Content Warning: This article contains discussions of sexual assault and violence.

Most fans didn’t expect Arturo to be in the third season after the problems his selfishness and cowardice caused in the first, but he came back and was even worse. Money Heist had many heroes, but Arturo Roman was not one of them. He was just a weak man that would do anything to look like a hero while throwing everyone else under the bus.

The show started with Arturo denying Monica’s pregnancy before he later claimed to love her, but as it turned out, he never cared about her. He then risked Monica and Alison’s lives, as well as the rest of the hostages, trying to make himself the hero without doing any heavy lifting. During the second heist, he turned into a sexual predator, making him worse than even the worst robber.

9 When He Caused Trouble On The Roof

Denver made it very clear that Moscow only needed to go onto the roof for some air, but Arturo wouldn’t stop scaring everyone. On the roof, when he heard that Monica had been shot, he started waving the gun at everyone as if he cared about Monica’s welfare (even though he had just denied his own child a few hours earlier).

His hysteria on the roof caused Raquel to panic and authorize the shot that injured Arturo himself. His actions put everyone in danger and nearly got innocent people killed. Even if he had shot the robbers on the roof, there was a chance the police could have mistaken him for one of the criminals since they were all wearing the same disguises. It was a reckless move.

8 When He Asked Monica If She Was Shiva

In the flashbacks, it was revealed that Arturo promised to leave his wife and move in with Monica. He also lied to her that he was sterile. When Monica told him about the pregnancy, Arturo shamed her immediately by asking her whether she was Shiva the goddess of fertility.

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It was gross and demeaning, and really broke Monica’s heart. Monica hadn’t asked him to leave his wife or offer child support, she was only doing what she thought was right by informing him of the pregnancy, but Arturo was heartless in his response.


7 When He Kissed Monica After His Surgery

Even after denying his baby, Monica still cared about Arturo. She wrote him the note, but Denver couldn’t deliver it before his surgery because he was talking to his wife and making a mess of his two relationships. Monica was also injured badly at the time, but she took time to show some love for Arturo.

Arturo never did anything for Monica. After the surgery, he started kissing Monica all over without even taking note of her injuries or her feelings. He proved that he only saw Monica as a sex object since he didn’t stop when Monica didn’t kiss him back.

6 When He Incited Alison To Hide During Proof Of Life

Alison was a little girl caught up in unfortunate events and any adult would want to protect her the way Mercedes did the children, but Arturo didn’t. Arturo was more interested in looking like the hero and didn’t care when he put her life on the line.

Monica stopped him when he struggled to give Alison the codes to the safe, but he continued after Monica left. He encouraged her to miss the count for the proof of life, which would have caused an attack by the police on the mint and many people would have died. The robbers showed more concern for Alison’s life than Arturo.

5 When He Stole From The Robbers

To the hostages, Arturo condemned the robbers for being less than human because they risked everyone’s life to steal. However, as it turned out, he was trying to keep something for himself as well. When Helsinki stripped him to put the fake explosives on him after his incitement caused Oslo’s death, they discovered cash hidden under his shirt.

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It proved that he was just a hypocrite all along. He was actually trying to steal the money and escape, and he caused Oslo’s death while trying to steal, as well, which made him even worse.

4 When He Made His Celebrity Speech Before The Second Heist

The heist in the bank of Spain was successful but traumatic for both the robbers and the hostages. The pain everyone went through, especially because of Arturo’s actions, was regrettable and not the type that anyone would try to profit from. Arturo was actually a coward throughout that heist, which is why his speech was so unfair.

Arturo was right to criticize the robbers, but he was a fraud and lied about his experiences, whereas they never made any false claims about their actions. They didn’t intend to harm anyone either and even spared Arturo after he got one of them killed.

3 When He Tried To Have Sex With Monica At The Bank

Monica was generous enough to agree to talk to Arturo when he made himself a hostage at the Bank of Spain. His first claim of wanting to see his son was reasonable, but what he did proved he was just a pervert. He was only interested in having sex with Monica while she was concerned with keeping everyone in the Bank alive.

He even tried to use his sexual excitement as the reason why Monica should give him another chance, and it was disgusting. He just proved once more that he had very little respect for her as a person. He never asked her how she was and didn’t even care that she was married to Denver now.

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2 When He Raped Amanda

Arturo was obviously a pervert but the show never exposed him as a sexual predator during the first heist. However, after Monica turned him down, he went wild and exposed his true colors on the frightened hostages in the Bank of Spain.

When he first offered pills to Amanda, it felt like he was helping her or executing some kind of plan to save people, but when he raped her, it became hard to watch. Fans hated him, even more, when he tried to turn Amanda into the villain when she asked him about his actions. None of the robbers had done anything this evil.

1 When He Had His Confrontation With Manilla

After raping Amanda, Arturo offered his pills to Manilla, as well, although he didn’t know that she was working undercover for the robbers. He then tried to play the brave savior, even after his evil deeds were exposed. The hostages, including the governor, became more scared of him than they were of the robbers.

He became more disgusting when he tried to rub off the rape claims when Manilla asked him about it. His frantic “I’m dying,” screams after Manilla shot him proved he was the biggest coward in the group and made him the most hated character in the show.

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