In The Mandalorian, the series’ primary villain Moff Gideon is terrified of Luke Skywalker, and it could be from a harrowing Jedi fight in his past. During The Mandalorian’s season 2 finale “The Rescue”, Din Djarin and his allies were surrounded by Moff Gideon’s Dark Troopers, only to be saved by the timely arrival of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. This motivated a terrified and desperate reaction from Gideon, who up until the point had been full of confidence. As a result, a theory has been proposed as to why that may be, involving a brutal encounter with a Jedi in his past.

Making his first appearance in the final two episodes of The Mandalorians first season, Moff Gideon is the leader of the Imperial Remnant in the years after the Empire’s fall in Return of the Jedi. During that time, he secured the Darksaber from Bo-Katan Kryze during the Empire’s Great Purge of Mandalore and has also made it his mission to secure Grogu: a powerful Force-sensitive child whose blood has been taken for experimentation (most likely in a desire to replicate the Force abilities of the Jedi). However, there may be a personal reason behind Moff Gideon’s focus on the Jed as he seeks to mirror their tools and abilities.


In a Mandalorian theory post presented on Reddit, it’s suggested that Moff Gideon potentially had a near-death experience with a Jedi at some point in his past while working for the Empire. This would explain his armor as being more than a simple Darth Vader homage as it could be a simplified life-support suit he needs in the event he was injured by a lightsaber to the chest. Furthermore, it would explain his weapon of choice being the Darksaber and his search for Grogu. He’s looking to protect himself from any future Jedi. The mere fact that Gideon desperately tried to shoot himself after attempting to kill the child communicates that he saw death as a better fate than facing a Jedi (perhaps for a second time).

As Luke Skywalker was heading to the bridge where Gideon was being held, the Moff had lost all of his protection and advantages he had gained. Din Djarin had taken the Darksaber, Grogu couldn’t be used as leverage, and his Dark Troopers were actively being eradicated by Luke one by one. If the Moff had been nearly killed by Jedi in his past, it’s no wonder he reacted as aggressively as he did and with so much desperation.

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While this is all just a theory, it’s certainly one that holds weight as it explains quite a bit about what little is known in regards to the surviving Imperial Moff. It would be satisfying for Mandalorian season 3 to confirm that Gideon’s armor has a purpose rather than being a simple nod to Darth Vader’s suit (which would make Gideon just another Vader enthusiast alongside Kylo Ren). Furthermore, if the reason is indeed due to a past Jedi encounter, it would certainly explain the uncharacteristic fear Gideon displayed in the face of Luke Skywalker in Mandalorian’s season 2 finale.

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