Personality is just something that money can’t buy but don’t tell that to the teenagers on Netflix’s hit series Élite. In their world money can buy almost anything, from the mansion they live in, to the friends they hang out with. This social club mainly consists of the very rich but occasionally a few pretenders will join the fray.

At least, until those present finds out the truth. When that happens there is always a price to pay when the claws come out. For fans of the show, it might be surprising to find out just which characters are the thinkers, artists, and protectors in the series, judged by their MBTIs.

10 Lucrecia: ENTJ

The old saying money is the root of all evil might not exactly be about Lucrecia but it fits her as well as Cinderella’s glass slipper fits her. Growing up rich, it is all Lucrecia knows and is basically one of the only things she cares enough about to hold on to. She feels naturally threatened by outsiders and change makes her quite uncomfortable. She has an unsympathetic nature that makes her appear to be emotionless. However, this like many other things about her, is a deception, since it is through these hidden emotions that her aggression takes shape.

9 Guzmán: ISFJ

Some people get so caught up with protecting the normalcy of their situation that they lose sight that sometimes change is beneficial. On the outside, it doesn’t appear that there is much to Guzmán but deep inside, he has a pretty convoluted personality. Though, sometimes his nicer side seems to be almost non-existent, especially when around his more jaded friends. First and foremost, Guzmán is a protector. Change is threatening to him and he will do anything to prevent it from sprouting in his social circle. While sometimes overly protective, he has proven to be a reliable friend.


8 Ander: INFJ

Sometimes trying to be perfect causes cracks within a person’s disposition. Cracks that can sometimes break their entire foundation if not fixed. Ander has tried to be the perfect son by always excelling in anything he set his mind to. However, deep inside, his life is a constant struggle, as he tries his hardest to hide his homosexuality from his family.

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The stress placed on his already sensitive demeanor was the root cause of his drug addiction. If there is one thing that Ander cherishes, it is his close connection with his best friends.

7 Valerio: ESTP

Valerio isn’t always what he tries to appear to be. On the outside, he just seems like a trouble-maker. In fact, that is partly why the girls love him so much. He is exciting and willing to try new things and explore his sexuality whenever he can. Though, his drug addiction has sometimes clouded his judgment. These lapses in judgment are some of Valerio’s deepest regrets but instead of dwelling on them, he actively tries to change his life for the better. Sadly, that means cutting out some of the bad apples that bring out the worst in him.

6 Cayteana: ESFP

In this world, there are those who are comfortable in their own shoes and those who spend their lives pretending that a certain shoe fits. Cayteana is so caught up in trying to be like everyone else that she completely loses sight of how far down her lies have taken her. Because she is so fixated on the here and now, she can never see that she is going down a dead-end road. Cayteana is spontaneous and loves trying new things. She has an impulsive nature that causes her to act first and think later.

5 Rebeca: ENFJ

Cayteana is not the only person at her school that feels that they don’t belong. Rebeca’s mother acquired her fortune by selling drugs to kids. Because of her indecisive nature, Rebeca never has a plan on how she will come to terms with this, even though her conscience is constantly in crisis mode. She has made poor mistakes in her life but that doesn’t mean she is a bad person.

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In fact, she is actually very understanding of the plights of others. Partly because she understands what it feels like to be an outsider.

4 Carla: INTP

Everyone wants to be in the elite class but hardly anyone actually contemplates what it’s like to live in such a secluded bubble. Because of her social status, Carla understands the significance of not straying too far from the rich kids for fear of being ridiculed or becoming a pariah among her friends. However, after meeting Samuel, Carla feels freed from her restrictive bonds. She enjoys her independence as she is finally able to express her true feelings without the fear of rejection. Sadly, her parents keep drawing her back to a life she hates.

3 Nadia: ESTJ

Moderation is always a good thing, no matter if someone is a free thinker or has a more traditional mindset. Nadia understands what her parents expect of her and she doesn’t want to let them down. Their opinions matter, but so does her feelings. She struggles to hold on to her traditional Muslim values while trying to let loose when in the company of her friends. Nadia is extremely intelligent and has life goals that she refuses to let go under any circumstance. This practical approach to life helps her stay balanced.

2 Polo: ENFP

It is sometimes hard for those who don’t always have the strongest voice to stand out among the more boisterous. Polo has suffered from this problem his entire life. His money gives him the popularity that he desires but unlike some of the others in his social circle, he doesn’t always feel that it gives him the ability to say or think for himself.

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Polo is very loyal to his friends and even to his last breath, the feelings of others still matter greatly to him. He resists conflict whenever presented with it but will occasionally speak his mind.

1 Samuel: ESFJ

To Samuel, fitting in isn’t worth selling his soul over. He prefers to stay true to who he is as an individual and let others decide whether he fits into their own lives. If he doesn’t, then he will not hold a grudge against them for walking away. In fact, Samuel rarely holds a grudge about anything. When his brother sleeps with his girlfriend, Samuel ultimately forgives him. He is dedicated to his family and those he cares about. He always remains loyal, even if it would be easier to give in to the temptation of being dishonest.

NextThe Vampire Diaries: Damon’s 10 Wisest Quotes

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