The anime My Hero Academia has introduced its fans to countless amazing characters, from the heroes to the heroes-in-training, and then back around to the villains they’re opposing. With such a variety, it’s really no surprise to hear that fans have found plenty of things worth drawing.

Today we’re going to focus on fan art for one character, in particular, Bubble Girl. She was Sir Nighteye’s sidekick, before his untimely end. While we don’t know what is next for her in life, we know that we love this artwork of her character!

10 Freckled and Fierce

Bubble Girl may not typically be portrayed with freckles, but after seeing this image created by Tumblr user Myhaireatskids, we honestly feel like this should become the norm. Not only does she look both fierce and adorable, but her style has increased significantly.

That’s thanks mostly to the wardrobe change, of which we wholeheartedly approve. The addition of the gold accent jewelry helps to finish the look, and it is perfection.

9 Bubbly and Cheerful

Look at how cute and happy Bubble Girl looks in this fan art created by Twitter user @ArtAmms! Her smile reminds us of all the potential her character has and likely the reason why Sir Nighteye employed her in the first place.

The addition of cute little bubbles around her helps to sell the setting and, surprisingly, so does that bright backdrop as well. In short, this piece perfectly captures her core personality.


8 High Definition

This image, created by Twitter user @IzharDraws, portrays both Bubble Girl and Sir Nighteye in amazingly high definition. We’re sincerely loving every little detail about it, and there are lots of details to pick up on!

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The style itself is fantastic, as are all of the decisions revolving around the characters and their expressions. And you might just have noticed the All Might poster in the background, which is the icing on the cake.

7 Bubbly Waves

Next, we have another happy and chipper version of Bubble Girl, waving to her many adoring fans. Created by ProPebble, there are a lot of details to enjoy about this piece. First, there’s the fact that they replicated her outfit perfectly.

There are also other features to appreciate, such as her adorable hair and the fact that Bubble Girl just looks so happy in this piece. It’s nice to see her smiling again.

6 Confident Little Smile

Here we have another version of Bubble Girl, and while her smile is much smaller, it’s still there. In fact, there’s something about her little smile that just radiates confidence. Good to know that Sir Nighteye had a positive effect on her.

Created by Twitter user @Trap_Toba202, we just love this piece. Her hair is perfect, as is the inclusion of her iconic and unique mask (something that surely was not easy to portray).

5 Team-Up!

Who doesn’t love a team-up? Here you’ll see two different images of two very awesome characters. That’s right, it’s Bubble Girl and Centipeder. They might not seem like a natural pair, but Twitter user @DonotPursueLuBu makes us fans of the pairing.

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You’ve got to admit, they actually look quite adorable together. Plus we imagine that they really would make a great team.

4 Animated Bubble Girl

This highly animated version of Bubble Girl reminds us of some of our favorite cartoons growing up, and perhaps that is why we love it so much. Or maybe it’s just nice to see her looking so happy and bright.

Created by OlGreenDommy, this Bubble Girl looks both happy and confident, throwing out a cheeky little wink and everything. We especially love the massive eyelashes and the decision to go with a bright background to complete the look.

3 Thoughtful Moments

If you’re looking for somebody that creates fantastic fan art of Bubble Girl, then look no further! Tumblr user Meatkasa has a few renditions of our favorite character out there, and they are all worth gushing over.

Here is one of Bubble Girl in her usual uniform, though she’s admittedly looking a bit more thoughtful than usual. We love the passion that this artist shows in rendering Bubble Girl, as everything from her eyes to her wardrobe is perfect.

2 In Her Element

What drawing of Bubble Girl is complete without, well, bubbles! We love that Twitter user @Cyberaii made a point of adding lots of cute little bubbles around the one and only Bubble Girl. It really sets the scene.

It also forces us to realize that bubbles really are the perfect fit for her personality. That’s pretty fortunate. We love this drawing of our favorite sidekick, and all of the little details that have been included.

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1 Group Hug

What better way to conclude this list than to include a heartwarming group hug? Here you’ll see Sir Nighteye, Bubble Girl, and Mirio all taking a moment to give some hugs.

Seriously though, Twitter user @vpaskalskyv did an excellent job with this piece, and we’re not just saying that because it hit us right in the heart. We love the drawing style, as well as the expressions on our beloved characters’ faces.

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