Naruto features some of the best action sequences and storylines in any anime and its focus on stylized shinobi action leaves little room for any romance in the franchise. However, even though romance is not a primary theme in Naruto it is not missing altogether, as many crushes and relationships develop between the characters over time.

Among the relationships and romances in the series, there are a few that stand out not for how admirable they are but rather for how odd the pairing of characters. Whether it’s due to mismatched personalities or a more complex dynamic, there are a number of romances in Naruto that leave many fans scratching their heads in wonder.

10 Karin And Sasuke

While it’s not conclusive that the relationship between Karin and Sasuke was overtly romantic, the overall impression still left a bad taste in most fans’ mouths. Karin was clearly infatuated with Sasuke, and her attraction to him bordered on obsession, but Sasuke gave little to no indication that he felt the same way about Karin. This led to Sasuke using Karin in pursuit of his own goals, and Karin willingly obliging in order to please him. For example, Karin allowed Sasuke to drink her blood in order to gain the benefit of her healing powers, even though she disliked allowing others to do this. The clear power differential in their relationship is a big red flag that this romance was not particularly healthy for either Sasuke or Karin.

9 Hayate And Yugao

Fans would be excused for not remembering this romance, as it featured two side characters who did not have significant character arcs and whose relationship was only revealed long after it had ended. For those who may not recall, Hayate was an instructor during the Chunin exams who was was killed by Baki after he discovered Sunagakure’s and Otogakure’s plans to attack Konoha. Hayate’s and Yugao’s relationship was briefly referenced prior to his death and then is not brought up again until Hayate is resurrected by Kabuto during the Fourth Shinobi War. The fact that this romance gets such little screen time is the main reason it is so strange. Given how little time is devoted to showing Yugao and Hayate together as a couple, the impact his death has on her doesn’t hit as hard as it could.


8 Kakashi And Rin

Kakashi and Rin were both a part of Team Minato along with Obito when they were genin. While Rin developed a crush on Kakashi, much like Sasuke and Sakura’s relationship, Kakashi did not return her affection. Rin was a bubbly and outgoing shinobi, but her personality did not mesh with Kakashi’s, who was quiet and serious.

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Meanwhile, Obito was in love with Rin, and was the one who convinced Kakashi to go save her when she was captured by enemy shinobi during a mission. Obito lost his life in that mission and had Rin transplant his Sharingan into Kakashi, ultimately leading to the events that caused Obito to join the Akatsuki and wage war against the entire world. Kakashi and Rin’s romance was never meant to be and felt more like a schoolyard crush than a true romance.

7 Dan And Tsunade

Fans of the franchise long wished for two of the most popular characters, Tsunade and Jiraiya, to start a relationship together. Jiraiya loved Tsunade, and while Tsunade also had feelings for Jiraiya, she would not allow herself to express her feelings due to her past romantic history with another Konaha shinobi named Dan Kano. Not a lot is known about Dan other than that he was killed during the Third Shinobi War, and that he and Tsunade were lovers. Tsunade continues to carry Dan’s memory with her for years after his death, but Dan’s character was never really fleshed out in the few scenes they share together, so Tsunade’s lingering feelings for Dan after so much time has passed since his death feels hollow.

6 Choji And Karui

During Naruto and Naruto: Shippuden there was never any indication that Choji was involved with another character in a romantic way. Therefore, it came as a surprise to many fans when it was revealed in Boruto that Choji was married and had a child. Choji married Karui, a kunoichi from Kumogakure. Prior to marrying Choji, little is known about Karui other than that she is depicted as a sarcastic shinobi who is rather combative, outspoken, and stubborn. In comparison, Choji has always been depicted as rather agreeable, soft-spoken, and kind – except when it comes to food – so on paper this pairing just doesn’t make a lot of sense. The abruptness of their relationship feels forced and unnatural, and the lack of a story explaining how they met and fell in love feels like a huge disservice to Choji’s character.

5 Kiba And Tamaki

Since the start of Naruto, Kiba’s defining feature was that he loved dogs. He was the dog guy, and he and his ninja dog Akamaru were always featured together. Meanwhile, when Tamaki was introduced early in the series she was clearly defined as a cat person, as she and her grandmother lived together with several cats in an abandoned city outside Konoha. While Kiba’s attraction to Tamaki was instantly apparent, they have little in common other than their mutual love of animals and abilities as animal breeders. Kiba is wild and free just like the dogs he breeds, while Tamaki is cool and reserved like the cats she loves. The two ended up inspiring a town-wide feud in Boruto as to which animal was superior, further underscoring that their pairing is as contentious as the relationship between cats and dogs.

4 Kaguya And Tenji

Kaguya and Tenji’s love affair began after she was discovered by his soldiers at the site of a meteor crash near the God Tree. Kaguya wiped Tenji’s memory and assumed a role as his concubine, but when she killed a number of soldiers from the Land of That, Tenji ordered her execution. Kaguya then ate the forbidden fruit from the God Tree and became the first chakra user, gained the Rinnegan, and subdued the world with her Infinite Tsukuyomi.

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Kaguya and Tenji’s relationship is strange because it does not feel completely consensual, and also because of the massive power difference between them. Tenji may have been an Emperor, but he was also mortal, while Kaguya was essentially a God in human form. Their goals and motivations simply did not align, and it feels like Kaguya used Tenji more like a tool than a partner.

3 Sakura And Sasuke

One of the most enduring and well-documented relationships in the Naruto franchise is Sakura’s love for Sasuke. From the very first episode, it was clear that she was obsessed with him, and it was also equally clear that Sasuke did not return Sakura’s feelings. Once Sasuke’s quest for revenge came to an end, he and Sakura eventually marry and have a child together, but their marriage just doesn’t sit well. Sasuke spurned Sakura’s love over and over again, and yet in the end she accepts him back with open arms. Additionally, it’s never apparent if Sasuke actually returns Sakura’s feelings, as he normally shows little to no signs of affection for her. Her passionate and fiery personality and his cold and distanced persona are like fire and ice, they simply don’t match.

2 Naruto And Sakura

While Sakura was obviously in love with Sasuke from the very first episode of the franchise, Naruto was very clearly in love with Sakura. Similarly, while Sasuke did not return Sakura’s affections, she wanted even less to do with Naruto. Still, despite receiving constant abuse and rejection, Naruto continues to pursue Sakura or at least harbors feelings for her for years. Although Naruto longed to have a romantic relationship with Sakura, the two of them were simply never meant to be. Naruto is too goofy and carefree for Sakura, who is more serious and straightforward, hence her attraction to Sasuke. This pairing just never made sense, and it stands to reason that the two decided it was better to be friends than to get involved in a romantic relationship together.

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1 Hinata And Naruto

The other relationship outside of Sakura’s and Sasuke’s that gets the most screen time in the franchise is the one between Hinata and Naruto. What makes their relationship unique is how long it takes to begin, given that Hinata hides her feelings for Naruto for almost the entirety of the first two series. While Hinata and Naruto’s marriage is the impetus for the plot of Boruto, the pairing is still a little strange. Hinata is so shy and reserved, while Naruto is loud and outgoing. Also, prior to their dating, the two of them never spent significant time together, and Naruto was mostly ignorant of Hinata’s existence. Their change from estranged shinobi fighting together for a common cause to a romantic couple and eventually to a married couple is jarring, as it happens seemingly out of the blue, despite the significant build-up.

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