In the hero-centric world of My Hero Academia, a character’s quirk is everything. A quirk, defined as a uniquely individualized power that certain characters within the universe have, allows kids to attend hero school and professionally fight evil threats. Within the long awaited “chapter 286” of the My Hero Academia manga, protagonist Izuku Midoriya (aka Deku) might have just lost the quirk he has worked so hard on mastering.

In the past few installments, fans watched as Deku and his friends battled against Tomura Shigaraki, an intimidating villain with a quirk named “decay.” This quirk allows him to turn anything in his grasp to dust (like a more morbid Midas touch). The quirk is entirely involuntary, putting him in a precarious position where he must be careful to not accidentally cause a target to deteriorate. Paired against the fairly hands-on quirk of Izuku Midoriya, a quirk named “One For All” that allows the user to access an enormous amount of power, it was always going to be an interesting bout. Now, the battle has come to its climax.


The chapter begins with Katsuki Bakugo being injured by Tomura mid-fight in support of Deku. Bakugo’s previously self-centered attitude has been dissipating in favor of more supportive action. His intervention to support Deku, while reminding him that he is not alone, proves his newly cemented care for his peers. However, the cathartic moment comes with consequences.

Watching his friend get hurt at the hands of an evil villain, who mercilessly taunts them both, leads to a snap in Deku’s mind. He loses the composure he has been clinging onto, and pushes back against Tomura Shigaraki. It starts to look like he may have the upper hand in the battle, but the villain manages to grab the young hero, earning the chance to practice his quirk on this newfound target. Rather than seeing Deku turn to dust, however, he claims that he has stolen One For All. But is it possible that Deku’s quirk could be gone for good?

In short, yes. Tomura Shigaraki has been passed a contradicting quirk called “All For One”. As the name suggests, it allows the user to steal quirks from others. This would not be the first instance in the series of a character’s quirk being stolen. Izuku Midoriya could be especially vulnerable, as “One For All “differs from most quirks because it does not manifest naturally. Professional hero and role model All Might passed the quirk down to a young Izuku Midoriya, giving him the ability to utilize its power. Therefore, it stands to reason that it could be taken just as easily as it was given. This aspiring hero has been left seemingly quirkless, just as he started.

Still, not all hope is lost. A familiar face finds Deku in this vulnerable moment. This past “One For All” user, Nana Shimura, finds him unable to continue fighting. As painful as it is to see Deku fallen, the hope provided in the last page sets up the upcoming chapter with a small glimmer of hope. This issue will have Deku fans heartbroken over his current situation, but also leaves everyone on the edge of their seats as they are left to wonder if his quirk will ever return.

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