NASA has identified a large asteroid traveling extremely close to Earth, deeming it as ‘potentially hazardous’ when it arrives this weekend. Outer space can be described as a lot of things, but one word that’s never associated with it is ‘dull.’ From black holes, supernovas, newly found planets, and a whole lot more, there’s always something new for scientists to uncover.

One such thing is the constant presence of asteroids. An asteroid is a space rock that orbits the Sun in our Solar System. Some asteroids can be just a few feet large, whereas others have a diameter that’s hundreds of miles long. Asteroids usually aren’t a threat to life on Earth, but that doesn’t stop astronomers from keeping a constant watch on them to make sure that doesn’t change.


Thanks to that watching, NASA has discovered a ‘potentially hazardous’ asteroid that’ll soon arrive in Earth’s orbit. The asteroid is named 4660 Nereus and is roughly the size of the Eiffel Tower — measuring 330 meters and featuring the shape of a very large egg. While NASA has known of 4660 Nereus since 1982, the asteroid’s expected to come within 2.5 million miles from Earth on December 11. That may sound like a long way’s away, but it’s the closest 4660 Nereus has gotten to the planet in more than 20 years. The good news? The asteroid should whip past Earth without actually making contact.

Interesting Details About This Incoming Asteroid

Photo credit: NASA

4660 Nereus is an interesting asteroid for a couple of reasons. For one thing, the way it orbits the Sun means it’s gradually getting closer and closer to Earth every few years. It’s expected to make another nearby approach in March 2031, followed by another pass by in November 2050. Then, in February 2060, Nereus will be just 0.74 million miles away from Earth.

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That alone makes 4660 Nereus an interesting target, but what’s even more compelling is its composition. The asteroid is believed to have rich deposits of nickel, cobalt, and iron. All combined, these minerals are worth over $4.7 billion. Asteroid mining is a concept that’s bound to become increasingly popular in the coming years, and asteroids like 4660 Nereus are prime targets for it. They’re close to Earth, make frequent visits to the planet, and are worth a lot of money.

On the other end of the spectrum, NASA also has plans to protect Earth from asteroids that pose a legitimate threat to the planet. Just last month, NASA began testing its DART program that aims to collide spacecraft with asteroids heading to Earth — thus throwing them off course. Those kinds of techniques aren’t necessary for asteroids like 4660 Nereus, but they’re there just in case they are ever needed.

Source: NASA

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