell the player what they are missing.

Now that the player has an ax chopping down trees should be a bit faster, but can still be improved. Stone tools are some of the most useful and easily attainable tools in the game, all the player needs to start crafting them is a pickaxe. Some blocks in Minecraft can only be obtained by using a certain tool. Stone is the perfect example as, unlike wood, it cannot be obtained by breaking it with your fist. Instead, the player will need a pickaxe to collect it.

A Wooden Pickaxe can be crafted by using a Crafting Table to combine three Wooden Planks and two Sticks. Once the player has a Wooden Pickaxe they can then mine three pieces of Cobblestone, which is the block that drops once Stone is broken by a pickaxe, they can then craft a Stone Pickaxe. A Stone Pickaxe will last the player a lot longer than a wooden one and will mine Cobblestone a lot faster.

At this point, it is recommended that the player craft a Stone Axe, additional Stone Pickaxes, and a Stone Sword. A Stone Sword can be crafted with two pieces of Cobblestone and one Stick.

Around this time the player might be getting a bit hungry (literally) and tired (figuratively). It is not time to get some food and find a place to rest.

Finding Food and Shelter inside Minecraft

In Minecraft, the player has two different bars that floating above the hotbar that indicate the player’s health and hunger. The player’s health, like any other game, decreases when a player takes damage. A player can take damage in a number of different ways whether it be from falling a far distance, being hit by a hostile mob, or from starving.

One of the mechanics Minecraft has in place is starvation. If a player’s hunger bar is full they will be able to regenerate health, but once their hunger bar starts to deplete they will no longer be able to regen health until the bar is filled again. Luckily, if the player has been chopping down trees, chances are they may have a hearty supply of apples to help keep themselves from starving. Eating apples frequently can help keep a player from starving until they find a better source of food.

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Food can be found in a number of ways, but the easiest way for a player to obtain a large quantity of food quickly is by killing animals. Cows, pigs, chicken, sheep and other friendly mobs will spawn at random and can be killed with the player’s fists or a sword. Once killed, animals have a chance to drop their meat. Meat can be eaten raw, which fills the player’s hunger bar very little. If the player cooks the meat before eating it, the cooked food will fill the player’s hunger bar substantially and they will have to eat less frequently.

Food can be cooked via a Furnace. To craft a furnace, players only need 8 pieces of Cobblestone and a Crafting Table. Once crafted, place the furnace on the ground and place the meat inside. Furnaces need fuel in order to cook food or smelt ores. Wood is a good fuel to start with but will burn up quickly. Coal is the best source of fuel and can be found while mining and can be collected with a Stone Pickaxe or better.

If a player does not eat after a period of time their hunger bar will decrease. Certain activities will cause players to become hungry faster such as running, regenerating health, or excessive jumping. If their hunger bar is completely empty the player will then start to take damage until their health drops to zero. Once the player’s health depletes all the way they will die and respawn at the last place they slept. Unless the player hasn’t slept until now which they probably haven’t. If the player has not slept, upon death they will respawn at where they started when they first loaded into the world. This point is called spawn.

If a player is lucky they will have spawned near a village. Villages are generated structures that contain prebuilt farms and houses. Most of these houses contain beds, and some even contain chests with useful items in them. There are no repercussions for taking these resources or any other items the player may come across in a village. If a player has found a village they can choose to sleep there setting themselves a new spawn location or they can take the items and set up camp somewhere else.

If the player is not as fortunate and has to find their own food and shelter it can be a bit tricky. Most new players will either build a house out of dirt or wood, or they will dig themselves a home out of the side of a cliff. Either one is a viable option but won’t do a player much good without a bed.

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A player can craft a bed from three Wooden Planks and three pieces of Wool. Wool can be obtained by killing sheep which can sometimes be tricky to find. Sheep, along with other mobs, have their own unique sound effects so if the player hears a “baa” then a sheep is nearby. Once a player has the needed components they can then craft a bed using a Crafting Table, place the bed, and then set their spawn. Once the spawn is set do not remove the bed from that spot or the player will no longer respawn in that location.

It is also important to note that Minecraft has a Day/Night cycle, and hostile mobs will spawn at night. If the player has a bed they can sleep and skip the night cycle.

The player should make where they are staying as functional as possible. In addition to a bed, a player should have a crafting table, furnace, and a chest or two in their house. Chests can be crafted with 8 Wooden Planks, and if two chests are placed next to each other they will turn into what is called a “double chest” which will grant the player more space to store items. A player should place items they do not want to lose in a chest before heading out on an expedition on account of if a player dies all of their items are dropped at the location of their death.

Now that the player has tools, food, and a place to call home, it’s time to take matters into your own hands. There is plenty for the player to do from this point forward, and one of the greatest parts of Minecraft is the beauty of discovery. Go mining and get lost in the naturally generated caverns underground. Explore the surface and find the perfect place to build a settlement. Travel to the underworld and fight hordes of Zombie Pigmen. The possibilities are endless, but always remember to never dig straight down.

Minecraftis available on PC, Mac, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Mobile Devices.

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