My Hero Academia is a manga and anime series that takes place in a world where eighty-percent of humans are born with superhuman powers known as “quirks.” This leads to a society revolving around heroes, one of which is U.A. student Momo Yaoyorozu, who’s known for her role as Class 1-A vice representative, her powerful quirk, and her somewhat controversial hero costume.

Despite her backstory not being expanded on much in the series so far, there are plenty of interesting facts about her that have been revealed throughout both the anime and the manga, many of which are so little-known, even her biggest fans could find them surprising.

10 She Was Enrolled In U.A. Through Recommendations

Momo is one of five students who got in U.A. through special recommendations, as opposed to having to pass an entrance exam. The other three are Shoto Todoroki, Momo’s classmate and possible love interest, Setsuna Tokage, and Juzo Honenuki.

9 She Was Born In The Aichi Prefecture

The Aichi Prefecture is one of the most populous prefectures in all of Japan, ranking fourth with a population of more than seven million. It’s known for being home to the Chūkyō metropolitan area, as well as the headquarters of car manufacturer Toyota. In My Hero Academia, it’s home to several U.A. students, including Momo, Tsuyu, and Reiko.


8 Her Blood Type Is A

Many of the My Hero Academia characters have been assigned blood types. While many see the characters’ blood types as useless information, the Blood Type Personality Theory—a belief originating in Japan and South Korea which states that one’s blood type can be telling of their personality—begs to differ.

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Momo’s blood type is A, which seems to tie in at least somewhat to how she’s portrayed in the manga, as those with A blood are perceived to be sensible, responsible, and wise.

7 She’s The Tallest Female Student In Class 1-A

At 173 cm (or 5’8″), Momo towers over her female classmates. The only one even close to her is Mina Ashido, although at 159 cm (5’3″), she’s still nearly 5 inches away.

For comparison, the tallest student in class is Mezo Shoji (at 187 cm/6’2″), and the shortest student in class is, predictably, Minoru Mineta, who only stands 108 cm/3’7″ tall.

6 She’s One Of The Only Class 1-A Students With A Non-Attack Super Move

Most of the Class 1-A students have attack super moves: Midoriya has Delaware Smash, and Bakugo has AP Shot, to name a few. However, two students, Momo and Hanta Sero, have super moves used only for defense or support.

Momo’s super move is called Yaoyorozu’s Lucky Bag, and it involves her using her Creation Quirk to make a cannon and a bag of support items. Then, she uses the cannon to launch the support items at her teammates, hopefully helping them win.

5 Her First Perfect Creation Was A Matryoshka Doll

While teamed up with Todoroki to fight Eraserhead, Momo created Matryoshka dolls to keep her quirk active. This may seem like a random choice, but it isn’t; a Matryoshka doll is the first thing Momo ever made using her Creation quirk, and it took her days to get it right.

Now, she knows enough that she can even style them with outfits based on her own.

4 She Might Be The Smartest Character In The Entire Series

Considering the truly gargantuan—almost superhuman—amount of knowledge Momo needs for her Creation quirk to work, it’s not an overstatement by any means to say that she may very well be My Hero Academia‘s strongest character. It’s no wonder she spends all her time reading encyclopedias; her quirk would be basically useless without a devoted thinker to command it.

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3 She Came In First In The Quirk Apprehension Test

Because of how smart she is, Momo’s Quirk is arguably one of the strongest of the series, and this is highlighted during the Quirk Apprehension Test.

Over eight rounds, Momo tallies up the best average performance despite Ochaco’s score of infinity on the Ball Throw and Iida’s record speed on the 5o-meter dash.

2 She Has More Than One Hero Costume

While Momo’s Hero Costume is very well-known, viewers might be surprised to learn she’s actually donned a few different outfits.

For instance, during the winter, she modifies her costume to add a cape, and, in a piece of artwork drawn by mangake Kohei Horikoshi for the anime’s fourth Popularity Poll, she’s shown with an entirely new costume somewhat similar to her old one, albeit with a few obvious changes.

1 She’s The Anime’s Most Popular Female Character (In The US)

To find out which characters in My Hero Academia are the most popular, Weekly Shonen Jump holds yearly polls in both Japan and the United States.

In the most recent U.S. poll, Momo ranked as the series’ most popular female character, three spaces ahead of Uraraka. She has been ranked as number-one in Japan before, but, in the most recent poll, she was surpassed by both Uraraka and Toga.

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