Vanessa Kirby, who is reprising her role as White Widow in Mission: Impossible 7, expressed that she agrees with Tom Cruise’s recent rant about on-set COVID safety. In December 2020, a leaked recording of Tom Cruise yelling at the crew of MI7 over breaking safety protocols went viral. There has been a lot of speculation over the audio’s leaking, and Cruise’s very aggressive tone is troubling; however, his concerns about safety on-set have been supported by many.

Tom Cruise’s rant was fueled by the issues the Mission: Impossible 7 team has already faced trying to film amidst the pandemic. After being unable to kickoff production in February 2020 due to the pandemic, the delays for MI7 did not stop there. In October, the crew went on hiatus again after 12 people tested positive for the virus. Although they quickly resumed filming a week later, concerns over a potential suspension began to put extra pressure on the crew to ensure the set’s safety and longevity. With the sequel Mission: Impossible 8 being shot immediately following the completion of MI7, Cruise feels the stress of protecting the production from any further delays.


IndieWire reported that Mission: Impossible 7 star Vanessa Kirby, who plays White Widow, agrees with Cruise’s concerns in his viral rant. She weighed in, saying, “I think being safe is the message for everybody, really.” Although Kirby has not returned to set yet, her sister is part of the assistant director’s team and was the first to return to set back in July. Kirby elaborated, stating: “For me, seeing my sister doing it on the ground and every day coming home from work and it all going well, it was all inspiring. The whole industry has been shut down — cinemas, theaters, film sets. Seeing her go and do it and be one of the first ones up gave me hope.”

From the nature of Kirby’s response, she appears sympathetic towards Cruise’s outburst and agrees that safety is paramount. In the rant, Cruise argues that he is not concerned about the safety of the set but the industry’s status as a whole, which is a sentiment most people share. With her and her sister’s involvement in Mission: Impossible 7, their safety and the industry’s safety are undoubtedly at the forefront of the sister’s concerns. Hopefully, as Kirby returns to production, she can ease the tension on-set while working diligently with the team to ensure everyone’s safety.

Although the crew has defended Cruise’s response, other celebrities have come forward and criticized Cruise’s rant as a publicity stunt and a display of his ego. With the prospect of Cruise’s upcoming films finally grossing $1 Billion, their criticism may not be that ludicrous. Although Cruise’s rant’s aggressive nature was inappropriate, the anxieties over safety make the outburst understandable. Moving past this drama, hopefully, the Mission: Impossible 7 team will find a way to prevent any more COVID outbreaks while maintaining a positive environment on-set.

Source: IndieWire

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