The story of Mortal Kombat extends far beyond the confines of the tournament itself. Each passing game in the long-running franchise has seen additions to the lore that alter the perception of current events in the series itself. What started as a fighting game centered around a tournament held between Earthrealm and Outworld has expanded beyond its roots into invasions, fallen Elder Gods, and even the end of all things in the world as it gets plunged into Armageddon.

Mortal Kombat‘s games have continued to build on one another while also taking time to revisit the past to build its backstory. Spin-offs such as Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero and the addition of a story-driven Konquest Mode in MK Deception and Armageddon expand elements of the series’ history while bringing this new context forward into the main, ongoing narrative. The story has seen numerous twists and turns through the near-30 year history of the series as a result.


The earliest days of the story envisioned Mortal Kombat as a tournament inspired by the likes of Enter the Dragon with additional influences from Big Trouble In Little China. The progression of the story from the tournament to determine the fate of Mortal Kombat’s many realms to an ongoing battle of good vs. evil is one that took place steadily through each Mortal Kombat title as each one built more upon the world itself. This has resulted in story elements taking place far prior to the first in-game tournament that are expanded upon by titles later in the series, creating the backbone of the franchise’s lore.

Before Mortal Kombat: Preparing for Armageddon

In an era many centuries before the Mortal Kombat tournament had come to Earthrealm, Outworld had enacted the rules of the tournament on the realm of Edenia, challenging the realm’s best fighters. This was done in an attempt to invade Edenia, as by the rules of Mortal Kombat, should a realm claim ten straight victories against another through the tournament, the victorious realm would be allowed to assimilate and invade the other. Through the course of many decades, King Jerrod’s combatants lost ten tournaments to the warriors from Outworld, leaving the realm of Edenia vulnerable to invasion.

Shao Kahn’s attempted invasions were thwarted, however, by the efforts of Edenia’s most powerful god and Protector, Argus, alongside his two sons Taven and Daegon. It wasn’t long after that Argus’s wife, the sorceress Delia, received a vision of an Armageddon brought to the realms by powerful warriors and fighters. Tasked by the Elder Gods in preventing this calamity, Argus and Delia sealed their sons into a stasis-like state to be awakened when the time comes. Delia also created the being known as Blaze to awaken Taven and Daegon when the time was right. Things went awry, however, when one brother was awakened early.

At this point on Mortal Kombat’s timeline, the brothers were protected by their guardian dragons Orin and Caro. When Caro lost his connection to Blaze, he awoke Daegon prematurely, resulting in instability within the demi-god. This instability left him vulnerable to manipulation by the fallen Elder God Shinnok. Through this manipulation, Daegon confronted his parents, believing that they favored Taven, before slaying them.

Their deaths left Edenia vulnerable to an invasion once more as Taven remained in his slumber, resulting in Edenia falling to the realm of Outworld and Shao Kahn claiming the realm. By capturing Edenia, Shao Kahn had finally claimed the realm he won through Mortal Kombat many years prior. This allowed Shao Kahn to turn his focus to a new target for conquest.

Earthrealm Enters Mortal Kombat

Once the realm of Edenia had fallen under Shao Kahn’s rule, the Emperor of Outworld set his sights on Earthrealm. Shao Kahn sent his prized sorcerer Shang Tsung to Earthrealm as his champion, declaring Mortal Kombat on the realm of Earth. Shang Tsung went on to be unopposed as Grand Champion for nine straight tournaments, bringing Outworld one step closer to conquering Earthrealm. It was before the tenth tournament that a Shaolin monk from the Order of Light stepped forward.

The man who would go on to be known as The Great Kung Lao entered the Mortal Kombat tournament as the Order of Light’s first representative. The Great Kung Lao went on to confront and defeat Shang Tsung, preventing Earthrealm from being assimilated int0 Outworld. Showing mercy befitting his status amongst the Shaolin, The Great Kung Lao spared Shang Tsung during the finale of the tournament. This act of mercy would eventually prove to be his undoing later in Mortal Kombat’s timeline, and endanger Earthrealm once more.

After his defeat at the hands of The Great Kung Lao, Shang Tsung went on to age through the 50 years until the next tournament, as one of the perks for Mortal Kombat’s reigning winner was a stop to their aging so long as they remained Champion. It was during this period that Shang Tsung recruited the Prince of the four-armed Shokan Race, Goro.

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At the next tournament Goro faced The Great Kung Lao, ending his brief reign as Champion and killing him. Goro reigned for another nine straight tournaments, representing the realm of Outworld in the name of Shang Tsung, as the sorcerer twisted the tournament, corrupting it and forcing it to be held on his own island from that day forward. As fate would have it, on Goro’s tenth tournament, another Shaolin monk from the Order of Light came forward, beginning the story of the original Mortal Kombat game.

Mortal Kombat & Raiden’s Chosen One

Within the Order of Light was a fighter of great promise by the name of Liu Kang. Earthrealm’s Protector Raiden took notice of him, seeing him as Earthrealm’s last hope for survival against Outworld. He took Liu Kang to train with an Outworld martial arts master by the name of Bo’ Rai Cho. Once his training was completed, Liu Kang entered Mortal Kombat as a representative of the Order of Light. In Liu Kang’s first tournament (which is also the first Mortal Kombat game) he confronted Goro and defeated him, sparing his life in the process. Now standing as the Champion of Mortal Kombat, he had one more duty left to fulfill.

Goro’s defeat was only the first step for Liu Kang. Liu Kang then challenged Shang Tsung in an effort to restore the honor of the tournament and freeing it from his control. Shang Tsung accepted the challenge, taking it upon himself to battle the monk after the defeat of his Champion. Liu Kang went on to defeat the sorcerer, vanquishing Shang Tsung and restoring the honor of the tournament. Shang Tsung was sent back to Outworld in the aftermath of this tournament, forced to face his Emperor after his failure.

Shang Tsung begged for his life before concocting a scheme that put him back in the good graces of Shao Kahn and restoring his youth. Shang Tsung proposed to hold a new Mortal Kombat tournament within Outworld, To facilitate this, Shang Tsung would lure Earthrealm’s fighters to Outworld itself, sending hordes of Tarkatan warriors to Earthrealm and forcing their hands. This plan succeeded as Tarkatan hordes invaded the Wu Shi Academy where Liu Kang was trained, leaving many Shaolin dead in their wake as Liu Kang followed the call to Outworld alongside Earthrealm’s fighters. Unbeknownst to them, this was a diversion for Shang Tsung’s true plan.

Mortal Kombat: The Revival of Queen Sindel & Shinnok’s Invasion

As the tournament was beginning in Outworld, Shang Tsung had made a deal with Shinnok and his sorcerer Quan Chi, seeking their aid in bringing the body of Edenia’s former Queen Sindel into Earthrealm with the intent of resurrecting her across the plane of the realms. By doing so, this gave Shao Kahn an extra form of passage into Earthrealm should the tournament fail. As the plan came together, Liu Kang had advanced through the tournament, defeating Shao Kahn himself in Mortal Kombat while rescuing his friends from his clutches. Kahn’s defeat in this unprecedented tournament, however, only served to be a temporary set-back.

Kahn’s defeat sent the Emperor back, but Shang Tsung went on to complete the ritual, resurrecting Queen Sindel in Earthrealm, corrupting her soul in the process. This resurrection gave Shao Kahn an opening to traverse and merge the realms to claim his bride. In a desperate bid to conquer Earthrealm, a merger of the realms had begun as Outworld pushed forward and invaded Earthrealm. This invasion was thwarted, however, by Liu Kang as he once again defeated Shao Kahn, sending the Emperor back to Outworld and breaking the merger. This also resulted in the realm of Edenia regaining its status of independence. Unfortunately, this proved to be disastrous, as Shinnok used this confusion to his advantage.

Edenia’s freedom was short-lived in its own right, as it soon came under siege by Shinnok who sought to use the realm as a springboard to enact his own vengeance against the Elder Gods for his banishment. At this point on Mortal Kombat’s timeline, Shinnok kidnapped the reigning monarchs of Edenia, Queen Sindel and Princess Kitana, while eradicating several of Mortal Kombat’s gods in his way. In a show of allegiance, Earthrealm was mobilized by Raiden against Shinnok’s forces to drive him out of Edenia. Leading the charge, Liu Kang engaged Shinnok and defeated him, banishing him once again as his sorcerer Quan Chi dealt with other matters.

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Mortal Kombat: The Deadly Alliance & The Dragon King

Years prior, Quan Chi had carried out the murder of Hanzo Hasashi’s clan in a deal with the Lin Kuei. Hasashi would meet his end at the hands of Bi-Han as Quan Chi retained Shinnok’s Amulet. The Netherrealm sorcerer then manipulated the vengeful spirit of Hasashi, now known as Scorpion, into murdering Bi-Han during the events of Liu Kang’s first Mortal Kombat. Bi-Han’s brother Kuai-Liang took his family’s mantle as Sub-Zero to confront Scorpion. It was only after Shinnok’s defeat did Quan Chi’s plan reveal itself, as the sorcerer admitted to manipulating the duo into killing one another and destroying their factions. Scorpion ensured that the sorcerer revealed his plan far too soon.

As Quan Chi attempted to send Scorpion back to the Netherrealm, Scorpion lashed out and took him as well. Quan Chi found himself tormented by Scorpion before two demons fended off the assault in his stead, allowing Quan Chi to escape from the Netherrealm and stumble upon a tomb containing the lost Army of the Dragon King. Onaga the Dragon King ruled Outworld prior to Shao Kahn and his army was said to be unbeatable. Quan Chi’s goal was now to resurrect this mummified army, and he knew just the person to assist him.

Quan Chi struck a deal with Shang Tsung, conjuring a tornado of souls to be used to resurrect Onaga’s army. As they worked together for their common goal, they also took it upon themselves to hunt down the two people who posed the biggest threat to their plans. The two sorcerers succeeded in killing Liu Kang and seemingly did the same to Shao Kahn without realizing that they had only killed a decoy. Nonetheless, the “Deadly Alliance” remained unimpeded in their goals, using the souls acquired by Shang Tsung to resurrect The Dragon King’s Army. Meanwhile, Delia’s emissary Blaze had been captured by a group of Onaga’s servants, controlled by magic into guarding his egg for his resurrection.

Mortal Kombat: A Threat Borne of Deception

An Earthrealmer named Shujinko had been tasked by a spirit speaking as an avatar of the Elder Gods named Damashi that had tasked him with finding the Kamidogu of each realm. Through the years, over long stretches of Mortal Kombat’s history, Shujinko had done as commanded, gathering the Kamidogu. In reality, this quest resulted in the resurrection of The Dragon King Onaga, who had taken over the body of Reptile as a host. Once resurrected, Onaga sought to reclaim what was originally his, and made his way to Outworld once again.

The Deadly Alliance of Shang Tsung and Quan Chi had left the forces of Earthrealm decimated, forcing Raiden to confront the duo by himself. The combined might of the sorcerers was too great, and Raiden too fell in battle. Before the sorcerers could celebrate their complete victory, greed had overtaken them as Shang Tsung challenged Quan Chi immediately after. Quan Chi went on to defeat his fellow sorcerer, but as he prepared to finish him, the Dragon King’s Army kneeled before the arrival of their true king.

Onaga had returned and confronted the sorcerer, and even with the combined might of the Deadly Alliance and Raiden, the Dragon King’s might was too much. Raiden released his godly essence in a last-ditch effort to take down the Dragon King but to no avail, resulting in the demise of the Deadly Alliance and Raiden. Onaga laid claim to the power to undo the realms thanks to the Kamidogu, but Shujinko sought to make amends for his failing and confronted Onaga himself.

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Using the powers that made his quest possible, Shujinko was able to combine the essence of numerous warriors into his own. Shujinko used this to defeat the Dragon King, leaving him weak for Nightwolf, one of his mentors, to seal him into the Netherrealm. The victory was only a momentary reprieve on Mortal Kombat’s timeline, as the call would soon sound for the end of all things.

The End of All Things: Mortal Kombat’s Armageddon

Following Onaga’s defeat, the number of powerful warriors present in the world had grown to surpass what Mortal Kombat’s realms could handle. This growth in powerful warriors was exactly what Argus and Delia had foreseen millennia prior, and the call had arrived for Armageddon. The Pyramid of Argus rose from the earth with the flame elemental Blaze standing atop as the final opponent.

The defeat of Blaze would transfer his powers to the fighter who could dethrone him, a role meant for either Taven or Daegon. However, Daegon had been lost to the corruption that afflicted him, leaving all hope in the hands of Taven at the end of Mortal Kombat’s timeline.

Taven’s slumber came to an end, but as he traveled to his father and mother, he had found them killed. Through his journey, the warriors had split themselves into two forces as Taven searched for Daegon. Upon finding Daegon, the brothers engaged in battle as the Pyramid of Argus rose, with Taven emerging victorious and claiming the sword that was meant to slay Blaze and bring an end to Armageddon. Taven took the sword left behind by their father and made his way to the Pyramid of Argus to confront Blaze in an effort to halt the coming of the end times. However, it proved to be for naught.

Taven confronted Blaze at the top of the Pyramid and was defeated by the mighty elemental. It wasn’t until Shao Kahn ascended the Pyramid to confront Blaze that the monster would be defeated, bestowing his powers to Outworld’s former Emperor and granting him unstoppable dominion over the realms. Raiden confronted Shao Kahn after Blaze’s defeat and proved no match for Shao Kahn’s new powers, resulting in Raiden launching a last-ditch gambit for himself, resulting in Raiden creating a new Mortal Kombat timeline.

The events of Mortal Kombat: Armageddon play out disastrously for the Forces of Light, resulting in a rare case where the villain is the true victor in the end. The only way to undo this was for Raiden to effectively hit the reset button, creating a new timeline and resulting in the franchise’s reboot in Mortal Kombat 9, which goes back to the era of Liu Kang’s first Mortal Kombat tournament and retells the events of Mortal Kombat 1-3. Resetting the timeline also brought along with it a set of consequences unforeseen by the God of Thunder. These consequences affect the series as fans know it today, spawning a new era of Mortal Kombat for a new generation.

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