Minecraft modder has teased images of steampunk-themed gear, including a mechanical bow and articulated glider wings. The addition of mods to Minecraft is a great way to create diverse gameplay, with numerous mod packs existing for hundreds of different playstyles. Stylized mods can overhaul the visual appearances of tools, buildings, and environments, while others can add hundreds of new tools and forage items. Mods are capable of taking the base gameplay of Minecraft and transforming it into something completely different.

Mod packs have remained a popular way to customize and expand gameplay in Minecraft since shortly after the game’s release. The Forestry pack expands tools, introduces an intricate bee tending system, and utilizes tree breeding. Packs like Pam’s Harvest Craft add dozens of crop varieties that can be foraged in the wild or grown near a home. These packs could be essential to gameplay in the early days of Minecraft when Vanilla content was heavily limited.


Minecraft modder juuccaa on Reddit has shared models for an upcoming steampunk-like mod, with the pixelated models demonstrating the functions of a mechanical bow and articulated glider wings. While the post doesn’t say what else will be included in the mod, or when it might release, it appears the purpose of the mod is to introduce mechanical, gear-driven tools. The short clip of the bow in action shows whirling gears as the arrow is pulled and released. The wings demonstrate an impressive amount of detail as they extend, making gears in the shoulder pack spin as the elbow joins flex and contract.

See the original post on Reddit here.

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The popular sandbox game has many useful tools and pieces of wearable Minecraft gear to assist players as they explore the world. One of the most important, the Elytra, is the sole source of flight when playing in Survival. However, the Elytra has a bland, plain look that doesn’t match most of the nicer armor in the game. To help with this, mod packs have not only offered different skins for these important devices but have also given them more functions. This is the same for weapons armor, with varieties and types expanded in most combat-focused mods. These expansions allow players to choose between fighting styles, as well as increase the incentive of making better quality items.

Mod packs have also potentially been used as inspirations for Vanilla Minecraft mode updates. Over the years, bees, additional farm items, and even new ores for tools and weapons have been introduced in large-scale updates. Recently more biomes have also been added, with vast improvements to the environments of the areas. These updates mirror mod packs for Minecraft that have been available for years. Despite the additions, however, player-made expansions continue to add content unavailable in current versions of the game – making updates from modders exciting for those wanting to try something new.

Source: juuccaa/Reddit

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