The manner in which Tomura Shigaraki‘s family dies and the feelings that overwhelm the soon-to-be leader of the League of Villains as a result in My Hero Academia is shockingly similar to what Darth Vader experiences in Star Wars. But, incredibly, how Shigaraki decides to embrace his trauma is more twisted than anything Vader ever attempted as Emperor Palpatine’s apprentice.

Most fans would agree that Anakin Skywalker’s descent to the dark side begins when he helps Palpatine murder Mace Windu and seals his own destiny when he slaughters the Younglings. While true, it’s all devised by Palpatine. He successfully corrupts Anakin by advantageously exploiting and exacerbating the fear within the young Jedi. But to strengthen his new apprentice, Palpatine needed Darth Vader to embrace anger so he could truly wield the dark side of the Force. Palpatine achieves this by revealing to Vader that he killed the one he loved, his wife Padmé.


My Hero Academia‘s All For One follows a similar strategy when molding a young Tomura Shigaraki, except All For One takes in the boy when he was homeless and on the brink of death. Similar to Vader, Shigaraki had slaughtered his family, but possesses no memories of the deed. It’s only when All For One reminds the lad in Chapter 222, that the memories come flooding in and overwhelms him. While Vader expresses his anger by falling to his knees and roaring out in disbelief, Shigaraki experiences a much more violent reaction.

All For One then endeavors to give those feelings a purpose. Tomura Shigaraki always feels “like there’s a lump of lead deep down in my heart, providing an endless source of rage that bursts out. It’s like I’ll never feel good again.” Helping to intensify those feelings are the severed hands of his deceased family members that All For One manages to find and preserve so Shigaraki can clasp them over various portions of his body, including his eyes and neck. To christen his new creation, he names the boy Tomura Shigaraki like how Palpatine named Anakin Skywalker, Darth Vader.

Although it’s unlikely that the My Hero Academia‘s villain will ever undergo a redemption like Vader eventually does, All For One clearly takes advantage of the rage in Tomura Shigaraki that has been festering there since he murdered his family, much like how Palpatine does with Darth Vader about Padmé’s death. Both evil masterminds not only help their apprentices harness this anger, but either disclose or remind them of the horrible atrocities they committed to expedite their suffering and transformation into the powerful psychopaths they eventually become.

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