The Naruto franchise features a whole different kind of magic than the Harry Potter series. In the world of Naruto, ninja, called shinobi, harness the power of their chakra to perform seemingly impossible feats. They don’t use wands or have a sorting hat to tell them what kind of student they are.

If the shinobi of Naruto somehow managed to get into Harry Potter’s Hogwarts though, their ability to run bravely into a fight wouldn’t make them all Gryffindors. Instead, the ambitious and the sneaky would end up in Slytherin. Those who prized loyalty and hard work above all else would find themselves in Hufflepuff. The ones who loved knowledge and logic would end up in Ravenclaw. As a result, there’s a house for every shinobi. 

10 Sasuke: Slytherin

In order to gain that power, he abandoned everything he ever knew, leaving his home behind. His scheming didn’t stop there, either. He also betrayed his new teacher, Orochimaru, in order to gain his abilities as well. Of course, he also abandoned his own cause in the end to save his old village, so Sasuke’s lack of loyalty knows no bounds.

9 Sakura: Hufflepuff

Sakura also wasn’t afraid of a little hard work. She maintained top scores while attending the Academy, for starters. When it came time to focus her shinobi discipline, she studied under Lady Tsunade, never giving up no matter how hard the work became, to work as a medical-nin. Following the events of the series proper, Sakura also founded a clinic to help kids work through the trauma of war.


8 Shikamaru: Ravenclaw

In fact, Shikamaru’s obsession with logic and strategy meant he didn’t always understand emotions. He didn’t recognize his growing feelings for Temari for what they were until well into adulthood. People were not easy puzzles for him to work out.

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7 Choji: Gryffindor

Despite not having access to as many different abilities as the rest of his generation, Choji had a lot of power. He had exceptional control over the abilities he did have, and didn’t hesitate to use even the most exhausting of them in a fight. When out with other ninja teams, he was the first to sacrifice himself, staying behind to keep enemies busy so the team could continue.

6 Tenten: Ravenclaw

She’s adept at sealing jutsu at a very young age. Tenten also trained with (and knew the ins and outs of) almost every weapon available to a shinobi. We also saw her propensity to lean on logic when assigned to missions with Naruto, who was more likely to jump to conclusions.

5 Ino: Slytherin

As a child, Ino constantly competed with her former best friend Sakura, setting out to have better marks than her. As she grew older, Ino began to learn from Sakura’s training, wanting to make sure she diversified her skills. There’s no shortage of cunning with Ino though, as she would use any tricks of the mind her power allowed to give herself an edge in a fight.

4 Rock Lee: Hufflepuff

Lee was a very interesting kind of shinobi. He didn’t have access to the specialty jutsu that any of his peers did. Instead, he only had his own physical abilities to rely on. That meant he stuck to a very strict training regimen and turned every mistake into a learning opportunity. Lee also never missed an opportunity to help his friends. He even popped up as backup for missions he wasn’t a part of.

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3 Shino: Ravenclaw

Shino’s specialty happened to be bugs. While that’s where most of his focus and studying lies in the series, that’s not his only strength. He might not have the genius level intellect of Shikamaru, but like Shikamaru, he favored logic over emotion. Shino was frequently the person leading the charge and formulating plans for his own team. He even went on to become a teacher as an adult.

2 Hinata: Hufflepuff

One of the most hardworking shinobi in the series, she rivaled Lee in her level of commitment. Her admiration for Naruto led her to want to become a better shinobi. As a result, she stood by him, no matter what. She also became something of a peacemaker as she grew, trying to find easier ways to resolve conflict. Hinata is a true Hufflepuff.

1 Naruto: Gryffindor

Naruto, like Hinata, attempted to be a peacekeeper. Not a Hufflepuff, though, he often rushed headlong into danger without a plan or understanding the consequences. His stubborn sense of bravery and justice makes him a textbook Gryffindor.

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