After tackling the Arthurian legend with their first film, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, the Pythons told their uniquely absurdist version of an even more well-known story with their next film, Life of Brian, which satirized the tale of Jesus Christ. It’s about a regular man named Brian who’s born in the next stable over from Jesus and gets mistaken for the Messiah.

Although it was hugely controversial in religious communities for its supposedly blasphemous humor, the general consensus is that Life of Brian is one of the most hilarious comedies ever made. So, here are the 10 funniest scenes from Monty Python’s Life of Brian.

10 “What Have The Romans Ever Done For Us?”

A lot of the jokes in Life of Brian satirize the people who spoke out against the Roman Empire as its rule slowly took over civilization. Sometimes, when that kind of thing happens, the natural proclivity is to rebel, but when the question “What have the Romans ever done for us?” is asked, a lot of great contributions come to light.

As the list goes on, Reg says, “All right, all right…but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?”

9 “Blessed Are The Cheesemakers.”

When a crowd is gathered, listening to Jesus Christ delivering a sermon to his legions of followers, the spectators at back of the crowd can’t hear what Jesus is saying. The scene takes place long before the invention of megaphones and speaker systems.

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One of the followers mishears Jesus and thinks he said, “Blessed are the cheesemakers,” which doesn’t make sense to them. Someone else nearby, who fancies himself a theologian, says, “Well, obviously, this is not meant to be taken literally. It refers to any manufacturers of dairy products.”


8 The Hermit Breaks His Vow Of Silence

While hiding from his ravenous followers, Brian accidentally steps on a hermit’s foot and the hermit cries out in pain, accidentally breaking an 18-year vow of silence.

As long as his silence has been broken, he wants to make a lot of noise, but Brian wants him to stay quiet and shushes him. “18 years of total silence and you shush me!”

7 Brian Gets A Latin Lesson

After being tasked with vandalizing the walls with anti-Roman rhetoric, Brian is caught red-handed by a Roman soldier. Instead of chastising him for speaking out against the Romans, the soldier instead points out the flaws in Brian’s Latin.

Brian has written, “Romanes eunt domus,” but the Roman corrects it to “Romani ite domum,” then tells Brian to write it out correctly 100 times, like the old classroom punishment.

6 “I’m Just Pulling Your Leg. It’s Crucifixion, Really.”

As people are being brought out to be crucified, each prisoner is asked what their fate is. When one of them (played by Eric Idle) is asked, “Crucifixion?,” he says, “Er, no, freedom, actually. They said I hadn’t done anything and I could go free and live on an island somewhere.”

He’s told, “Oh, I say, that’s very nice. Well, off you go, then.” And then, the prisoner cracks, “No, I’m just pulling your leg. It’s crucifixion, really.”

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5 Biggus Dickus

In addition to playing the title character in Life of Brian, Graham Chapman played a Roman officer named Biggus Dickus, who commands a “cwack legion.”

Apparently, the soldier who laughs at Biggus Dickus’ name had a genuine reaction of laughter. He was an extra who’d simply been told not to laugh; he had no idea what to expect.

4 The Stoning

When Brian’s mother accompanies him to a stoning, she has to wear a fake beard, because women aren’t allowed to watch stonings, because “it’s written.”

A haggler has set up a store near the stoning arena, selling stones that he claims are better-crafted than the stones that are already strewn all over the ground.

3 The People’s Front Of Judea

Taken on its own, this scene acts as a hilarious sketch that lampoons the bureaucratic nature of religious organizations, and the perception that they’ll argue over the minute differences between their sects, rather than focusing on the larger spiritual truths they share.

Brian approaches them and asks, “Excuse me. Are you the Judean People’s Front?” The group’s leader replies, “F*ck off! Judean People’s Front? We’re the People’s Front of Judea!”

2 “He’s Not The Messiah! He’s A Very Naughty Boy!”

One of the funniest performances in Life of Brian is Terry Jones’ portrayal of the title character’s mother, Mandy Cohen. When she finds out her son has amassed a religious following, she’s not proud of him; she’s angry.

She’s angry at Brian for leading on his followers (through no fault of his own) and she’s angry at the followers for encouraging him. Arguably the most iconic quote in the movie is, “He’s not the Messiah! He’s a very naughty boy!”

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1 Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life

Alongside “The Lumberjack Song” and “Every Sperm is Sacred,” “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life” is one of Monty Python’s most iconic songs. Eric Idle was once contacted by the British government about possibly making it the new national anthem.

It provided the perfect ending for the movie, as Brian is sentenced to crucifixion and hoisted up on a cross. This would be a really bleak way to conclude a wacky comedy ⁠— if the prisoners about to be brutally executed didn’t break into a whimsical musical number before the credits rolled.

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