John Carney’s anthology series returns for a sophomore season of love stories based on the eponymous New York Times column. The personal essays tell diverse tales of unconventional and unlikely love — a nocturnal woman falling for a “day man,” a pair whose spouses have cheated on them wondering if they themselves might share a spark, and a woman who cannot bear to part with her broken-down car.

This season of Modern Love takes viewers outside of New York a handful of times to locations including Dublin and London. The overall vibe is reminiscent of the first season — witty, charming, and packed with love. But the stories are arguably even less conventional and at times feel incomplete. Some episodes are outstanding and emotionally involving, while others feel disjointed and flat.

8 “A Life Plan For Two, Followed By One”

The series’ weakest episode takes place across the longest period of time and perhaps tries to do too much in its short runtime. The story starts when the protagonist Lil is 12-years-old and student president Vincent sticks up for her in the cafeteria. This meeting begins a lasting friendship that follows into adulthood. Ultimately the characters aren’t particularly likable — in addition to leading her on with romantic dances and picnics overlooking the Manhattan skyline, Vincent seduces her during their college days and then ghosts her afterward.

The plot explores the “keeping things casual while secretly being in love” rom-com cliché, but the audience doesn’t exactly want them to be in love. In the end, Lil’s true love isn’t Vincent; it’s stand-up comedy. It was there for her more than Vincent ever was and if that is the episode’s message, then it somewhat redeeming the flawed central relationship between the two leads.

7 “In The Waiting Room Of Estranged Spouses”

After a marine returns from Afghanistan and learns that his wife has cheated on him, he starts seeing the same therapist as Isabelle, “the wife of the guy my wife is having an affair with.” She is now raising her baby alone and needs a “teammate.” Meanwhile, Spence is feeling directionless and wants someone to love and care for. They soon develop a connection and bond over their shared situation.

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The episode highlights the unpleasantness of cheating but doesn’t dwell on it as the characters quickly move forward from their trauma. “We’re not them; at least we have that,” Isabelle tells him at one point. The story is about Spence and Isabelle — two kind and generous people who aren’t defined by the way in which their previous relationships ended and proceed to make each other’s lives better. It’s one of the weaker episodes, but it still has an interesting premise that makes it worth watching.


6 “Am I… ? Maybe This Quiz Game Will Tell Me”

Episode 5 feels evocative of coming-of-age school movies such as Eighth Grade. When the teenaged protagonist develops a crush on a fellow schoolgirl, she tries to come to terms with her own sexuality while navigating typical school and family pressures. All the while, the only thing she wants to do is hang out with the person who makes her happiest.

The episode’s strength comes from its main character. For one, she is a refreshingly honest teen with a relatable dependency on her phone. The joy she exhibits when her crush sends her a gif of a dolphin is totally endearing and makes her, and the episode’s story, ultimately relatable to the audience.

5 “How Do You Remember Me?”

The penultimate installment in the series unfolds over around 2-3 minutes in real-time, with flashbacks filling in the gaps. As two men walk towards one another on a New York street, they realize that they once spent a fleeting but meaningful night together. The episode then shows viewers their contrasting perspectives on the night as they both remember it rather differently.

Modern Love almost redefines what constitutes a “typical” love story with this episode. This is one of the more unconventional episodes, but it raises questions about how the audience sees themselves, and how everyone perceives the world differently. It’s thought-provoking, touching, and poignant. In the end, each of them is content with a glance back over his shoulder and a smile to the other.

4 “The Night Girl Finds A Day Boy”

When viewers first meet the “night girl,” she is curt and aloof as the “day boy” makes small talk with her in a diner. In the end, she agrees to go out with him, but her narration tells the audience that “the moon was her sun” — she goes to bed at 8 am and wakes up at 5 pm. The day boy is initially excited by her situation and his late nights are manageable at first, but as their dating life develops, it becomes more and more difficult.

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The characters are charming, the music is superb, and even though the plot essentially comes down to two people on different schedules struggling to arrange a date, it’s still strangely moving. Like some of the best TV series and movies set in New York, the night-time Big Apple setting also makes for some nostalgic and eye-pleasing visuals such as diners’ neon signs and riverside dawn skies.

3 “Second Embrace, With Hearts And Eyes Open”

This episode feels like a Richard Curtis Christmas rom-com crammed into thirty-two minutes. It’s set in the kind of London you see from the window of a bus while passing through — posh, affluent, well-spoken residents. The plot follows a separated husband and wife who rediscover their love for one another — or at least realize it never went away — after the wife gets diagnosed with cancer.

The husband steps up during the difficult time and proves himself mature and capable with their two daughters — from making them homemade pizza to being a pro bedtime story reader. He makes some blunders along the way, such as proposing to her on the night she tells him of her diagnosis, but ultimately, his being there for her convinces her to take him back. And it has one of the happiest endings of the series. It’s also the last episode, so it’s a strong finish to the series as a whole.

2 “Strangers On A (Dublin) Train”

At the onset of the pandemic, an intellectual technophobe and a hipster tech worker have a delightful rom-com meet-cute on a train from Galway to Dublin, Ireland. They quickly fall for one another and arrange to meet on the first train back to Galway after the temporary two-week lockdown. Trusting in one another and the power of love, they decide not to exchange any contact details. Two weeks later the lockdown has been extended and their chance at love is foiled.

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This is the episode where Modern Love takes itself the least seriously. This is exemplified when the swoony, romantic acoustic guitar music that scores their conversation on the train turns out to be emitting from a man sitting behind them, and when one character references Game of Thrones (the tech worker is played by Jon Snow actor Kit Harrington). The tongue-in-cheek style of the episode and acknowledgment of rom-com tropes is refreshing and amusing, making it one of the best episodes.

1 “On A Serpentine Road, With The Top Down”

The series’ opener and its strongest episode is set in Ireland and follows Minnie Driver as a woman whose partner is forcing her to sell her beloved vintage sportscar. Although the car is constantly breaking down, the audience soon learns that it belonged to her late husband — it’s the only place she can talk freely to him and still feel his presence. Through flashbacks, the audience is shown their many happy memories, such as picking up a Christmas tree. When Driver’s character comes clean to her current partner, he surprises her by buying back the car from its new owner.

It’s the best episode in the series due to the sweeping shots of atmospheric Irish scenery that is enhanced by Van Morrison playing on the soundtrack. More importantly, the episode excels in the way it tackles grief and loss with honesty and a lack of sentiment, and the idea of shared love that isn’t saccharine. The rest of the season doesn’t quite reach these emotional heights again.

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