Warning: contains spoilers for chapter 66 of Boruto

It would not be an understatement to call Chapter 66 of Boruto: Naruto Next Generations a blockbuster issue. First, Kawaki reveals that he can use the Kama everyone previously thought was rendered useless with the death of Isshiki Otsutsuki. Second, with the Kama, Kawaki has now become a major power in the Naruto-Boruto universe. Third, Kawaki’s killing of Boruto in front of Naruto is a shocking turn of events. With such bombastic revelations competing for attention, it would be natural for fans to overlook a quieter element of the story that may prove more important. That element is Amado and his connection to the three major events of the issue.


Amado is one of several people in Boruto who never appeared in the Naruto manga but, the assumption is, were nevertheless present throughout that saga somewhere in the background. Indeed, Amado tells Naruto that he had a daughter who would have been born about the same time as Boruto. While the exact circumstances of his daughter’s passing are not discussed in detail, her death clearly had a deep impact or effect on Amado.

At some point in time, Amado was recruited by or volunteered to join Kara, Isshiki’s secret society focused on preparing for his return and cultivating a new God Tree. Blessed with a genius intellect and an uncanny ability to meld technology with human anatomy, Amado not only was able to rise to the highest levels of Kara but also gain the trust of the society’s leader Jigen, who for all intents is Isshiki. Interestingly, unlike other members of Kara’s inner circle, Amado was not tattooed with a number. Amado established Kara’s science and technology research division, and single-handedly built Kara, through scientific ninja technology into the foremost opponent to Naruto.

But, despite his position and trust within Kara, Amado was never a true-blue member. For reasons yet fully explained, he wanted Isshiki dead and did everything he could to kill him. More than a few fans believe that Amado’s hatred of Isshiki is somehow connected to his daughter’s death. However, once his situation became tenuous with Kara, he had no compunction to abandon his allegiances with the society and turn completely to Isshiki’s sworn enemy, Naruto.

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Amado is the ultimate “x-factor” in the series so far. He is deeply involved in almost every story arc, but unlike other main characters, fans know preciously little about this background and motives. While not personally powerful, he is extremely influential through his technical expertise creating ninja tech even Iron Man or Black Panther would be jealous of, and via the fact that his fingerprints are all over most of the people such as Kawaki, Code, and Ado that know threaten Naruto and Konoha Village. It is obvious that Amado has ulterior motives. Initially, those motives seemed to be bringing about the elimination of Isshiki. However, once Isshiki was killed, Amado’s focus turned elsewhere, namely Konoha. While his explanation of why he was defected convinced most of Konoha’s leadership, including Naruto, he was also able to do that to the members of Kara without his true self, whether that is, being exposed.

Amado presents himself as a person of trust to anyone he seeks to work with but does nothing tremendously convincing to verify why their trust should be extended to him. Accordingly, Amado presents a major unknown in the Boruto, and a key figure to pay attention to going forward in the story as he may have more to do with Naruto and the future of Konoha than anyone else.

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