Twilight was a cultural juggernaut for years, and the hit book series by Stephenie Meyer went on to become one of the most successful film franchises in movie history. There were many aspects of the story that drew audiences to the saga, but the characters in particular seemed to capture the hearts and minds of Twi-hards around the world.  

The cast of characters in The Twilight Saga all have quite distinct, developed, and intense personalities. There are many ways in which fans can relate to and understand all of these major players, but one of the most interesting lenses to examine the Twilight characters through is the MBTI® personality types.


Updated December 20, 2021 by Hilary Elizabeth: The Twilight Saga has such a wide variety of characters that all get their moment to sparkle, and as such, this article has been amended to include even more of the significant characters in the franchise as well as their Myers-Briggs® personality categorizations.

James: ISFP

Despite the fact that those who fall under this personality type are introverts, they are colloquially known as the adventurers of the MBTI®. That clearly suits James quite well, because while he is very quietly threatening upon his initial introduction in the first film, his passion for hunting down difficult prey shows that he’s still willing to live on the edge.

ISFPs don’t like being boxed into social norms, which is why someone like James would be even more inspired to go after Bella once Edward made it clear that she was totally off-limits.

Victoria: INTJ

INTJs are most unique because of their incredibly analytical minds, and Victoria’s ability to plan in detail as well as think quickly on her feet really showed what a clever vampire she was.

Those with this personality type are typically quite rational, which would explain why Victoria was so deft when it came to striking at the right time and knowing when to escape and evade. And, if she hadn’t let her thirst for revenge cloud her judgment, she likely could have survived long after her mate James had been killed.

Jane: ISTJ

Although Jane isn’t a leader of the Volturi, she’s one of their most frightening devotees. Like a typical ISTJ, she is a very calculated and controlled introvert. She is capable of a great deal and she hardly ever lets her emotions override her cold and logical thinking.

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She is also extremely dedicated to the Volturi and their laws for the vampire species, which is quite in line with the ISTJ’s belief in upholding rules and traditions.


Aro’s over-the-top theatricality would certainly indicate that he could be one of the entertainer personality types in the MBTI®, but the reality is that the ESTP category fits him more appropriately.

ESTPs are the leaders of their packs and know how to influence the people around them, and they are experts at building a strong foundation upon which they can wield their power. Aro is ultimately the master of the Volturi and he is always manipulating and machinating for his own ends, so he’s an ESTP to the core.

Jessica Stanley: ENFP

Much like Jessica Stanley, the classic ENFP personality type is a very happy and outgoing person. Natural social butterflies, ENFPs have no problem making friends, which would explain why Jessica had such an easy time connecting to the aloof Bella despite their lack of common interests.

And, while an ENFP might not understand exactly why everyone else is the way that they are, they can enjoy themselves with anyone and are quite loyal pals to the many people they adopt into their social circle.

Rosalie Hale: ENTJ

Love her or hate her, Rosalie Hale is the perfect example of an ENTJ. Not one to beat around the bush, ENTJs are known for being straightforward, assertive, and tough when necessary. Self-confidence is also a very big trait of ENTJs, and before she became a vampire, Rosalie admitted that she was confident in her beauty and led a somewhat superficial life.

As a vampire, Rosalie isn’t afraid to question peoples’ decisions and make her opinion known, which often puts her at odds with those around her (not that she typically minds).

Jasper Hale: ISTP

Jasper doesn’t get as much attention as some of the other characters in Twilight, but that is actually quite well aligned with his ISTP nature.  This personality type is known for being detached, realistic, pragmatic, and adaptable.

Before Jasper became a vampire, he was a soldier in the army. After he was turned, Jasper used his vampire powers and his stoic, regimented nature to help create a newborn vampire army. Eventually, he became sick of all the violence and bloodshed, and thanks to his adaptable personality type, he was able to recreate himself and adopt a completely different lifestyle with the Cullens.

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Alice Cullen: ENFJ

Everyone likes an ENFJ, which explains why Alice is so darn beloved. Just like her personality type, Alice is bubbly, warm, sociable, and diplomatic. ENFJs are known peacemakers, but they also have a tendency to step in when they probably shouldn’t, as Bella finds out time and time again.

Although ENFJs are inherently charming, they can have trouble putting themselves in someone else’s shoes, which is why Alice occasionally values the greater good over peoples’ feelings.

Emmett Cullen: ESTP

Emmett is the perfect ESTP: outgoing, energetic, spontaneous, and fun-loving. Unlike almost everyone else in the books (besides Jacob), Emmett actually seems to enjoy life, despite everything going on around him.

ESTPs learn from doing, and Emmett is always excited about taking action — whether it means fighting newborns or killing Victoria. The three things ESTPs hate the most are routines, isolation, and inaction. Emmett is always quick to respond to any challenge, whether it be winning a baseball game or protecting the people (or vampires) he loves.

Carlisle Cullen: ESFJ

ESFJs are responsible and conscientious, appreciate family, and have strong value systems, which pretty perfectly describes Dr. Cullen. Carlisle is warm, loving, and loyal; all he wants is to provide a safe and structured environment for his family.

ESFJs always take the feelings of others into consideration when making decisions. Given that Carlisle is willing to quell his desire for human blood for centuries, it’s clear that he has a strong moral compass and doesn’t deviate from it.

Esme Cullen: ESFJ

Like her husband Carlisle, Esme is kind, sweet, and cares for her family above all else, making her yet another ESFJ. Just like Carlisle, Esme wants her children to be happy and fulfilled, even if it means laying down her own hopes and dreams for them.

Esme has less trouble giving up human blood than the others, possibly because of her strong sense of morality and sympathetic nature; she’s warm and tactful to everyone she interacts with. Conscientious to the core, Esme refuses to take sides in family arguments.

Charlie Swan: ISTJ

ISTJs are practical, calm, and love time-honored traditions. Charlie doesn’t have to have a fancy job or car to feel fulfilled, he finds pleasure in the simple things (like visiting his friends on the reservation and putting snow tires on his daughter’s car).

ISTJs value routine, which explains why Charlie always orders the same meal at the same restaurants. It wouldn’t be easy for anyone to accept their daughter being in love with a vampire, but ISTJs are known for being a bit rigid and close-minded, so Bella certainly has her work cut out for her when it comes to warming her protective dad Charlie up to the Cullens.

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Edward Cullen: INFP

Edward might be a blood-sucking vampire, but he’s also selective, devoted, and idealistic; all qualities of an INFP. As an introvert, Edward doesn’t let many people into his circle, but when he does, he’s the most loyal and caring friend anyone could have. INFPs are also curious by nature, which explains why he simply couldn’t leave Bella alone. The idea of turning Bella into a vampire repels Edward because it goes against his moral compass, and INFPs desperately desire to live a life that reflects their ideals.

These thoughtful idealists are also deep, virtuous, and introspective, although there’s no question that Edward’s “old-fashioned” opinions and beliefs are shaped by his own history.

Bella Swan: ISFP

Only one letter away from Edward, Bella Swan is an ISFP; a personality type that is characterized by a reserved, spontaneous, and trusting nature. That certainly sounds like someone who would fall in love with a vampire!

There’s no question that Bella knows what she wants, and when she finds something or someone she’s willing to invest in, she will not waiver. In times of stress, ISFPs can become cynical, depressed, and prone to self-doubt, which is exactly what viewers see when Bella and Edward break up and she is left inconsolable.

Jacob Black: ESFP

The Twilight universe is filled with very intense, often morose characters. And Jacob Black, an ESFP, is like a breath of fresh air. ESFPs are easy-going, fun-loving, and action-oriented, all of which describe Jacob to a tee.

Unlike some personality types, ESFPs are tolerant and willing to change their minds, which explains why Jacob is eventually able to embrace Bella as a vampire (and accept her relationship with Edward). Perfectly suited for his werewolf role, Jacob is always wanting to take physical control of the situation and values power and strength.

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