Netflix’s Hypnotic tells a gripping story about what can go wrong when an evil hypnotherapist is given free rein over his unsuspecting patients. The movie has a lot of unforgettable lines that likely stay with viewers long after they’re done watching the film.

From Wade’s impressive police work to Dr. Meade’s unnerving advice, there are a ton of great quotes from the thriller. Most of these lines unsurprisingly come from the cunning therapist himself, as Dr. Meade’s manipulation of Jenn is the movie’s central focus.

Jenn Tompson:

“Didn’t Know Therapists Could Hang Out With Their Clients.”

One of the first red flags for both Jenn and the viewers shows up within the first few minutes of the film. Dr. Meade’s presence at Gina’s housewarming party underscores how little he cares about crossing professional and personal boundaries.


Jenn should’ve taken her joke a lot more seriously, as it’s a bad sign that Dr. Meade flirts with her while simultaneously suggesting that she become his client. This fateful first meeting is the start of a disastrous chain of events for the software engineer.

Dr. Collin Meade:

“The Important Thing To Remember Is That Being A Victim Is A Choice, And We Can Let Our Hardships Define Us, Consume Us, Or We Can Accept The Extraordinary Abilities That We Have In This Life To Create The Outcome We Choose.”

Dr. Meade will likely never be considered one of the best movie psychiatrists, as his advice and motives are more questionable than helpful. He tries to relate to Jenn by saying that they’ve both experienced tragic loss, but tells her that being “a victim is a choice.”

Instead of helping Jenn cope with her loss in healthy ways like a good therapist would, Dr. Meade encourages her to simply choose not to be consumed by her grief. He creates a believable illusion that she’s healing in order to buy more time to infiltrate her subconscious.

Gina Kelman:

“Your Life Is A Vortex Of Crap Right Now.”

As Jenn’s supportive best friend, Gina is unfortunately caught in the crossfire between Jenn and Dr. Meade. She’s extremely jealous of the therapist’s unique approach to Jenn’s situation and insists on trying hypnotherapy so she can conquer her fears.

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Without her, Jenn would’ve never realized that her “life is a vortex of crap” following her messy breakup with Brian and the devastating miscarriage that caused it. Audiences likely don’t blame Gina for feeling slightly bitter that she watched Jenn turn things around through hypnotherapy. She definitely did not expect how that one small decision would end in tragedy for her, though.

Dr. Collin Meade (Quoting Dr. Xavier Sullivan):

“Prosaic Methods Are Reserved For The Unimaginative. One In Search Of Lasting Results Dares To Open The Mind.”

Hypnotic doesn’t do a great job of portraying psychological concepts accurately and is more concerned with providing audiences with a thrilling viewing experience. Psychologists will likely criticize the movie for its demonization of hypnotherapy and its effects. That said, it’s still fascinating to look at Dr. Meade’s motivation and inspiration for his cruel mind tricks.

According to Dr. Meade, he learned everything about how to “open the mind” through hypnotherapy from his mentor, who is later revealed to be his deceased father. It’s not too far-fetched to imagine that his father likely used the same unorthodox methods on unwitting victims and was cunning enough to avoid getting caught.

Dr. Collin Meade:

“Wanna Make God Laugh, Tell Him Your Plans.”

When Jenn presses Dr. Meade to share more personal details about his life, he tells her a sad story about how he lost the love of his life a few years back. They were supposed to do everything a young married couple does, but Amy’s life was cut short for an unspecified reason.

His inability to cope with the death of his wife becomes the motivation Dr. Meade needs to victimize young women who look just like her. He refuses to let go of his potential future with his wife, even if it means replacing her with an unwilling lookalike.

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Dr. Collin Meade:

“Andrea, This Is How The World Ends.”

The first few moments of the film set the tone for the rest of the thriller, as it features Dr. Meade’s most recent victim, Andrea. She runs away from an unseen assailant and is able to reach an elevator, only to receive a deadly phone call.

Dr. Meade simply has to utter the trigger words to put her in a state of extreme fear. Because she has claustrophobia, she starts hallucinating that the walls are closing in on her before dying of a heart attack. This is the same line Dr. Meade uses to trigger Gina’s hallucination of a spider later on, and her arachnophobia, unfortunately, causes her to crash her car.

Dr. Collin Meade:

“Jennifer, Carry The Fire.”

The mind-blowing moment in the psychological thriller comes when Jenn recalls exactly what took place on the night of Brian’s accident. She’s mortified when she realizes that after hearing the trigger words from Dr. Meade, she went and bought the sesame oil that would cause Brian’s allergy attack that evening.

These trigger words are Dr. Meade’s biggest weapon. As soon as he performs hypnotherapy on patients like Jenn, Gina, and Andrea, he’s able to implant them in their minds and activate them remotely whenever he wants to.

Detective Wade Rollins:

“That Was Always The Key. Patterns.”

Wade could star in his own detective movie thanks to the clues he collects throughout the course of Hypnotic. He’s able to piece together the bigger picture and find out exactly what Dr. Meade has been doing with his clients and how.

When he confronts the psychiatrist in his office, Wade tells him about his fondness for patterns and how it eventually led to his desire to join the police force. He’s obviously threatening Dr. Meade during this tense scene, letting him know that he has him figured out.

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Dr. Collin Meade:

“I Know There’s Been A Lot Of Build-Up And Anticipation, But That’s Just The Romantic In Me.”

One of the most terrifying scenes in the movie happens when Dr. Meade breaks into Jenn’s apartment. He showcases his alarming level of control over her by telling her to stop running, which immediately causes Jenn to freeze and lose agency over her body.

Dr. Meade’s true colors come out when he walks around her and gets angry about her lack of trust. His twisted ideas about romance and how they’re meant to be together are even more jarring to listen to because Jenn is frozen in the middle of the room.

Dr. Collin Meade:

“I Promise, My Love.”

When Jenn asks for help from another psychiatrist who can perform hypnotherapy to find out exactly what Dr. Meade has been doing to her, they find out that he’s put a mental lock in place. Dr. Stella has a brilliant idea of implanting her own trigger words in Jenn’s mind, as these can act as a counter trigger when the time comes.

Towards the end of the film, Dr. Meade uses the word “my love” as he comforts Jenn. This simple phrase snaps her out of the illusion, just as Dr. Stella intended. It’s chilling to think about what could have happened if Jenn never realized it wasn’t actually Wade she was talking to in that scene.

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