Jupiter is one of the most daunting planets in our Solar System, and thanks to the continually impressive work of Juno, NASA just shared a truly jaw-dropping photo. Considering most people won’t ever get the chance to visit outer space for themselves, images from NASA and other organizations are extremely important. While it’s difficult to convey the vastness of space in words alone, a picture from Perseverance, Hubble, or another instrument makes things much easier.

There are regular examples of this all the time. You could read an article about a massive aurora engulfing the Earth, but seeing a picture of its unfathomable beauty is that much more impactful. The same is true of all the Mars exploration happening right now. It’s one thing to read about the planet having vast dunes and peculiar rocks, but to see actual pictures of these things is completely different. Whether it be for educational purposes or a passing interest, these photos are most people’s gateway to the Milky Way and beyond.


NASA uploaded its latest space picture on November 10 and, simply put, it’s so good you’ll probably think it’s fake. What you’re looking at above is an image of Jupiter, as captured by NASA’s Juno spacecraft and edited by scientist Brian Swift. The photo was originally taken on September 2 while Juno was 16,800 miles above Jupiter’s gassy atmosphere. Juno’s been orbiting Jupiter since July 2016 to do exactly this. It orbits the planet, regularly uses its ‘JunoCam’ to capture high-quality pictures, and is entirely solar-powered despite receiving 25x less sunlight compared to Earth. It’s not the most talked-about spacecraft in Nasa’s portfolio, but it really is one of the most impressive.

An Astonishing Glimpse At Jupiter’s Gassy Atmosphere

Photo credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Kevin M. Gill

As for Jupiter itself, it’s long been a huge focal point for astronomers. It’s the fifth planet that’s farthest from the Sun and the largest planet in the Solar System. Unlike Earth or Mars, however, Jupiter doesn’t have a solid surface. Instead, it’s made up entirely of gases (primarily hydrogen and helium). This gassy composition also means Jupiter is a very stormy planet. Along with the Great Red Spot, new storms are regularly popping up on Jupiter and lasting far longer than they do on Earth.

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This photo shows some of those storms in excellent detail. See the dark red spot on the planet? NASA says that’s a cyclone spanning around 250 miles. It may look tiny in the picture, but considering Jupiter has a radius of 43,441 miles, that’s just a small speck among countless other storms. That harsh environment will prevent humans from ever visiting Jupiter for themselves, but with images like this, we can at least feel like we’ve gone.

Source: NASA

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