The Wither boss in Minecraft is the game’s only hostile mob that a player can create. While the End Dragon in Minecraft’s End Dimension is considered the game’s main boss, the Wither is an optional side boss since it doesn’t roll Minecraft’s credits after defeating it. That being said, The Wither is far more difficult to defeat than the dragon. To get the items required to create the Wither boss, players will need to traverse the Nether’s most dangerous structure, a Nether Fortress.

Before seeking out a Nether Fortress in the Nether, players will want to get the very best armor and weapons to take on the mobs they’ll have to fight. In order to craft a Wither boss, players will need four blocks of Soul Sand and 3 Wither Skulls. Soul Sand won’t be hard to find in one of the Nether’s new Soul Sand biome, but Nether Fortresses containing Wither Skeletons are more challenging to come by. Wither Skeletons are very lethal and equipped with Iron Swords. They usually don’t spawn alone, and 2-3 Wither Skeletons can easily take out a player in full Diamond armor.


Luckily, Wither Skeletons are 3-blocks high in height, so a player can block a Wither Skeleton from attacking them by putting a row of blocks on the roof of a tight corridor in the Fortress to kill the Skeletons without getting hit. Leading a group of Wither Skeletons is still quite dangerous, so players will want to get some of the best enchantments for their armor and weapons before tackling them in a Fortress. After a player defeats one, Wither Skeletons have a 2.5% drop rate, so gathering three of them to spawn a Wither boss will most likely take a good amount of grinding and luck.

Spawning a Wither Boss in Minecraft

While the Wither boss is player-created, it’s not craftable on a crafting table. Instead, players will need to place their four blocks of Soul Sand and three Wither Skulls in a particular order to summon the Wither boss. First, place the four blocks of Soul Sand in a small ‘T’ shape, with one block being its base and the other three going horizontally on top of it. Then, place the 3 Wither Skulls on each of the three blocks of Soul Sand at the top. Before starting this fight, players really should consider getting Minecraft‘s Netherite gear to fight the Wither, as it is the strongest boss in Minecraft. 

Placing the 3rd Wither skull will summon the Wither boss. The boss will first stay still like it, and its health bar grows in size until it is finally fully formed. Once the boss is fully formed, it’ll cause a large explosion in the surrounding area, so take a few steps back when starting the fight. Gathering the items needed to summon this boss is already a dangerous and time-consuming task. But, fighting the Wither boss is an entirely different story that only players fully equipped with the best gear should attempt to take on.

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Minecraft is available on PC, Android, iOS, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch.

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