In the Naruto fandom, Sakura Haruno is often seen as the weaker link in Team 7. Teamed with Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura doesn’t begin her journey in the series as powerful a shinobi as her teammates. Sakura does, however, grow a lot in the series.

Fans often see her as only Sasuke’s love interest, but that isn’t true. She becomes incredibly strong without him and learns to stand on her own – even if she doesn’t necessarily want to. Some of her best quotes from the franchise really showcase her growth.

Sakura Was Initially A More Academic Shinobi

“The things that are most important aren’t written in books. You have to experience them yourself.”

At the beginning of the series, Sakura Haruno is a remarkable student, easily able to recall aspects of shinobi theory for tests. She is not, however, always the best at applying that knowledge in real-world settings. It takes her a while to realize that not everything she needs to know can be gleaned from a book.


Once she does, however, Sakura is definitely a proponent of experiencing life instead of simply reading about it. She volunteers for missions, she pulls her weight, and she isn’t quite as quick to judge the way Naruto lives his own life.

Sakura Is Inspired By Her Competition With Ino

“You were my goal. Thanks to that, I’m here now. I want this to be an all-out fight.”

Ino Yamanaka is one of Sakura’s first friends as a little girl. They are incredibly close, but that all changes when they both develop a crush on Sasuke. Despite that, Sakura still holds Ino to very high standards, seeing her as the kind of shinobi she wants to be when they’re both attending the Academy.

She admits as much when they’re matched in competition at the Chunin Exams. Because of how much Sakura admires Ino’s will and her willingness to put herself out there, Sakura is determined that they have a real fight. She doesn’t want either of them to hold back as a result of their previous friendship, and they don’t.

Sakura Resolves To Be Better

“I can’t just let everyone protect me all the time!”

The Chunin Exams act as a wakeup call for Sakura. It’s not just her match with Ino that makes her take a long look at her skills. It’s also the team exercises that sees her end up in trouble with Sasuke and Naruto having to save her from another team.

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Sakura, much like the audience, sees herself as the weakest member of the two because the two have to keep pulling her out of dangerous situations. She doesn’t like feeling weak, and part of that is because she’s used to feeling like the capable one in the classroom. The Chunin Exams are when Sakura resolves to start actively becoming a stronger shinobi, not just one who can spout facts and theories.

Sakura Takes A Stand Against Sasori

“I may not have amazing weapons like a puppet in me, but what I do have is my master’s contempt for losing!”

In the years between Naruto and Naruto: Shippuden, Sakura trains under Lady Tsunade. The hokage takes her under her wing when it comes to medical ninjutsu, but as a result, Sakura also develops better chakra control, allowing her to be more precise and stronger. Tsunade’s attitude also rubs off on her.

Without either Naruto or Sasuke by her side, she ends up having to take on Akatsuki member Sasori alone. She has the help of Lady Chiyo for some of the fight, but ultimately, it’s the first time Sakura is forced to stand her ground against a dangerous villain without her teammates – and she succeeds.

Sakura Amps Up Her Training

“I’ve always considered myself to be a true ninja, but those were just empty words… But now it’s my turn to take the lead, and all of you can watch me from the background.”

No one is going to give Sakura a confidence boost like Sakura is going to give herself. As much as she gets in her own head about Naruto and Sasuke saving her, she also reminds herself that she can and will be better.

This quote is one of those times as she acknowledges that, in team settings, the two boys always took the lead on missions, keeping her safe and calling the shots because of their skills. It’s another case of her deciding to that for herself, and allow others to see her shine.

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Sakura Doubts Her Commitment To Naruto

“The only things I can ever do for Naruto are the little things anyone can do…”

When Naruto’s training to control the nine-tailed fox goes into overdrive, and he begins to save the village on a regular basis, Sakura starts to feel a little guilty. Not only has she treated him poorly in the past, but she’s alternately rejected his crush on her and encouraged it. She’s supposed to be his closest friend and teammate in the wake of Sasuke’s defection, and yet, she doesn’t think she does an adequate job.

Sakura isn’t wrong in that respect since she gets caught up in her own training and often brushes Naruto aside, but she does try to be there for him. She participates in a lot of his training, and even sits on the sidelines to encourage him, but she never seems to think she does enough.

Sakura Believes In Female Shinobi

“Didn’t you know? Women have to be strong in order to survive.”

The female shinobi of Naruto’s generation – Sakura, Ino, Hinata, and Tenten – seem to be constantly underestimated. Sakura is well aware of that as she encourages Hinata to be more brash, Ino to embrace medical ninjutsu, and works with Tenten on missions.

When Ino is impressed by how much Sakura’s skills have improved, this is the line Sakura throws at her, knowing perfectly well that Ino is aware of just how strong a female shinobi has to be to fit in. It seems unfair of Sakura to say this to Ino, who is often pressured to focus more on her fighting skills and less on her personal life.

Sakura Does Center Her Life Around Sasuke

“You taught me that solitude is painful. I understand that so well right now. I have family, and I have friends, but if you’re gone… to me… it will be the same as being alone.”

Sakura’s one major character flaw is that she builds her world around her feelings for Sasuke. Even as a young shinobi, her long hair is the result of believing the rumor that Sasuke finds it attractive. She puts so much of her time and energy into trying to be there for him that when he defects from Konohagakure, her world is thrown upside down.

She admits that without him, she feels completely alone. That’s why it’s so strange that for much of Sasuke and Sakura’s adult relationship, he travels while she builds a home in Konoha. She’s utterly devoted to him despite everything he puts her through. Some fans admire her for her faith in him while others don’t understand it.

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Sakura’s Faith In Female Shinobi Never Wavers

“The beauty of the cherry blossoms color the world! And the will of the girls brings victory.”

Considering her name literally means cherry blossoms, it’s clear that this line references Sakura herself doing well in battle. More than that, however, it also references the feminine members of the shinobi on the front lines.

Sakura never wavers in her support of other female shinobi, even when she and Ino are throwing insults at one another. They insult one another’s appearance, but not their skills. Even after accidentally making herself a contender for Naruto’s affections as a teenager, it’s Sakura who encourages Hinata to be find her inner strength outside of the shinobi world to tell Naruto the truth.

Sakura Gives Naruto The Support He Needs

“No matter what you say this time, we’re going to be together… not just me… We’re all going to fight together this time.”

Naruto has a habit of taking on the full weight of responsibility for protecting his village – and later, the world. That’s part of what makes him a great Hokage in the Boruto series. Sakura sees that in him from a young age, and when it comes time for the shinobi world to go to war, she makes sure he knows he’s not doing it alone.

Sakura is by his side in battle, along with a returned Sasuke. The team is reunited just in time to save the world.

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