Arguably the most controversial video game series of all time, Mortal Kombat 11 continues the series’s legacy of creating gruesomely and at times disturbingly violent, but technically sound, fighting games. Netherrealm studios provide fans of the series one of the most polished entries to the legacy series. With improved animation, smooth and satisfying gameplay, with an engine and system that yields one of the best fighting games on the market now. Through a cast of fan-favorite characters, from Noob Saibot to impressive new-comers like Kollector, the roster proves to be one of the best of the modern entries. Even with its stellar gameplay and roster aside, Mortal Kombat 11 provides a bounty of single-player content. With its expansive Krypt mode, entertaining and high budget story mode, and an ever-changing list of towers for players to play through in exchange for rewards.


Hosting a variety of returning Kombatants, and new fighters, Mortal Kombat 11’s DLC characters add both flair and personality to the title. Providing players with characters like the Joker and the Terminator, the game is not afraid to pull from outside sources to fill out its roster. The most recent character added to the mix is Todd Macfarlane’s own Spawn. An anti-hero with a cult following due to his creative character design, intriguing setting, and overall amazing personality and powers. The Hellspawn has been a requested guest ever since the days of Mortal Kombat 9, and his incarnation in Mortal Kombat 11 does not disappoint. This guide aims to set aspiring Spawn players on the right path to finding success with the character.

Understanding Spawn’s Variations in Mortal Komat 11

Spawn is in a minority of Mortal Kombat 11 characters, in that all three of his competitive variations are solid choices for competitive play. Making Spawn an excellent choice for players who do not wish to be bogged down to only one effective variation.

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Spawn’s first competitive variation, From Hell, provides players with a mid-ranged zoning play-style. Equipped with two different gun special moves, the first Guns Blazing is a useful anti-air gunshot, which when amplified, fires off a barrage of bullets towards an opponent. Guns Blazing can be used to end Spawn’s combos,  but it creates a large amount of space between Spawn and his opponent, effectively rendering him useless, as his guns cannot reach the full screen. Spawn gains access to a dive-kick special move in this variation as well. This dive-kick can be used to check opponents who are prone to anti-airing Spawn’s jump-in attacks, forcing them to think twice before attempting to do so.

The One, Spawn’s second competitive variation, is the standard Combo-heavy variation of his three. Equipped with powerful Chargin Hellspawn special move, which when amplified serves as Spawn’s launcher in this variation. Spawn also has access to a useful glide special move which allows the character to approach from the air from a further distance away. It also allows Spawn to extend his jump cancel combos if used correctly, however, this is may require some advance execution. Overall this is the easiest variation to use and allows for intense damage out-put when mastered.

Finally, Spawn’s Hellspawn variation provides a variety of unique and interesting tools at his disposal. Spawn gains access to a nearly full-screen reaching command grab. When amplified this attack allows Spawn to turn invisible, and add onto the intense mix-up game that this variation relies on. Be aware, that this command grab is a High attack, and can be ducked by your enemy. Spawn also gains access to a Stance special move that provides the anti-hero with a variety of useful attacks out of this stance.

Of the three variations, The One proves to be the easiest to master and to understand. However, if a match-up requires Spawn to adapt a Mid-ranged zoning playstyle, From Hell is a good variation to choose. Hellspawn’s powerful mix-up potential lends itself well to players who prefer to play a more tricky and difficult to block gameplan.

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Although it is too early to tell how he will fit into the meta of the game, as it stands Spawn seems like a powerful character. With a variety of useful strings, normals, and special moves, the Hellspawn warrior will certainly fit the mold of Mortal Kombat 11. 

Spawn has a seemingly endless list of strengths. Starting with his basic, and fastest strings, Back From Hell and Soul Chamber, both provide Spawn a powerful mind-game at his disposal. Both Back From Hell and Soul Chamber are plus on block, allowing the anti-hero to maintain his overwhelming pressure on his enemy. Coupled with Soul Chamber’s powerful Krushing Blow, which triggers on a counter-hit, players can condition their enemy to not press buttons allowing Spawn to unleash some devastating mind games. Spawn also possesses absurd range on his cape normal attacks, two strings associated with his cape, Fighting the Phlebiacs and Vaporizers Visage providing an ambiguous high-low mix up game in itself. Paired with Spawn’s devastating combo potential and his versatile Fatal Phantasm, which leaves an enemy standing and Spawn in advantage, it is easy to see how the Hellspawn would be considered a top/high tier character.

Even with all these strengths, Spawn is not without some flaws. The first of which is the characters below-average speed. although not a crippling fault, it does allow the character to crumble when facing fast rush down characters.  Many of Spawn’s special moves are incredibly negative on block, forcing players to master the art of hit-confirming. For, if a string is blocked and a player goes into a special move, it is likely that the opponent will punish the character for a ton of damage.

All this to say, that the character is visually stunning, and a blast to play. So regardless of his general strengths and weaknesses, Spawn is a versatile and amazing edition to the game’s roster. Adding onto the many strengths of Mortal Kombat 11.

Mortal Kombat 11 is available on PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch.

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