To say Disney has been busy in the video game market would be an understatement. While the Square Enix developed Marvel’s Avengers might have fallen short of expectations, Insomniac’s PlayStation-exclusive Spider-Man offerings have been runaway successes. EA may have had a rocky start with the Star Wars license, but 2019’s Jedi: Fallen Order won weary fans over with its strong single-player focus, and Zynga’s Star Wars: Hunters looks to be a promising multiplayer mobile experience. Even properties like Indiana Jones and Avatar have AAA titles in the works, but Disney might be shifting its gaming focus towards a certain fun-loving mouse.               


In an interview with earlier today, Walt Disney Games senior vice president Sean Shoptaw hinted that his company is branching out in regards to which properties get adapted into video games, and Mickey Mouse is always on their minds. “We’re really happy with some of the Disney executions we currently have in market — on the mobile side specifically with Princesses and some of the traditional characters. But we agree, we think there’s many more stories to tell. We love the original characters, Mickey and crew. We think there’s enormous opportunity and it’s a very underserved part of our portfolio today, especially on the console side. I think you’ll start to see that… there’s a lot more to come.

Aside from the aforementioned Kingdom Hearts series, where Mickey played the role of a king fighting to protect the universe from the forces of darkness, the legendary mouse made his last solo console outing in the short-lived Epic Mickey series – which showed some initial promise in its original 2010 installment but fizzled out with the 2012 sequel, Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two. Luigi Priore, vice president of Disney & Pixar Games, would add that the challenge of licensing an IP is finding “the best in class people out there” to develop a new take on a given franchise, be they a triple-A studio or an indie publisher looking to make their mark on the industry.

Disney’s Mickey Mouse is a household name with plenty of appeal for gamers young and old, and he’s versatile enough to fit in a multitude of different genres. After all, he’s already starred in platformers and sprawling JRPGS since the medium itself first began. Only time will tell what new gaming adventure Mickey will land himself in, but it will be interesting to see where Disney takes their most iconic character next.

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