If any Mortal Kombat character were to be crowned the series’ mascot, it would be Scorpion. His design and moves are legendary in nature, and his original Fatality from the first game is perhaps the most famous finisher in fighting game history. From the first time Scorpion took removed the mask to reveal a fire-breathing skull underneath, fans were amazed. However, Scorpion hasn’t always been skull-faced, and each game has its own interpretation of how the character appears.

Even without being a skinless, undead abomination, Scorpion is one of the coolest characters in all of Mortal Kombat. Born as a member of the Shirai Ryu Ninja Clan, Hanzo Hazashi was just a normal human being. Though he was trained in the art of stealth and combat, he was only ever flesh and blood. That is, until his entire clan, and later himself as well, was slaughtered by who he originally thought to be another the blue-clad MK character Sub-Zero.


After his murder, Mortal Kombat’s Scorpion was resurrected by the Sorcerer, Quan Chi as a revenant. He becomes a mystical, undead warrior who is simultaneously oath-bound to his master while burning with a desire for vengeance against the man who killed his family and clan. This is the archetypal Scorpion everyone knows and loves, and who secretly hides nothing but a bare skull beneath that mask for most of the series.

Arcade Era Scorpion Unmasked (MK1-MK3)

The finer details of the life and times of Scorpion can be found in the early games’ biography descriptions and in the maligned title Mortal Kombat: Mythologies, but the varying appearances of Scorpion can be divided into three eras. The first of these is the original, arcade era of Scorpion. Scorpion is already a revenant at this point in his story, so players won’t get a chance to see his original human form quite yet. There isn’t much variety in his appearances between the different versions of 2D Scorpion. He’s the same live-action actor imposed into a video game with the same bare, white skull edited to replace his head for the Fatality. All of it is nothing too special, but it is a very classic look.

3D Era Scorpion Unmasked (MK4-MK: Armageddon)

The second of these eras is the early 3D era of Mortal Kombat, specifically Mortal Kombats 4 through Armageddon. This is the era with the most variety between games, but also the fewest appearances of a maskless Scorpion. Graphical fidelity during this time period skyrocketed, so Scorpion goes from resembling a 3D, polygonal version of his original appearance to a highly detailed model with new flame effects added to make him seem more demonic and threatening.

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Modern Scorpion Unmasked (MK9-MK11)

The last era is, of course, the modern era of Mortal Kombat. This is where players get to see the best of what Scorpion’s designs have to offer. His skull face looks better than ever, with incredibly detailed textures and flame effects. Furthermore, players finally get to see the real face of Hanzo Hazashi. After the events of 2011’s Mortal Kombat, Scorpion regains his human appearance while keeping his revenant powers. This is because after defeating Shinnok and Quan Chi at the beginning of Mortal Kombat X, Raiden resurrected all revenants controlled by Quan Chi. In the related comic book series, Scorpion shows that he is capable of transforming back into his revenant form if he chooses, but he rarely does so. Two versions of this fully human Scorpion can be seen in MKX and Mortal Kombat 11 respectively.

Regardless of the appearance, every version of Scorpion has all of the things that make him a good Mortal Kombat character. Whether he is human or revenant, he still has awesome moves, a dramatic backstory, and usually one of the best designs in the game. His personality and dialogue are always on point, and his status as an on-and-off villain make him morally ambiguous, and therefore flexible within the game’s story. Players can play him as the tragic hero searching for the truth of behind his clan’s destruction, or as a rage-fueled demon of hell, ready to burn anything that stands between him and his master’s desires.

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