Capcom revealed that Monster Hunter Rise is getting another update in May that will add another ending to the story. Rise’s ending left more questions than answers as the ending cutscene left off on a cliffhanger. Twin quest maidens, Hinoa and Minoto, experience “Resonance” with Elder Dragons Wind Serpent Ibushi and Thunder Serpent Narwa that allows them to read the minds of the monsters. Neither Elder Dragon can be killed in either quest that hunts them; instead, the hunter repels them.

The endgame of Rise feels light compared to prior titles, but the upcoming 2.0 update brings new Elder Dragons and Apex monsters to hunt. It was evident that more content was expected to be added since the weapon tree is still incomplete and Hunter Rank was capped at HR7. Unlike Monster Hunter World, which has tempered monsters, investigation quests, and a sizeable decoration grind, Rise only has Rampage quests and bonus quests in online high-rank. The pool of monsters may be slightly larger than World, but besides Ibushi and Narwa, no other Elder Dragons are in the base game.


At the end of the Monster Hunter Digital Event, a roadmap was shown for the next title update currently scheduled for the end of May. Title update three will have even more monsters and have new story cutscenes and a new ending. That ending will more than likely wrap up the Hinoa and Minoto Resonance storyline as Ibushi and Narwa talked about their children taking over the world while resonating with the Wyverian twins. No other information is available at the time of this writing.

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Monster Hunter World emphasized its story more than any other entry in the series before it, which continues with Rise. Like World, Rise is likely to see its story expand from the new DLC. Updates in World had many questlines involving new and old monsters that would feature new cutscenes, and It shouldn’t be a surprise that Capcom would follow suit with Rise. There is more than likely going to be even more story involving its cast of characters with each update past the third title update.

What the new ending of the game will bring is still unknown, but Capcom expanding on the lore of the mysterious new Elder Dragons is sure to have fans excited. Moreover, with the story focusing on the cause of the Rampage, more surprises could be coming after the new ending. It could also tie into the anticipated Monster Hunter Rise G expansion that was leaked last year. Nevertheless, Capcom has something planned for players when the next update releases at the end of May.

Source: Capcom

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