Kong’s axe in Godzilla vs. Kong could be made from not the dorsal fins of his opponent in the movie, but from the remains of the original Godzilla. Months ago, Godzilla vs. Kong action figures teased that Kong might be carrying a weapon into battle against Godzilla. Finally, the axe was officially unveiled by Legendary in the long-awaited Godzilla vs. Kong trailer, which previewed some of the fighting that will take place during their upcoming showdown.

Kong’s axe, which is arguably the best tool in his arsenal, is one of the most talked-about elements of the trailer, which also hinted at a villainous turn for Godzilla. It seems that in order to rein in Godzilla, Monarch may have to put their trust in Kong, who has developed a unique bond with a young child. For reasons that haven’t been fully explained yet, Godzilla and Kong will be coming to blows in a battle that will presumably determine who the alpha of the Titans is going forward. Godzilla claimed the crown of King of the Monsters by killing Ghidorah, but he could lose it for good if he falls to Kong in the new movie.


As for the weapon that may help Kong secure victory in their MonsterVerse rematch, the axe is the subject of various questions, one of which pertains to its origin. Certain shots in the trailer as well as images of Kong action figures have made it abundantly clear that the axe blade itself is one of Godzilla’s dorsal fins. Not only does it match the shape and texture of his spikes, but it also glows blue. This has led to theories postulating that in the movie, Kong will brutally rip a dorsal plate from Godzilla’s back and use it to fashion together a powerful weapon. That’s one way it could happen, but it’s possible that it can actually be built without Godzilla losing any of his spikes. Kong’s axe could instead be linked to the original Godzilla.

Godzilla Isn’t The Only Member Of His Species

It’s known from the cave paintings shown in Kong: Skull Island and Godzilla: King of the Monsters that some version of their battle happened at least once before in the MonsterVerse. This mysterious Titan War was mentioned again and expanded on a bit in the Godzilla vs. Kong trailer. It was said that the two were the last ones standing in the conflict. As for who was involved, it’s no secret that Kong himself wasn’t around at that time, considering that he was only an adolescent during the 1970s. Godzilla, on the other hand, could have fought in the Titan War. The monster has existed for thousands of years, so it’s not unfeasible that he battled (and perhaps defeated) one of Kong’s ancestors.

Another scenario is that both combatants in the war were ancestors of the titular Titans in the movie. It was confirmed in 2014’s Godzilla that Godzilla isn’t the only member of his species to have walked the Earth. Monarch was studying an ancient Godzilla skeleton at the beginning of the film, which means at least one more came before him. This creature, who was named “Dagon” in the prequel comic, died fighting the MUTOs over a thousand years ago. It could be that a third Godzilla – who precedes both Dagon and the MonsterVerse’s Godzilla – is the Titan who went head-to-head with Kong’s ancestor in the Titan War. It may be that he lost his life in the fighting.

How Kong Could Find The Original Godzilla

If there is a third Godzilla out there, how could Kong find him? The answer to that question naturally depends on where the Titan War took place. It could be that a large chunk of the war was fought in the Hollow Earth, rather than the surface. Descriptions for the movie suggest this is plausible, as it has been said that a “monster war” will be waged “deep within our world”. That indicates the Hollow Earth passageways provide enough space for large-scale Titan battles. Plus, there’s a chance that audiences have barely glimpsed the world that Hollow Earth is hiding. The jungle setting where Kong fights the two winged Titans may actually be inside the Hollow Earth.

The new synopsis for Godzilla vs. Kong has revealed that Kong will indeed be visiting this place. Apparently, he’ll be on a quest to find his “true home”. This too was teased in the trailer; Kong was seen laying his hand on a red handprint found on a cave wall. It may be down there that he’ll find skeletons of his ancestors who fought in the Titan War, and perhaps the body of their enemy: the original Godzilla. If Kong has enough intelligence to understand that Godzilla’s dorsal plates are sharp enough to serve as weapons, he could pull one loose and combine it with a Titan bone to make an axe. The axe hilt (which is shown to be a bone in the trailer) may belong to a different Titan because it glows red instead of blue.

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What The Axe’s Godzilla Powers Could Be

Kong’s axe is sure to be useful for cutting into Godzilla’s thick hide, but it will come in handy for more reasons than just that. It appears that being made from Godzilla (or his ancestor) gives the axe special properties that can aid Kong in combat. In the trailer, he was able to catch Godzilla’s atomic breath. This is huge, mostly because it takes away Kong’s biggest disadvantage. In their original fight in Toho’s King Kong vs. Godzilla, the atomic breath was a weapon that Kong had no answer for. With no ranged energy attacks of his own, there wasn’t much that he could do whenever Godzilla fired at him. That doesn’t seem to be the case this time around though, thanks to the axe. This means Kong will have a much easier time standing up to the atomic breath.

Plus, the axe was curiously glowing blue before Godzilla even fired a blast at him. The axe’s link to Godzilla seems to provides it with some of sort of strange power that may be radioactive in nature (just like the atomic breath). It’s hard to say what the limits of Kong’s axe are, but one thing it may be capable of is using Godzilla’s own energy against him. That could help explain why it glows blue. When it catches the atomic breath, it may contain – and absorb – the blast into the dorsal plate, so that it can then be redirected at Godzilla. Or, its power could be unleashed when Kong plunges it into Godzilla’s flesh. Either way, it certainly looks like the axe may be the biggest threat to the King of the Monsters’ crown in Godzilla vs. Kong.

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