Monster Hunter Rise’s release date is only two short months away and fans are excited to play the next installment in one of Capcom’s biggest series. With the release of this next game, and three more Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC characters left to be announced, there are sure to be a lot of people hoping for some Monster Hunter representation on the fighting game’s roster.

Monster Hunter has been one of the characters fans have most hoped to see added to Smash’s roster, but it seems those hopes may never become a reality. According to a Smash insider, Monster Hunter may not join the roster due to complications in negotiations.


According to Dextero, former Game Informer editor Imran Khan shared details about a few Smash characters in a recent ResetEra post. Khan stated that Byleth, the fifth fighter from Smash’s Fighters Pass Season One, was actually intended to be included in the game’s base roster. In addition, the former editor claimed that a good bit of Byleth’s moveset was borrowed from another character that didn’t make it onto the roster due to negotiations falling through. Fans then began to speculate that this scrapped character was actually someone from Monster Hunter. 

Byleth’s Smash Moveset Is Supposedly From A Scrapped Character

While Khan didn’t confirm that the character Byleth’s moves were based on belonged to Monster Hunter, he didn’t exactly deny them either. Khan went on to say, “the Monster Hunter team has traditionally been very against having ‘Monster Hunter’ as a character in games, but doesn’t mind crossovers with levels and monsters.” This statement does track with the Monster Hunter content that’s already in Smash Bros. Ultimate. The game features Rathalos, a dragon from the Monster Hunter series, as an assist trophy and a boss fight in Adventure Mode and Classic Mode, so there already is some Monster Hunter representation in the game even without the inclusion of a character.

Taking Byleth’s moveset into consideration, it’s easy to see the similarities between them and a potential Monster Hunter character. All of Byleth’s moves are weapon based, which would fit perfectly with a character from Monster Hunter. All Byleth’s special moves, from their natural charged bow shot to their heavy down and side specials, seem as though they could be well-suited for a Monster Hunter fighter. Of all the characters on Smash’s roster, it seems as though Byleth would make the most sense as the character created with the leftover remains of an attempted Monster Hunter character. Because of this, Khan’s claim doesn’t feel totally out of left field.

While the odds definitely don’t seem to be in Monster Hunter’s favor at this point, it’s hard to entirely dismiss the possibility of a character. False Smash rumors emerge almost daily and it’s hard to confirm the validity of Khan’s insights. It’s also worth mentioning that more five voice clip audio files were discovered after Steve from Minecraft was added to Smash Bros. Considering there were only four more DLC characters left at the time, this could imply that a character with multiple genders could be one of the last DLC characters. There are countless options as to who this character could be, but Monster Hunter would make sense based on the fact players can choose the gender of their character.

Like most Smash rumors, all of this should be taken with a hefty grain of salt. It’s hard to say for sure if Monster Hunter will ever make its way to the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate roster, but it seems very unlikely as of now.

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Source: Dextero

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