Boruto has a brand new power in the Naruto sequel series, but how did he come to master it so quickly? For a genin of his tender years, Boruto has quickly developed into a formidable ninja, utilizing shadow clones, summons, nature release and his father’s Rasengan. But arguably the biggest weapon in this youngster’s arsenal is Karma, forcibly impressed upon him by Momoshiki Otsutsuki. So far, Boruto has mostly used Karma to absorb attacks, but his control over the ability has been shaky at best, not fully understanding how it works or why it was bestowed upon him until recently.

Currently in the Boruto: Naruto Next Generations manga, Konoha village is still reeling from the arrival of Amado, a defector from the villainous organization known as Kara. Revealing the true nature of Boruto’s new ability and the real identity of Kara’s leader, Amado also confirms that his former boss wants the young boy known as Kawaki, who he hopes to use as a vessel for a grand return to full power. With Naruto putting Kawaki under his protection, Jigen (now revealed as Isshiki Otsutsuki) has come to Konoha village to wreak havoc until Kawaki is in his custody once again.


As the village is evacuated, Naruto and Sasuke face-off against Isshiki, but Sasuke surprises his partner by unveiling Boruto as a secret weapon. Swerving everyone (readers included), Boruto was thrown towards Isshiki and created a portal using his Karma hand, transporting the villain away from Konoha to a barren plain where he could cause no harm to civilians. As stated explicitly in the chapter, the portal is another facet to Boruto’s karma abilities. Amado explained that Boruto Uzumaki harbors the DNA template of Momoshiki Otsutsuki in his body, and this gives him strange new abilities. But Momoshiki didn’t often use portals, making Boruto’s new power a little confusing. Although Momoshiki didn’t wield dimensional jutsu with the same frequency as Sasuke or Isshiki, all members of the Otsutsuki clan can travel through dimensions, such is their very nature. Isshiki confirms the source of Boruto’s new ability when he marvels over “how much of Momoshiki’s Karma and power the brat can use.

However, this only partly explains why Boruto is able to create dimensional portals using Karma. Previously, Boruto has struggled to control the Otsutsuki biology flowing through him, and the consciousness of Momoshiki took control when Karma was used to defeat Boro. Moreover, Boruto made a portal once before, but this was only thanks to the resonance generated when combining with Kawaki’s Karma. In this chapter, Boruto not only appears to conjure a portal by himself, he does so while still maintaining control of his own body. This is quite a major step, and Boruto even cracks a joke about learning the technique so quickly. The answer could lie in the resonance that occurs when two Karma powers are brought together. Boruto and Kawaki were able to open a portal by combining their Karma powers. Although Boruto is without his friend on this occasion, it’s possible that his own Karma resonated with Isshiki Otsutsuki, effectively using the villain as a Kawaki substitute to help create the portal.

This would explain why Boruto was able to use the jutsu without practicing beforehand, and also why he wasn’t possessed by Momoshiki during the act. It might seem like Boruto was purely drawing from his own Karma, but dimensional techniques would surely be an unrealistically large gap for the genin to bridge alone right now. Perhaps the next installment of Boruto: Naruto Next Generations will offer further details on Boruto’s new portal ability.

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