One of the main draws for farming and crafting sims is the relationship-building aspects implemented in the games, and My Time At Portia is no different. Players derive a lot of joy from the feeling that they are bonding with their virtual community and influencing their growth, and Portia makes it easy with a plethora of diverse characters to get to know, befriend, and even marry.

One such character is Ginger, the mayor’s daughter, who spends the majority of her days indoors because of an unknown illness. As one of the most reclusive characters, she is one of the most difficult to get to know, but that makes her the most intriguing character in the game – as well as the most worthy of the player’s affections!

10 Her style!

It’s definitely a shallow reason to marry someone, but it’s not exactly a stretch to consider Ginger very cute. With long red hair, wide green eyes, and a smattering of freckles on her face, she’s objectively one of the most adorable people living in Portia. As well as this, her style is on point, whether she’s in her normal gown or feeling a more tweed-detective kind of look.

But it’s not just her looks that are cute – her personality is also quite endearing. Ginger is demure, sweet, and always excited to see the player.

9 Down To Earth

Compared to some of the other bachelors and bachelorettes, Ginger doesn’t care about the player’s wealth or gifts. In fact, she has a rather indifferent attitude to most gifts in general. Ginger cares more about quality time, gaining the most approval when the player stops by to tell her stories about their adventures.

After a life of coddling and solitude, it makes sense that Ginger is seeking something deeper and more meaningful. That makes her an incredibly wise, devoted, and financially prudent partner!


8 Night Owl

The player will likely find themselves managing a busy schedule throughout the day, which might make it hard to balance their social (and romantic) life. But they won’t have to worry about this with Ginger, who can only go out at night when the sun is gone and she won’t have to worry about getting a sunburn.

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From 20:00 to 24:00, Ginger will be free to hang out with the player, and while she can’t do certain things (like play on the see-saw), most players will find themselves grateful to go on a date with someone who won’t infringe on their work schedule.

7 Lonely Girl

Ever since her condition took hold of her, Ginger has spent her days holed up in her house, something which she accepts yet resents. After all, her life didn’t use to be this way – it’s later revealed that as a young girl, she used to play with Emily and Sonia, who fell out of contact with her once she became sickly.

And although she’s polite about all this, it’s obvious that she is lonely and just wants someone to talk to who isn’t her family. This makes it all the more gratifying if the player chooses to romance her: they’re also helping her come out of her shell and finally find someone who can be there for her, no matter what.

6 A Love For Family

To Ginger, family means everything. After losing her mother, being shunned by her older brother, Gust, and more or less being raised by her father and butler, Ginger understands the importance of a strong family bond more than anyone. This was especially the case after Gust returned from university and devoted himself to looking after her.

She must have taken a note from him, as she is an utterly dedicated partner, to the point where she’ll delight in making the player handmade gifts and cooking them breakfast in the morning.

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5 A Unique Tale

Because of her particular circumstances, Ginger’s story stands out amongst everyone else’s in Portia. That means her quests are unique and interesting, adding a bit of variety to the player’s in-game life that they might be missing otherwise.

From sneaking out to go on a walk on the beach, to jumping through hoops to convince her family (mainly her over-protective brother) to let her get married, Ginger’s story is anything but conventional. This makes courting her a fun, involved, and ultimately more rewarding experience.

4 Yearning For Love

When getting to know Gust, he reveals he won’t leave Portia until his sister is married, safe, and settled. This isn’t just because he cares for her – it’s also because love is something Ginger wants so badly but never believed she’d find for herself.

She reveals this during one of her most crucial story quests, in which she tries to convince the protagonist to leave her as her condition worsens. She does this out of love for the player, who makes it clear that they won’t leave her. After all, she’s been through, it makes sense that Ginger would be pessimistic about her romantic future…which makes her marriage all the more emotional.

3 Critical Condition (Spoilers Ahead!)

Unfortunately, as the game progresses, Ginger’s health will deteriorate until she is faced with a life-or-death situation. Fortunately for her, though, she has the player, who ends up being instrumental in her survival.

Portia’s Dr. Xu will task them with crafting therapy lamps for Ginger to use each month. This will eventually stabilize her condition, and keep her from succumbing to her illness. But the player can only do this if they are married to her – a decision that is quite macabre but gives the player only more incentive to romance her.

2 An Inside Look

The mayor and his family are naturally somewhat removed from the rest of the town’s populace. Gale is busy with his mayoral duties, Gust is cold and aloof, and Russo, the butler, will typically not concern himself with anything (or anyone) unrelated to the family he is devoted to.

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Dating Ginger changes this. Seeing how happy she is, and how well the player takes care of her, will make the family soften towards them, giving the player a look inside this breezy family that most Portians never see. As it turns out, Gale is a fan of puns, Gust is a soulful artist, and Russo has a trove of wisdom to share.

1 With Inside Connections

Of course, if none of this is enough to convince the player of Ginger’s charms, they might be swayed by the financial bonuses that come with befriending her family. Being a builder is expensive work, so the player will need all the help they can get – even if they have to schmooze their way to the top.

Gale will give the player precious discounts on land, allowing them to expand their home and workshop. Meanwhile, Gust will massively cut prices on the furniture he sells, as well as pay more for materials the player offers. It’s a thrifty exchange, for what it’s worth!

Next10 Best FPS Games Like The Fallout Franchise

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