The Pokémon universe is populated with fictional creatures, but what some fans may not be aware of is the evidence that real-world animals exist in the world. There are mentions of animals in the main series games, spin-off games, anime, manga, and even the Trading Card Game. These occurrences are too common to brush off as coincidences. Aside from the mentions of real-world animals, there is actual evidence to be found in the official artwork. The image for the Old Amber fossil in Gen I clearly depicts a mosquito visible inside the item, leading to one of the first concrete pieces of evidence that animals are canon in Pokémon.


Pokémon Red and Green were released outside of Japan as Pokémon Red and Blue in September of 1998. In the first generation of games, there are three different fossils players can attain, the Helix fossil, Dome fossil, and, of course, the Old Amber. Fossils can be used to revive extinct Pokémon. The Helix fossil contains the Rock/Water Omanyte, players with the Dome fossil obtain the Rock/Water Kabuto, and the Old Amber is used to revive the powerful Rock/Flying-type Aerodactyl.

As his name implies, Aerodactyl’s design is based on the real-world pterodactyl, not a mosquito. The question as to why this bug is depicted in the Gen 1 artwork for the Old Amber, as seen on Bulbapedia, still remains. Amber is fossilized tree resin and for a mosquito to be found in the item, the bug must have landed on the substance before it hardened. It’s entirely possible that mosquitos are not found in the games because they are also extinct and existed when this ancient Pokémon roamed the land. The artwork for the Old Amber has since been changed, but there is other evidence for animals existing currently in the Pokémon series.

The Pokémon Games Are Full Of References To Real-World Animals

Everyone can see that most of the monsters in the game are based on real-world animals. While players know what animals look like, the NPCs in Pokémon should have no idea, yet they constantly reference them. Pikachu is commonly referred to as the “electric mouse” Pokémon. According to the Bubapedia article, there is a Sailor from Gen I that, “mentions jellyfish sometimes drift aboard the S.S. Anne.” Multiple NPCs from different mainline games reference real-world animals, but one of the hardest pieces of evidence that animals exist in the modern Pokémon world comes from Vespiquen’s signature attacks. Attack Order, Defend Order, and Heal Order all use real bees during the animations of these powerful bug moves in Pokémon.

The Gen I artwork for the Old Amber, and other references in the series, raise many questions about the existence of real-world animals in the Pokémon universe. Are the monsters and animals related through evolution or do they just coexist in the same ecosystem? If they are in the games, then why do players not encounter regular animals in the wild? The Pokémon world is full of mysteries that may never be answered, but following the trails left by the developers, help fans to appreciate their ingenuity.

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Source: Bulbapedia

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