With its third season set to be released next week, Netflix’s Élite has proven to be a global hit across the world. The Spanish teen drama managed to reel fans in with its progressive storylines. The crime-thriller also managed to captivate the viewer with diverse relationships.   

One unsuspecting romance that has quite the fanbase is the relationship between Carla and Samuel – whose cat-and-mouse game kept viewers on the edge of their seats. However, Carla wasn’t the only one looking to start a relationship with Samuel as he also formed a strong bond with newcomer Rebeca. Question is, which girl will Samuel choose? Keep reading to discover the 5 reasons why he should be with Carla and the 5 why he should be with Rebeca.

10 Pro Rebeca: Good Intentions

Does anyone know the phrase: “You wouldn’t notice a good thing, even if it hit you in the face?” This is what came to mind when Rebeca’s mother hosts a Halloween party at their family home and Rebeca’s feelings for Samuel became clear.

Rebeca sets out to try and impress Samuel by pushing out of her comfort zone. Instead of dressing comfortably, she decides to come as a ‘princess’ because she believes it would get Samuel’s attention. However, she becomes discouraged when Samuel is too distracted to notice. It’s hard to watch, especially since Rebeca has only had good intentions for Samuel.

9 Pro Carla: The Macarrones Scene

One of the Carmuel fans’ favorite scenes has to be Samuel and Carla’s first date at his apartment. Up to this point, Carla had only expressed a physical attraction to Samuel as she tried to manipulate him into staying silent. However, Samuel soon realized she was toying with him when he caught her kissing Polo in the bathroom.

Although it looked as if Carla was stringing Samuel along, the Marchioness appears to be genuinely interested in him when she looks discouraged at seeing him sitting with Rebeca. Carla also briefly abandons the rules of her game when she later knocks on his door and confides in him about her loneliness. For the first time, Carla looked happy and Samuel didn’t look like he had the world on his shoulders. It’s one of their most real and honest scenes.


8 Pro Rebeca: Her Speech To Nano

In “63 hours missing,” fans realized the extent of Rebeca’s feelings when she was confronted by Nano about their relationship. This all came about after Nano gate-crashed Rebeca’s Halloween party and asked her to break off whatever she had going on with Samuel.

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Nano accuses Rebeca of using Samuel and treating him like a pawn, which Rebeca is quick to refute. Instead, she tells Nano how she would never allow anything bad to happen to him and he means a lot more to her than she does to him. Rebeca then tries to mend the brotherly bond by telling him to talk to Samuel instead of sneaking around.

7 Pro Carla: Her Protective Nature

Another great thing that came out of Carla and Samuel’s relationship was how fans got to see a selfless and caring side to Carla. After Christian was injured in a hit-and-run (orchestrated by her father), Carla became cautious and protective of those around her. In fact, she was seen to be most protective over Samuel.

This was most notable in “84 hours missing” when Carla begged Samuel to leave the charity event because her father and Polo were at the event. “0 hours missing” also confirms she spent the whole night trying to get in touch with him and was one of the few to note his absence the next day. Rebeca only called him when she realized he didn’t go to school.

6 Pro Rebeca: Their Friendship

While Carla and Samuel follow the forbidden lovers trope, fans have also been intrigued by Rebeca and Samuel’s brewing relationship. Samuel and Rebeca’s relationship is built on the foundation of friendship and trust. When Rebeca first arrived at Las Encinas, Samuel was the first person who made her feel welcome.

Immediately, the pair hit it off, with Rebeca teaching him how to box and encouraging Samuel not to care about what people thought of him. They have also proven to be extremely loyal to one another, with Rebeca helping him figure out who killed Marina and he helped to protect her family’s secrets. It wouldn’t be surprising if they made a go of it.

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5 Pro Carla: She Put It All On The Line

One of the most underrated scenes for Carla was when she inadvertently put her heart on the line. In “84 hours missing,” Carla confronts Samuel after she finds out he secretly attained a voice recording of her and went to the police with it.

Carla reveals she was hurt because she thought he dropped his investigation and they were building something. She then says that she envisions a future for them, where she and Samuel could be to be together without judgment or repercussions. When Carla asks if she is being stupid, fans can hear the hope in her voice. No matter what you think of Carla, you have to admire how she put herself out there.

4 Pro Rebeca: She Hasn’t Framed His Relative For Murder

If Samuel and Carla did eventually get together then there is one big hurdle they would have to try and overcome: Nano almost being charged with Marina’s murder. Back in season 1, Carla became an accessory to murder when she covered up the fact that Polo killed Marina while he was trying to retrieve her father’s watch.

As a result, a lot of people suffered in the process – including the Osuna and the Dominguez family. On the other hand, Rebeca has done whatever she could to help Samuel clear Nano’s name. It’s not hard to realize why Samuel’s family may want him to be with her.

3 Pro Carla: Trying To Protect Him From Her Father?

It’s not just Samuel’s family that could have a problem with his romance with Carla but her family too. If the season 3 interviews are anything to go by, Carla’s father is going to be a huge obstacle in preventing the two from giving their relationship another go.

Since Carla’s father had already warned her about Samuel, Carla will try to keep him at an arm’s length and not on Teo’s radar. However, this could prove to be a challenge since Lu had exposed her relationship with the delivery boy in “84 hours missing.” Carla looks like she is set to let Samuel go if it means he would be alive – which is a pretty selfless and honorable gesture.

2 Pro Rebeca: She Helped Samuel With Nano’s Bail

One of the main reasons Rebeca is better for Samuel is because of how she helped him raise money for Nano’s bail. Even though it was Polo who ended up providing the majority of the cash, Rebeca was one of the first people to offer him a job as a delivery boy for her mother.

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Although the job is risky and dangerous, Rebeca never pressures Samuel into accepting her mother’s offer. When he does accept, Rebeca makes sure that he isn’t involved in anything too extreme. It’s important to note that Carla didn’t contribute anything to Nano’s release.

1 Pro Carla: She Was Ready To Implicate Herself

When Samuel went missing in season 2, fans got to see how much each character was affected. Carla was worried her father had something to do with it. Ander thought it was Polo. Nadia thought Lu ordered a hit, and Rebeca was worried her mother’s shady business played a part.

When rumors about Samuel’s death began to circulate, it was Carla who was the first to break. Unlike Rebeca, Carla was prepared to implicate Polo, her father, and herself to ensure Samuel didn’t suffer the same fate as Christian. She was prepared to go to jail if it meant he could be found. This itself just proves how much she loved him.

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