Moon Knight’s debut on Disney+ is inching ever closer. It’s pretty common now to expect some kind of character cameo from the wider Marvel Cinematic Universe in any of these series. However, there are several interactions that fans have to see, based on what has already been adapted to screen, or what has been previously seen within the comics.

Whether these interactions are going to be hysterical, or speak of a much deeper friendship, there’s going to be some great narrative beats to move away with if Marc Spector has some kind of dialogue exchange with these individuals! The likelihood of some of these characters showing up is high!



Spider-Man and Moon Knight have a hilarious relationship. The webhead is often a little disturbed by Spector’s way of doing things and doesn’t fully understand his motivations, considering an Egyptian deity is supposedly behind his vigilante quest.

Regardless, the two trade barbs often, with Spidey’s quips battling against Moon Knight’s much more literal sense of humor. The duo somehow works and as they parallel thanks to the notion that they never take off their masks. It’s a friendship that would pop on screen, as Peter Parker contrasts well to a much more straight-laced Marc Spector.


Daredevil, a street-level vigilante much like Moon Knight, actually has quite a close connection with Marc Spector in the comics. They operate in similar territories and both pledge their commitment to fighting crime in the name of their respective religions.

They don’t see eye to eye on everything, with Moon Knight often taking a far more violent path than Matt Murdock would condone. The iteration seen within the MCU is very ideological in his understanding of the superhero landscape and could be an interesting mentor and opponent for Moon Knight as he finds his footing.

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Dracula hasn’t appeared in the MCU thus far, nor have any other Vampires from the comics quite yet. Comic book fans are well aware of the rivalry that Moon Knight has with the lord of the bloodsuckers though, with the Count supposedly owing Spector a lot of money.

It’s become an ongoing joke, as Moon Knight hunts down the vampiric leader in his quest to collect his change. With the mythology of the Marvel Universe continuing to expand with the likes of Egyptian Gods and Vampires, it would be fantastic to see the duo argue on-screen about this supposed debt.


Out of all the comic book characters that could be introduced in the series Tigra might strangely be one of the most likely. With an alien and mythological set of origins and a close friendship with Marc Spector thanks to their East Coast Avengers days, there are a lot of points of correlation with the show.

Tigra is one of the few that seems to be able to connect with Moon Knight on a deeper level. The recent comic book run has highlighted this friendship once more, which could be a coincidence or evidence of wider use of the character on screen. She may be able to aid the character arc of Spector in a major way.

Captain America

Captain America doesn’t know where he stands with Marc Spector. Moon Knight respects him and everything that he represents, but the two have vastly different methods and operate in contrasting circles. Religion is a major factor in both of their lives as well though.

In the MCU Steve Rogers might have stood down, but Sam Wilson still draws from the same principles. It might be a funnier meeting considering the former Falcon is still trying to get his head around witches and demons, considering Spector brings something completely different to the table.


Blade looks to be a huge component of the next phase of the MCU and once again ties into the idea that further Vampires and other mythological beings will be making their debut at some stage. The Dracula link isn’t the only thing that connects these heroes.

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Both shared time working alongside one another as part of the Midnight Sons, a group that dealt with the dark and the supernatural. Blade might provide some kind of insight to Marc into what he’s going through, as his transformations continue to consume him.


As Moon Knight continues to struggle with his identity and his understanding of the mythology of the Marvel Universe, Thor is living proof that there really could be some kind of God out there. After all, the Egyptian and Norse Pantheons have interacted plenty of times in the comics.

Thor would of course overpower Moon Knight and certainly wouldn’t be very useful in the way of passing on knowledge, which may be even more hilarious considering Marc Spector would be looking for answers. He may strangely be one of the most likely MCU characters to show up thanks to his interlinked role in Earth’s history.

Scarlet Witch

There are very few people who are as linked to the cosmos as the likes of an Egyptian god, or who draw on ancient powers quite in the same way as Moon Knight. But Scarlet Witch puts all of them to shame with the use of her hexes and chaos magic.

Scarlet Witch is an entity that Moon Knight wouldn’t be able to fully understand quite yet. Both are drawn to the darker sides of the Marvel Universe and with Wanda struggling with her mental health, perhaps the pair could find some peace and understanding with one another as they learn to heal together.

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Heroes For Hire

The Heroes For Hire have had a presence on Netflix with the likes of Luke Cage, Misty Knight, Iron Fist, and the Daughter of the Dragon. Comic book fans are well aware that Moon Knight has served alongside the group on a handful of occasions.

It appears that the MCU is building out its street-level heroes within this next phase and the Heroes For Hire have to be a vital part of that. Watching Moon Knight interact with other vigilantes in the area may inform his journey as a crime fighter. Luke Cage in particular would probably have some great comments about this masked do-gooder.


There’s been a lot of talk about Khonshu and perhaps even a glimpse of the character within the trailer. Moon Knight has to come face to face with his demon for the show to properly progress, as it’s this mysterious god who’s driving all of his actions.

The characterization of the reality-altering deity will be fascinating to see. The MCU may take the approach seen with Thor and combine both mythologies with an alien civilization, or perhaps it will go in a completely different direction. How Marc processes all of this is what will be the crux of the interaction.

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