A Minecraft player made a shocking discovery while tending to their Enderman XP farm. Although the game is a little over a decade old, players are still finding little secrets that could have been in the game since launch. With Minecraft being one of the most popular games of all time, it still surprises players when they uncover something new.

Minecraft’s core gameplay elements have not changed much since launch; players begin with nothing in an open-sandbox world where they must allocate resources to survive as long as they can. As time went on, players have found new ways to succeed in Minecraft with much more ease and less risk. One such method is the mob farm, where players limit the area that a certain mob-type can spawn and farm their XP/resources without the hassle of traditional combat. Players have found some truly remarkable ways to farm mobs for XP and resources; one player even built a massive Minecraft pyramid to hold 40 different farms dedicated to different mobs and resources.


Reddit user razzmadazzled was tending to their underground Enderman farm when they made a shocking observation; one Enderman was able to spawn outside of the allotted space and climb a ladder to escape the mob farm. The video on u/razzmadazzled’s post shows the Enderman quickly climbing the ladder as soon as it spawns, making many viewers wonder how or why something like that could happen.

Minecraft mobs are typically unable to do things like open doors and flip switches. Watching the Enderman climb the ladder raised concerns in many players’ heads, prompting questions about the AI in Minecraft’s mobs. Mob AI improvement is something that can only be done with the use of mods, as the vanilla mob AI has remained in a relatively unchanged state since Minecraft’s launch a decade ago. One commenter on the post claimed that mobs have always been able to climb ladders, but lack the AI to seek them out. The video shows the Enderman spawning near the ladder with nowhere else to go, meaning that this was likely the case in razzmadazzled’s experience.

Regardless of how the Enderman was able to make its escape, the clip is still a fun one to watch and goes to show that there are still many mysteries to be found in Minecraft. Perhaps players could even use the clip as a cause to press Mojang to improve the AI in Minecraft’s mobs.

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Minecraft is available on all platforms.

Source: razzmadazzled/Reddit

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