A Minecraft timelapse video has appeared on Reddit that shows four friends building an Italian Renaissance church in Survival Mode over three days. While the video itself is a breathtaking work of art, the final product displayed at the end of the video is truly worthy of its Renaissance theme.

As Minecraft has exploded in popularity over the years, the community has taken the creation aspect of the game to levels that were unimaginable when it was first conceived. Magnificent, sprawling structures, cityscapes, and architectural phenomena have been built that inspire awe and wonder for their place in such a simple-looking game. Some builders have dispelled the mystique by providing timelapse videos that show how their creations were built, block by block. Ironically, watching the video evidence of a build often makes the accomplishment even more difficult to believe. What’s even more impressive is watching a build done in Survival Mode, where all the perks of Creative Mode, such as flying and infinite resources, are unavailable to the player(s).


User meto30 on the r/Minecraft subreddit has added to the growing list of amazing Minecraft timelapse builds. Yesterday, meto30 uploaded a video that shows the player and three friends building an Italian Renaissance church in only three real-world days. More details concerning the build are provided in the comments. Meto30 notes that the church is in a Mannerist style with “a Greek Cross layout but a Catholic-style interior,” and that the inspiration is derived from Saint Peter’s Basilica. The incredible build, showcased in what is apparently meto30’s first timelapse video, can be seen below.

A deeper dive into the comments reveals that the build was initially supposed to happen over three weeks. However, when the VTuber Haachama suddenly announced a Minecraft Builds contest, meto30 and their friends had to rush to complete the build in order to participate. Indeed, the completion of the tremendous structure in such a short amount of time makes the feat all the more impressive. It also seems the build was done on the Demesnecraft server. While tools such as Litematica were used to assist in properly executing the build’s design, meto30 mentions that a lot of the replication of designs across the church were simply “eyeballed,” a testament to the skill of the builders.

It’s always remarkable to witness what creators can accomplish in a game about stacking cubes. Minecraft has become a hub of ingenuity and a goldmine of engaging content, timelapse videos included, which never fail to impress. Players can expect more blocks and resources for builds when the Caves & Cliffs two-part update launches later this year. In the meantime, scores of talented builders will certainly provide ample content to keep Minecraft fresh and interesting.

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Minecraft is available on all platforms.

Source: meto30/Reddit

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