Mortal Shell is comprised of inventive but unsettling enemies, large and horrifying bosses, and dreary scenery. In order to best all of this madness, players need to be well equipped for the job. There are four special weapons that players can choose from within the game, but each one is locked behind a punishing boss fight.

Hadern is one of four somewhat optional mini-bosses that guard special weapons in the game. Depending on what order players do things, he could be their first or even the last of these fights. He doesn’t get much easier no matter when players encounter him, so preparation is a must. Here’s how to defeat Hadern in Mortal Shell.


Defeating Hadern in Mortal Shell

Hadern’s main strength is his reach. The boss is wielding the Martyr’s Blade, which means that his attacks can reach the player from longer distances than other weapons in the game. Players are going to need to rely on either speed or equal reach during this fight.

If the player can get their hands on the staff, they will do well here. The best strategy for this battle is to run in and get a few hits before backing off. This fight has to be played smart because players who are too eager to get tons of damage will be taken down quickly. The boss isn’t one that tracks the player down all around the arena. The boss is slow-moving for the most part, but players who stay too close will get a constant barrage of attacks.

One interesting aspect of these mini-bosses is their matched Harden ability. When Hadern uses his harden ability, step away, and keep your distance. This isn’t a great time to even attempt damage from behind because his follow up attack has a great range. There is also a large chance of getting hit with his AOE attack if the player is too close. Hadern will jump into the air and slam the ground with his sword. This will send spikes of ice up from the ground at the player. Avoid this by keeping a decent distance and dodging left or right. Dodging forward will not avoid this attack.

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This boss can be parried, however, this is very difficult to time properly. The best attack to parry is the one that has the least amount of wind up. When players approach Hadern from a distance, he will immediately swing on the player. Try to parry this attack and the fight should be simple. The timing is much easier to nail down here.

Mortal Shell is available on PlayStation 4. Xbox One, and PC.

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