Warning! Spoilers ahead for My Hero Academia chapter 335!

All For One is doomed to be forever haunted by All Might’s ghost in My Hero Academia because within all quirks echo the consciousnesses of their wielders – even if their quirks reside in another person.

The consciousness of every quirk-user when transferred usually manifests differently in the mind of the wielder who inherits the new power for obvious reasons. But chapter 335 of My Hero Academia just suggested that the ghost of All Might has or could reverberate inside all of the quirks that All For One possesses. This is revealed when the villain says, “As long as a single person still remembers All Might’s stupid face…I’ll never know peace from this torment!


The torment All For One is referring to transpired during his earlier battle against the now late number-one American hero Star and Stripe when he stole her New Order quirk. This action soon culminated in All Might’s ghost confronting him, a haunting that the villain didn’t appreciate all too much, especially at that particular moment, for New Order was causing his other quirks to destroy each other, tearing him apart from the inside. It can be assumed that All Might’s ghost attacked All For One at that moment because its original wielder – Star and Stripe – was in the midst of telling herself that the sacrifice she just made was her way of returning the favor to All Might for inspiring her to become a hero when he saved her so long ago. In other words, so long as someone whose quirk All For One has stolen thinks of All Might, this “ghost” of All Might could materialize in All For One’s mind.

This puts a whole new spin on something Stain told All Might during one of the hero’s lowest points in chapter 326. When All Might conveyed that he felt like he was drifting farther away from heroism, Stain, at the thought of the man whom he believed was the one person who truly deserved the title of “hero” didn’t feel like one, went into a whole spiel about the “select few” heroes who must not let All Might’s flame die and instead stoke it into a roaring blaze. In a happy case of serendipity, the last person whom All Might saved just happened to be nearby to clean a vandalized statue of the former number-one hero. Basically, Stain’s point was that, as long as All Might’s heroism lived on in the hearts of people, those people could help change the world.

With that crucial moment in mind, the phenomenon where All Might’s ghost haunts All For One in the later My Hero Academia chapters is a metaphysical manifestation of Stain’s philosophy. Tho difference is that those who stoke the embers are the original wielders of the quirks that All For One now possesses and the resulting burning flame is All Might‘s ghost. Could this ghost end up playing a much larger role in the final battle against All For One?

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